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1056 lines (829 loc) · 32.6 KB


🍫 Node.js wrapper around Rainbow Six: Siege API

License Version Latest release NPM weakly downloads Discord guild

Table of Contents



$ yarn add r6api.js
# OR
$ npm install r6api.js


To setup this package, you need to provide Ubisoft account credentials (email and password). Credentials should be handled as you would handle any other secure value, it is recommended to use dotenv package to load environment variables from a .env.

Do not use your real Ubisoft account. It is highly recommended to create a new account for using this package. Visit to create new account.


const R6API = require('r6api.js').default;

// // Or ES6 way
// import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
// dotenv.config();
// import R6API from 'r6api.js';

const { UBI_EMAIL: email = '', UBI_PASSWORD: password = '' } = process.env;
const r6api = new R6API({ email, password });

// export default async () => { // ES6
exports.default = async () => {

  const username = 'Daniel.Nt';
  const platform = 'uplay';

  const { 0: player } = await r6api.findByUsername(platform, username);
  if (!player) return 'Player not found';

  const { 0: stats } = await r6api.getStats(platform,;
  if (!stats) return 'Stats not found';
  const { pvp: { general } } = stats;

  return `${player.username} has played ${general.matches} matches.`;

Daniel.Nt has played 5648 matches.


Table of Contents


Param Type Description
platform string Either uplay (pc), xbl (Xbox Live) or psn (PlayStation Network)
platformAll string platform, steam, epic or amazon
username/s string | string[]
id/s string | string[]



Param Type Required Default Description
email string false Ubisoft account email
password string false Ubisoft account password
ubiAppId string false Ubi-AppId header value
authFileDirPath string false Path for directory where authentication file is stored
authFileName string false Name for authentication file
authFilePath string false If set authFileDirPath and authFileName options are being ignored
const { UBI_EMAIL: email = '', UBI_PASSWORD: password = '' } = process.env;
const r6api = new R6API({ email, password });


Find player by their username.

Usernames limit: 50

(platformAll, username/s) => Promise<Array>

await r6api.findByUsername('uplay', 'Daniel.Nt');
    id: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    userId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    idOnPlatform: '0B95544B-0228-49A7-B338-6D15CFBC3D6A',
    platform: 'uplay',
    username: 'Daniel.Nt',
    avatar: {
      '146': '',
      '256': '',
      '500': ''


Find player by their id.

Ids limit: 50

(platformAll | 'all', id/s, options?) => Promise<Array>


Param Type Required Default Description
isUserId boolean false false Whether id is userId or not
// search by profileId (id)
await r6api.findById('all', '91477729-b5ac-463c-9618-03ca154764f5');
// search by userId
await r6api.findById('all', '1baf5bf8-90cd-4ead-8b90-9a11cb2b8adf', { isUserId: true });
// search by idOnPlatform
await r6api.findById('xbl', '2535406338711362');
await r6api.findById('uplay', '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a');
    id: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    userId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    idOnPlatform: '0B95544B-0228-49A7-B338-6D15CFBC3D6A',
    platform: 'uplay',
    username: 'Daniel.Nt',
    avatar: {
      '146': '',
      '256': '',
      '500': ''


Get playtime of a player.

Ids limit: 200

(platform, id/s) => Promise<Array>

await r6api.getPlaytime('uplay', '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a');
    id: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    pvp: {
      general: 5984372,
      ranked: 5312097,
      casual: 614423,
      custom: 974,
      other: 56878
    pve: {
      general: 292574


Get level, xp and alpha pack drop chance of a player.

Ids limit: 200

(platform, id/s) => Promise<Array>

await r6api.getProgression('uplay', '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a');
    id: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    level: 297,
    xp: 73534,
    lootboxProbability: {
      raw: 820,
      percent: '8.20%'


Get seasonal stats of a player.

Ids limit: 200

(platform, id/s, options?) => Promise<Array>


Param Type Required Default Description
seasonIds number | number[] | string false -1 Numbers from 6 to 26 or -1 or 'all'
regionIds string | string[] false ['emea', 'ncsa', 'apac'] 'emea', 'ncsa', 'apac' or 'all'
boardIds string | string[] false ['pvp_ranked', 'pvp_casual', 'pvp_newcomer', 'pvp_event'] 'pvp_ranked', 'pvp_casual', 'pvp_newcomer' or 'pvp_event'

Seasons reference

ID Name ID Name ID Name
6 Health 13 Burnt Horizon 20 Neon Dawn
7 Blood Orchid 14 Phantom Sight 21 Crimson Heist
8 White Noise 15 Ember Rise 22 North Star
9 Chimera 16 Shifting Tides 23 Crystal Guard
10 Para Bellum 17 Void Edge 24 High Calibre
11 Grim Sky 18 Steel Wave 25 Demon Veil
12 Wind Bastion 19 Shadow Legacy 26 Vector Glare

Note: -1 will always return current season

Regions reference

Shorthand Meaning
emea Europe, Middle East and Africa
ncsa North, Central and South America
apac Asia Pacific

Note: Since Steal Wave (18) all regions will return same data

Boards reference

Minimum Season ID Board ID
6 pvp_ranked
12 pvp_newcomer
15 pvp_casual
16 pvp_event

Note: Returns empty array if boardId is pvp_newcomer and seasonId is 21 or above

Note: topRankPosition will always return 0 if board is not 'pvp_ranked'

Note: Ubisoft doesn't provide data for seasons before Operation Health (6) if board is pvp_ranked, Ember Rise (15) if board is pvp_casual, Wind Bastion (12) if board is pvp_event or Shifting Tides (16) if board is pvp_event

await r6api.getRanks('uplay', '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a', { regionIds: 'emea', boardIds: 'pvp_ranked' })
    id: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    seasons: {
      '26': {
        seasonId: 26,
        seasonName: 'Vector Glare',
        seasonColor: '#60cdb0',
        seasonImage: '',
        seasonReleaseDate: '2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z',
        regions: {
          emea: {
            regionId: 'emea',
            regionName: 'Europe, Middle East and Africa',
            boards: {
              pvp_ranked: {
                boardId: 'pvp_ranked',
                boardName: 'Ranked',
                skillMean: 28.6854005388,
                skillStdev: 7.7598549438,
                current: {
                  id: 0,
                  name: 'Unranked',
                  mmr: 2869,
                  icon: ''
                max: {
                  id: 0,
                  name: 'Unranked',
                  mmr: 0,
                  icon: ''
                lastMatch: {
                  result: 'unknown',
                  mmrChange: 0,
                  skillMeanChange: 0,
                  skillStdevChange: 0
                pastSeasons: {
                  wins: 2216,
                  losses: 2076,
                  winRate: '51.63%',
                  matches: 4292,
                  abandons: 18
                previousMmr: 0,
                nextMmr: 0,
                topRankPosition: 0,
                kills: 0,
                deaths: 0,
                kd: 0,
                wins: 0,
                losses: 0,
                winRate: '0.00%',
                matches: 0,
                abandons: 0,
                updateTime: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'

Note: kills, deaths, kd, topRankPosition and everything under lastMatch only available for seasons including and after Phantom Sight (14) for older seasons it will return 0 or 'unknown' in case of lastMatch.result

Note: If player is unranked their max mmr (max.mmr) will always be 0 (it's always 0 for casual)

Note: Values for previousMmr, nextMmr, topRankPosition, and max.mmr will always be 0, will always be Unranked if boardId is pvp_casual


⚠️ API endpoint for getStats haven't been getting updates since High Calibre (see: #78).

Get summary stats of a player.

Ids limit: 200

(platform, id/s, options?) => Promise<Array>


Param Type Required Default Description
raw boolean false false Include raw API response
categories string[] false Requests all Categories to request

Categories reference

pvp pve

general generalpvp generalpve

operators operatorspvp operatorspve

weapons weaponspvp weaponspve

queues queuespvp queuespve modes modespvp modespve

ranked casual custom

local coop normal hard realistic normallocal hardlocal realisticlocal normalcoop hardcoop realisticcoop

bomb secureArea hostage elimination

disarmBomb protectHostage extractHostage

await r6api.getStats('uplay', '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a');
    id: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    pvp: {
      general: [Object],
      operators: [Object],
      weapons: [Object],
      queues: [Object],
      modes: [Object]
    pve: {
      general: [Object],
      operators: [Object],
      weapons: [Object],
      queues: [Object],
      modes: [Object]

Note: Ubisoft stopped recording bulletsFired for pvp long time ago, don't rely on it

Note: distanceTravelled value might be overflowed due to Ubisoft storing it in 32-bit int

Full response


Get Rainbow Six: Siege servers status.

() => Promise<Array>

await r6api.getStatus();
    appId: '8956241d-236d-4dbd-9e1e-bf6ed133773a',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - China - PC - LIVE',
    spaceId: '',
    mdm: '23702',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PC',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - PC - LIVE',
    spaceId: '',
    mdm: '4073',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PC',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: 'fb4cc4c9-2063-461d-a1e8-84a7d36525fc',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - PS4 - LIVE',
    spaceId: '05bfb3f7-6c21-4c42-be1f-97a33fb5cf66',
    mdm: '14922',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PS4',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: '6e3c99c9-6c3f-43f4-b4f6-f1a3143f2764',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - PS5 - LIVE',
    spaceId: '96c1d424-057e-4ff7-860b-6b9c9222bdbf',
    mdm: '25365',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'PS5',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: '76f580d5-7f50-47cc-bbc1-152d000bfe59',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - XBOX SERIES X - LIVE',
    spaceId: '631d8095-c443-4e21-b301-4af1a0929c27',
    mdm: '25366',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'XBOX SERIES X',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []
    appId: '4008612d-3baf-49e4-957a-33066726a7bc',
    name: 'Rainbow Six Siege - XBOXONE - LIVE',
    spaceId: '98a601e5-ca91-4440-b1c5-753f601a2c90',
    mdm: '4075',
    category: 'Instance',
    platform: 'XBOXONE',
    status: 'Online',
    maintenance: null,
    impactedFeatures: []


Get status of a player.

Ids limit: 50

(id/s, options?) => Promise<Array>


Param Type Required Default Description
fetchApplications boolean false false Make another API request to get additional information about applications

Note: Takes userId instead of profileId (id) like most methods

await r6api.getUserStatus('0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a');
    userId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    status: 'online',
    applications: [
        id: '685a3038-2b04-47ee-9c5a-6403381a46aa',
        name: null,
        platform: null,
        profileId: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
        createdAt: '2022-06-30T05:52:08.0285494Z',
        lastModifiedAt: '2022-06-30T05:52:08.0285494Z'
    manuallySet: null


Get information about applications of a player.

Ids limit: 100

(id/s, options?) => Promise<Array>


Param Type Required Default Description
fetchApplications boolean false false Make another API request to get additional information about applications
await r6api.getProfileApplications('0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a');
    id: '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a',
    applications: [
        id: '46f0b36b-b947-4d9c-b9dc-9a34b52ab59a',
        name: null,
        platform: null,
        sessionsPlayed: 10,
        daysPlayed: 7,
        lastPlayedAt: '2020-10-27T17:11:38.771Z',
        firstPlayedAt: '2019-04-19T22:05:01.850Z'
        id: '87843b9b-516d-4a58-824b-f658d1361ad1',
        name: null,
        platform: null,
        sessionsPlayed: 2,
        daysPlayed: 2,
        lastPlayedAt: '2016-03-21T18:28:25.434Z',
        firstPlayedAt: '2016-03-18T16:18:43.603Z'
        id: 'a427a342-56bb-437b-b835-fa695c75893b',
        name: 'Tom Clancy\'s Rainbow Six Siege - Test Server',
        platform: 'PC',
        sessionsPlayed: 137,
        daysPlayed: 72,
        lastPlayedAt: '2020-11-16T05:35:45.229Z',
        firstPlayedAt: '2017-06-01T20:10:13.424Z'
        id: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40',
        name: 'Tom Clancy\'s Rainbow Six Siege',
        platform: 'PC',
        sessionsPlayed: 2344,
        daysPlayed: 1221,
        lastPlayedAt: '2021-02-04T12:35:13.173Z',
        firstPlayedAt: '2015-12-01T19:33:41.284Z'
        id: 'f68a4bb5-608a-4ff2-8123-be8ef797e0a6',
        name: null,
        platform: null,
        sessionsPlayed: 1919,
        daysPlayed: 1551,
        lastPlayedAt: '2021-08-01T08:45:05.344Z',
        firstPlayedAt: '2015-12-01T19:31:18.107Z'


Get information about applications.

Ids limit: 50

(id/s) => Promise<Array>

await r6api.getApplications('e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40');
    id: 'e3d5ea9e-50bd-43b7-88bf-39794f4e3d40',
    name: 'Tom Clancy\'s Rainbow Six Siege',
    platform: 'PC',
    spaceId: '5172a557-50b5-4665-b7db-e3f2e8c5041d'


Validate username.

(username) => Promise<Object>

await r6api.validateUsername('gamerflick360');
  valid: false,
  validationReports: [
      message: '\'flick\' matches \'flick\'',
      categories: [
      severity: 'high',
      locale: 'en-US',
      errorCode: 1013,
      suggestions: null


Get Rainbow Six: Siege News.

(options?) => Promise<Object>


Param Type Required Default Description
raw boolean false false Include raw API response
category string false 'all' 'all', 'game-updates', 'patch-notes', 'community', 'store', 'esports'
media string false 'all' 'all', 'news', 'videos'
placement string false '' Ex: 'featured-news-article'
limit number false 6
skip number false 0
startIndex number false 0
locale string false 'en-gb'
fallbackLocale string false 'en-us'
await r6api.getNews({ limit: 1 });
  total: 739,
  limit: 1,
  categories: 'all',
  media: 'all',
  skip: 0,
  startIndex: 0,
  placement: [],
  tags: [
    'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege'
  items: [
      id: '1uZdddmRtdurvyiLb1PLjY',
      title: 'Arcade Game Mode: Golden Gun Team Deathmatch',
      abstract: 'From June 28th to July 5th, the action will take you around Coastline, Close Quarter and Neighborhood in a Team Deathmatch with a very special weapon: the Golden Gun.',
      thumbnail: {
        url: '',
        description: ''
      content: 'Golden Gun is back with a twist! Arcade game modes are playlists that offer small scale gameplay modifiers for a limited time, and each might come back in the future if the community likes it. In this one, you will find yourself playing on three maps with a dangerous weapon that requires you to make every shot count.\n\n__From June 28th to July 5th, master the Golden Gun!__\n\n### ARCADE RULES\n\nIn this Arcade game mode, the action will take you around Coastline, Close Quarter and Neighborhood in a Team Deathmatch with a very special weapon: the Golden Gun. There are two things that make it very special. First, every bullet that finds its mark will instantly kill that Operator. Second, the gun only holds one bullet at a time, which means you must reload after every shot. Make every bullet count because you have no other weapons or gadgets at your disposal!  \n\nThe list of Operators has been curated for the event due to changes in main weapon, secondary weapon and gadgets. Those participating will see their speed increased to the maximum rating, keeping things fast paced and action-packed!   \n\nDuring the Golden Gun Team Deathmatch, your goal is to be the first team to reach 75 kills! The same basic rules of Deathmatch still apply, such as number of rounds and respawn parameters, so get ready to feel your adrenalin pumping.\n\n### D-50 WEAPON SKIN\n\nThis golden weapon skin, called Extravagance, will be available to unlock for the D-50 with either 12500 Renown or 300 R6 Credits. However, you will need to snag it quickly because the D-50 skin will only be available for the duration of the Arcade game mode!\n',
      description: undefined,
      categories: [
      tag: 'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege',
      placement: null,
      type: 'news',
      readTime: 2,
      url: '',
      date: 'Tue Jun 28 2022 14:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)'


Get Rainbow Six: Siege News by ID.

(id: string, options?) => Promise<Object>


Param Type Required Default Description
raw boolean false false Include raw API response
locale string false 'en-gb'
fallbackLocale string false 'en-us'
await r6api.getNewsById('4QAhnXnPk7Ffse8scw3k0Z');
  total: 3,
  tags: [
    'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege'
  item: [
      id: '4QAhnXnPk7Ffse8scw3k0Z',
      title: 'Y5S1.2 Patch Notes',
      abstract: 'The Y5S1.2 Patch will deploy to PC and Console in the week of April 20th. ',
      thumbnail: {
        url: '',
        description: ''
      content: 'The Y5S1.2 Patch will deploy to PC and Console in the week of April 20th. Please see our [Designer\'s Notes]( for more insight on the balancing changes coming with the update.\n\n# UPDATE\nUpdate - the quick match map pool will remain the same throughout Y5S1 and will rotate again in Y5S2.\n\n# BALANCING\n### BUCK \n*With you til the end of the line.*\n\n- Frag Grenades replaced with Claymores.\n- Increased Skeleton Key Magazine Capacity: \n  - Skeleton Key magazine capacity increased to 5 + 1\n  - Skeleton Key max ammo count is now 25+1\n\n### GOYO\n*Less is more.*\n\n- Reduced number of Volcán shields to 2 (down from 3).\n\n### JÄGER\n*Less of a pain-in-the-schnitzel.*\n\n- Now a 2-speed/2-armor operator.\n\n### MOZZIE\n*Still a shortie.*\n\n- Removed Super Shorty secondary.\n\n### YING\n*Lights, Camera, Action!*\n\n- Increased number of Candelas to 4 (up from 3).\n- Replaced Claymores with Smoke Grenades.\n- Increased T-95 LSW damage to 46 (up from 43).\n\n### M12 (Caveira)\n- Added a Razor Holographic Sight option to her M12.\n\n### TCSG12 (Kaid, Goyo)\n- Added an additional magazine to the TCSG12.\n- Reduced TCSG12 damage to 57 (down from 84).\n\n# BUG FIXES\n- FIXED – Barricade replication issues where the barricade is not destroyed for all players in game except the shooter.\n- FIXED – The Dynamic Play button does not update properly when last match was on an Event/Discovery playlist.\n- FIXED – Players can clip inside the excavator in EXT Construction Site of Oregon.\n- FIXED – Game boots with DX11 when players manually select the Vulkan executable in the steam installation folder.\n- FIXED – Minor menu/shop visual and cosmetic fixes.\n- FIXED – Lighting issue on Consulate map (hotfixed on PC on [March 30](',
      description: undefined,
      categories: [
      tag: 'BR-rainbow-six GA-siege',
      placement: [
      type: 'news',
      readTime: 2,
      url: '',
      date: 'Mon Apr 20 2020 21:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)'


Useful if you're familiar with Rainbow Six Siege's API; this method will make a request to a custom URL you would provide with the token in the header.

(url: string, params: any) => Promise<T>

await r6api.custom(
    'uplay', ['0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a'],
  results: {
    '0b95544b-0228-49a7-b338-6d15cfbc3d6a': {
      'operatorpvp_clash_sloweddown:3:10:infinite': 2

TypeScript integrations

This package is developed in TypeScript, and the typings are shipped along with the built package: that means that your editor should automatically detect them and give you the static type info. For a full list of supporting IDEs, please see here.

If you're coding in TypeScript you can also import the typings and use the type-checking functions provided in the utils.

import R6API, { utils, typings, constants } from 'r6api.js'

const yourVar = 'r4-c'; // any

if (utils.isWeaponName(yourVar)) {
  // Now your var has the WeaponName type

const platform = constants.PLATFORMS as typings.Platform[];


Operator Icons from