Marxan is the most widely used decision-support software for conservation planning globally, and supports the design of cost-efficient networks that meet conservation targets for biodiversity.
- Administrative Regions
- Protected Areas
- Human footprint
- Species range datasets
- World Terrestrial Ecosystems
Datasets with a size lower than 5gb, will have a full automated pipe and be directly stored on the Geo-processing DB as part of the initial available data; this includes:
- Protected Areas
- Administrative regions
- World Terrestrial Ecosystems
For those datasets that are over 5gb in terms of storage; a different approach is needed; this will be an on demand one, similar to what Andrew did for GBIF, and will have a pipe triggered by user needs trying to avoid as much as possible duplicities in storage:
- IUCN species range
- Human footprint
- Hansen forest cover
This are the main operations handled by the service
- Format conversion
- Re-projection
- Validation
- Geometry sanitization (Repair and simplification)
- Spatial intersection
- Area calculation
- Split by property
- Stratification; special spatial intersection
- Serve vector tiles from the db on the fly with a Redis cache upfront
- Raster management