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Step-by-step guide for Akka Serialization Helper usage

This document is a guide on how to use Akka Serialization Helper in your project. If you want to get a more general view of this toolbox, see README. Moreover, it could be a good idea to see the akka-cluster-app and akka-persistence-app first as code examples of basic Akka Serialization Helper usage.

Akka Serialization Helper (ASH) has two major parts:

  1. Circe Akka Serializer
  2. Compiler Plugins

You might use ASH in a few ways:

  • Use both parts of the toolbox (best option — gives you all benefits of the toolbox and maximum runtime safety)
  • Use Circe Akka Serializer but without enabling Compiler Plugins
  • Use Compiler Plugins but not Circe Akka Serializer (if you need to stick to your current Serializer)

To use ASH (whole or a selected part), you need to first add Akka Serialization Helper in the project/plugins.sbt file and enable it in build.sbt — this is the standard way of using the toolbox. Just follow the installation instructions from README.

Alternatively — if you want to use only Circe Akka Serializer (without enabling compiler plugins) — you can add it as a standard library dependency (find new available versions under releases):

libraryDependencies += "org.virtuslab.ash" %% "circe-akka-serializer" % "Version"

How to use:

  1. Circe Akka Serializer
  2. Annotations
  3. Serializability Checker Compiler Plugin
  4. Codec Registration Checker Compiler Plugin
  5. Dump Persistence Schema Compiler Plugin
  6. ashDumpPersistenceSchema sbt task

Circe Akka Serializer

CirceAkkaSerializer is the main abstract class that you have to extend to use as the Serializer in your application. Before extending it, read Scaladoc comments available in the following files:

  • CirceAkkaSerializer.scala (the most important starting point / main abstraction)
  • CirceTraitCodec.scala (a trait that is extended by CirceAkkaSerializer and has some important vals that should be overridden in your code)
  • Register.scala (helper object with apply method that needs to be used in order to register Codecs for serializable type)
  • Registration.scala (Register.apply method returns an instance of type Registration. Registration instances are later used as registered codecs)

Scaladocs from these files and a quick read of Akka serialization guide should be enough to use Circe Akka Serializer properly. Apart from implementing the Circe Akka Serializer in scala code, remember to configure your Serializer in Akka-specific configuration file (.conf file). Two mandatory configurations are and (example below):

akka {
  actor {
    serializers {
      circe-json = "org.example.ExampleSerializer"
    serialization-bindings {
      "org.example.MySerializable" = circe-json

where org.example.ExampleSerializer is the FQCN of your Serializer which extends CirceAkkaSerializer and org.example.MySerializable is the FQCN of your top-level serializable type (trait / abstract class) that is extended by Messages / Events / States which org.example.ExampleSerializer should serialize.

Also, there are few optional configurations that you can set if you want to change the default behavior of Circe Akka Serializer:

  • org.virtuslab.ash.circe.verbose-debug-logging = on / off

on enables debug logs for each serialization / deserialization — prints info about what has been serialized/deserialized and how much time it took. Default is off.

  • org.virtuslab.ash.circe.enable-missing-codecs-check = true / false

true enables additional runtime check for possible missing codec registrations (more info about this problem in README). This is in general checked by the Codec Registration Checker Compiler Plugin during compilation, so the default is false. However, if you use only Circe Akka Serializer without compiler plugins — this check should be enabled. Be aware that enabling this check might have a slight negative impact on Serializer's performance.

  • org.virtuslab.ash.circe.compression.algorithm = gzip / off

gzip enables compression of payloads before serialization using the Gzip algorithm. Default is off (compression disabled). Choosing gzip altogether with setting proper compress-larger-than value (explained below) enables compression of payloads.

  • org.virtuslab.ash.circe.compression.compress-larger-than = 64 KiB (example value)

If org.virtuslab.ash.circe.compression.algorithm = gzip and compress-larger-than is larger than 0 KiB — each payload greater than this value will be compressed before serialization. Default value is 32 KiB. If org.virtuslab.ash.circe.compression.algorithm = off, payloads will not be compressed, regardless of the chosen compress-larger-than value.

Note — Circe Akka Serializer will perform deserialization properly for both compressed and uncompressed payloads regardless of both org.virtuslab.ash.circe.compression configurations (deserializer will recognize whether the payload has been compressed). org.virtuslab.ash.circe.compression.* settings matter only for selecting the mode of serialization.


ASH compiler plugins are driven by two annotations: @SerializabilityTrait and @Serializer. Thus, before running compilation with ASH compiler plugins, make sure that you are using these two annotations properly in the project/module where plugins will do their work. Annotations are available on the classpath for each project/module where ASH sbt plugin is enabled. If you want to use annotations in some other project/module without enabling ASH sbt plugin, add them directly to library dependencies:

import org.virtuslab.ash.AkkaSerializationHelperPlugin
val foo = project
  // ...
  .settings(libraryDependencies += AkkaSerializationHelperPlugin.annotation)


@SerializabilityTrait is an annotation that should be added to your top-level serializable type (trait mentioned in the part of Akka config). Moreover, if your top-level serializable type is extended by another trait (i.e. another, more specific marker trait that is later extended by concrete classes representing messages / events / states) — and this more specific trait is used as a type parameter in a @Serializer annotation, then such trait should also be annotated with @SerializabilityTrait annotation. Concrete classes extending serializability traits (i.e. classes that define Messages/Events/States) should not be marked with this annotation. See examples in README


@Serializer is an annotation used by the Codec Registration Checker Compiler Plugin to check if there are any missing codec registrations. Add the @Serializer annotation to each serializer listed in the part of the Akka config. Moreover, to achieve full assurance that all codecs will be registered properly — add @Serializer annotation to each class/object/trait that contains code responsible for registration of codecs. See Serializer Scaladoc for more details.

Serializability Checker Compiler Plugin

Before using this compiler plugin, make sure that you are using the @SerializabilityTrait annotation properly in code (instructions in previous section). This plugin searches for all possible Akka Messages, Events and States and checks if their supertypes are properly marked with the @SerializabilityTrait annotation.

Serializability Checker Compiler Plugin does not need additional configuration, but if you want to change its default behavior (or disable it) — you can add optional configurations as explained below:

  • --disable

The Plugin is enabled by default in each project/module where AkkaSerializationHelperPlugin is enabled. If you want to disable this particular plugin (but want to keep on using other ASH compiler plugins) — add the following setting inside build.sbt for the selected project/module:
ashSerializabilityCheckerCompilerPlugin / ashCompilerPluginEnable := false

  • --verbose

Verbose mode enables additional logs from the plugin. These logs contain detailed info about detected serializable types and annotated traits. This mode is disabled by default. If you want to enable verbose mode, add following setting:
ashSerializabilityCheckerCompilerPlugin / ashCompilerPluginVerbose := true

  • --disable-detection-generics

This option disables detection of messages/events/states based on their usage as a type parameter of certain classes — e.g. or akka.persistence.typed.scaladsl.Effect. This detection is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--disable-detection-generics"

  • --disable-detection-generic-methods

This option disables detection of messages/events/state based on their usage as generic argument to a method, e.g. This detection is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--disable-detection-generic-methods"

  • --disable-detection-methods

This option disables detection of messages/events/state based on type of arguments to a method, e.g. This detection is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--disable-detection-methods"

  • --disable-detection-untyped-methods

This option disables detection of messages/events/state based on type of arguments to a method that takes Any, used for Akka Classic. This detection is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--disable-detection-untyped-methods"

  • --disable-detection-higher-order-function

This option disables detection of messages/events/state based on return type of the function given as argument to method. This detection is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--disable-detection-higher-order-function"

  • --exclude-messages

This option disables serializability checks on all messages. These checks are enabled by default. If you want to disable them, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--exclude-messages"

  • --exclude-persistent-events

This option disables serializability checks on all persistent events. These checks are enabled by default. If you want to disable them, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--exclude-persistent-events"

  • --exclude-persistent-states

This option disables serializability checks on all persistent state classes. These checks are enabled by default. If you want to disable them, add the following setting:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--exclude-persistent-states"

  • --types-explicitly-marked-as-serializable=<type1>,<type2>,...

This option can be used to pass a comma-separated list of fully-qualified names of types that should be considered serializable by the checker, even if they do not extend a designated serializability trait. The list is empty by default. If you want to mark some types as serializable, add the following setting (here shown with sample types):

Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:serializability-checker-plugin:--types-explicitly-marked-as-serializable=scala.util.Either,scala.collection.immutable.Set"

Codec Registration Checker Compiler Plugin

Before using this compiler plugin, make sure that you are using both annotations properly. If so — the plugin can be used right away. This plugin checks whether classes marked with serializability trait are being referenced in a marked serializer, which ensures that codecs will be registered in runtime.

Note - Codec Registration Checker Compiler Plugin is useful only in projects (modules) where the @Serializer annotation is used. Therefore, if you are using Akka Serialization Helper in multiple modules but in fact use @Serializer annotation in only one module, you might disable this plugin in all other modules except the one where @Serializer annotation is used.

Codec Registration Checker Compiler Plugin does not need additional configuration, but you can change default configurations as explained below:

  • --disable

The Plugin is enabled by default in each project/module where AkkaSerializationHelperPlugin is enabled. If you want to disable this particular plugin (but want to keep on using other ASH compiler plugins) — add the following setting inside build.sbt for the selected project/module:
ashCodecRegistrationCheckerCompilerPlugin / ashCompilerPluginEnable := false

  • custom cache file path

This plugin uses a helper cache file named codec-registration-checker-cache.csv. The file is created under target/ directory of top-level project by default. This file is useful if user performs incremental compilation. If you want, you can specify your custom path instead of the default one. To do so, add following configuration to the plugin:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:codec-registration-checker-plugin:PATH_TO_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY"

Dump Persistence Schema Compiler Plugin

Dump Persistence Schema Compiler Plugin does not need additional configuration, but you can change default configurations as explained below:

  • --disable

The Plugin is enabled by default in each project/module where AkkaSerializationHelperPlugin is enabled. If you want to disable this particular plugin (but want to keep on using other ASH compiler plugins) — add the following setting inside build.sbt for the selected project/module:
ashDumpPersistenceSchemaCompilerPlugin / ashCompilerPluginEnable := false

  • --verbose

Verbose mode enables additional logs from the plugin. These logs contain detailed info about detected persistence schema. This mode is disabled by default. If you want to enable verbose mode, add following setting:
ashDumpPersistenceSchemaCompilerPlugin / ashCompilerPluginVerbose := true

  • custom cache file path

This plugin creates a set of helper temporary Json files (used later by the ashDumpPersistenceSchema task). These files are saved under a temporary directory - dump-persistence-schema-cache/. The dump-persistence-schema-cache/ directory is created under target/ directory of top-level project by default. If you want, you can change the default target/ directory to a custom directory of your choice. So that the dump-persistence-schema-cache/ directory with json files would be created under the custom dir. To do so, add following configuration to the plugin:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:dump-persistence-schema-plugin:PATH_TO_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY"

Dump Persistence Schema Compiler Plugin prepares data for the ashDumpPersistenceSchema sbt task, which creates the final output for user.

ashDumpPersistenceSchema sbt task

The ashDumpPersistenceSchema sbt task dumps schema of akka-persistence to a yaml file. This is the only part of ASH that has to be invoked explicitly as a sbt task (sbt ashDumpPersistenceSchema). If you want to use this task, Dump Persistence Schema Compiler Plugin must not be disabled.

Default output file for this task is s"${name.value}-dump-persistence-schema-${version.value}.yaml" (name.value and version.value are resolved by sbt on your project). If you want to have a custom name for this file, add following setting:
ashDumpPersistenceSchema / ashDumpPersistenceSchemaOutputFilename := "CUSTOM_FILE_NAME"

Mentioned file is saved under the target/ directory of top-level project by default. If you want to change the default output directory, add following setting:
ashDumpPersistenceSchema / ashDumpPersistenceSchemaOutputDirectoryPath := "CUSTOM_PATH"

Note — you don't have to invoke sbt compile before running this task. If compilation is needed (e.g. after sbt clean or changing branch) — ashDumpPersistenceSchema task will start compilation before dumping the schema to the yaml file.