Got a script you want added? Then just fork the GitHub repository and submit a PR. All contributions accepted (including fixes)
Just ensure:
- The header of the script matches the standard used in all scripts
- The script uses the Unity.UI.Extensions namespace so they do not affect any other developments
- Ensure there are no unnecessary "usings" declarations in the script to avoid warning notices
- Try where possible to annotate your code, so it's clear what each part does (also add TOOLTIPS to any public parameters)
- (optional) Add Component and Editor options where possible (editor options are in the Editor\UIExtensionsMenuOptions.cs file)
If you wish to further support the Unity UI Extensions project itself, then you can either subsidize your downloads above, or using the links below.
All funds go to support the project, no matter the amount. Donations in code are also extremely welcome
(PayPal account not required and you can remain anonymous if you wish)
You can follow the UI Extensions team for updates and news on: