###Version 2.3 August 30, 2024
Added capacity for Shapemapper to process and output N7-G modification information (see *profile.txtga, *.mutga files).
Added ability for renderfigures to visualize raw and normalized N7-G reactivity rate.
Added --N7 Flag. Enables toggling of N7 Data processing / output
Added --pernt-norm-factor-threshold flag. Sets minimum number of nucleotides with quality reactivity information needed for per-nt normalization.
Temp file now deleted upon run completion by default. Add --output-temp to arguments to avoid this.
c++ code modified to ignore mutations involving positions within 3 NT of forward and reverse primer sites. These nucleotides are effectively set to "no data".
Added an N7-G quality control filter detecting low N7-G reactivity. If trigerred, N7-G output files will be deleted and N7-G reactivity will not be visualized. This may be bypassed with the --ignore_low_N7 flag.
Added --bypass_filters flag. Equivalent to passing --ignore_low_N7, and --pernt-norm-factor-threshold 1.
Bowtie2 wrapper output filtering changed to remove Warning about reads failing to align because they are < 2 characters long or beacause length was <= seed mismatches.
If normalized reactivtities are found to be infinite, they are set to np.nan instead.
high mutation threshold in N1/3 dms quality control check has been modified. (A: 0.02 -> 0.05; C 0.02 -> 0.05; U 0.005 -> 0.01)
Updated normalization scheme to account for purine and pyrimidine in N7-G reactivity normalization. Additionally, highly protected bases (bases in which background is higher than the modified treatment) are set to a normalized value of 3.32.
Fixed inability of --N7 runs to be performed in parallel when using bowtie2 aligner.
Fixed error arising in per nucleotide normalization when the 90th and 95th percetile of reactivities are the same.
Fixed error arising when fastq files had additional text besides "+" in the third field.
Fixed error that prevented --amplicon and --correct-seq from being used simultaneously.
- Added dmsmode option for DMS-specific data processing workflow to obtain highly specific probing signals at all four nucleobases. Read dmsmode documentation in docs for more information.
- Fixed unintended bug in prior versions that kept paired unmerged reads from being analyzed jointly. This bug-fix improves accuracy of amplicon mode and also permits measurement of correlated modications in unmerged read mates, enabling long-range PAIR measurement.
- Implement place-holder fix for a bug that caused ShapeMapper to hang in parallel mode with --star-aligner option. Now, when -star-aligner mode is selected, --serial mode is automatically turned on
- Updated build instructions to make it easier to build binaries
No future updates are planned beyond this final release.
- Fixed bug in reported median mutation rates in histogram figures (previous ShapeMapper versions actually displayed the 5th percentile)
- Added guidance for running ShapeMapper components piecemeal (see Modular workflow)
- Added output histogram plot of un-normalized ln(mut_rate_modified/mut_rate_untreated)
- Reorganized list of ShapeMapper dependencies (see Building)
- Adjusted --min-mutation-separation 0 behavior to match expectations
- Added missing --output-aligned-reads option
- Allow --input_is_unpaired argument to shapemapper_mutation_parser to override flags present in SAM alignment
- Fixed issue with unit test paths on machines outside the build environment
- Fixed issue with undocumented --separate-ambig-counts param
- Exposed bowtie2 effort params -R and -D as --max-reseed and --max-search-depth
- Added a more helpful error message in certain cases of missing input files
- Added error messages when attempting to run on a Mac or run when executables are not present
- Added a top-level CMakeLists to simplify most common build situation
- Documentation reorganized and expanded
- Fix for crash with folder names shorter than 3 characters
- Amplicon primer pair mapping filters
- Now using paired-end alignment mode for paired reads that fail to merge
- Added test for overall pipeline accuracy on a small example dataset
- Added simplified reactivity profile outputs suitable for direct import into VARNA or Ribosketch (see Coloring by SHAPE reactivity).
- Refactored much of MutationCounter and MutationParser
- Refactored Read class and used throughout
- Moved all mutation processing and filtering functions from MutationCounter to MutationParser
- Incorporated previously debug outputs into primary output of MutationParser
- Debug mutation rendering (--render-mutations) reworked
- Provides more detailed information about each mutation processing step and quality filters
- Outputs a multi-page pdf file scaled to fit the width specified by --max-paired-fragment-length
- Added end-to-end tests for unpaired inputs
- Bugfix for log file path when --name provided
- Exposed STAR --genomeSAindexNbase parameter
- Added option to automatically rerun with defined --genomeSAindexNbase in the case of STAR segfault (see STAR parameters)
- Excluded lowercase sequence from mutation rate histogram plots
- Added --per-read-histograms option and disabled by default
- Print all subprocess stdout/stderrs to main log file if run failed and --verbose
- Fix for crash with large --random-primer-len
- Fix for execution in Slurm cluster environments
- Added error message for all-lowercase input sequence
- Third-party conda package fixes
- Bamtools CMake fixes to accommodate recent repo changes
- Added simple read length and mutations per read histogram outputs
- Support passing target sequences directly on commandline
- Various fixes to ease remote builds
- Exit with error if tests fail
- Error message if FASTQ files present in a provided --folder without R1 or R2 in filename
- Bugfix for sequence names with spaces
- Softened data quality warning message
- Added more detailed output for intermediate single read classified mutation files.
- Added grip-rendered README.
- Added license
- Updated README
- Allow pipeline to run to completion even if some RNAs have no mapped reads
- Updated STAR aligner suggestion message for long RNAs
- Updated thirdparty package management scripts
- Moved some utility scripts to separate repo
- Bugfix for partial argument parsing
- Fix for bowtie2 component failure detection
- Clarified error message for filename collisions
- Do not render pipeline flowchart by default (controlled with --render-flowchart)
- Removed some large unused test files
- Quality control checks more readable
- Detailed quality control descriptions in docs/quality_control.md
- File format descriptions in docs/file_formats.md
- Softened quality control warning text
- Better --version and --help handling
- Files under active development conditionally excluded from tarball
- Changed default --min-mutation-separation to 6
- Added post-alignment basecall quality filter for mutation counting. Controlled by the --min-qual-to-count parameter (default=30). Effective read depths are now calculated using only positions with high-quality basecalls.
- Fixed speed problem with STAR end-to-end tests
- Fixed issue with --correct-seq crashing with regions of zero coverage
- Fixed issue with --correct-seq causing downstream crash if sequence length changed.
- Bugfix release. Updated run_example.sh, log file location, STAR aligner warning, and quality control warning for RNAs with long names.
- Multiple RNA support
- Provide one or more FASTA files with one or multiple target sequences in each file.
- By default, normalize reactivity profiles as a group (disable with --indiv-norm)
- Unpaired read support
- Masked region support
- Lowercase nucleotides in sequence will be excluded from reactivity profile calculation.
- Useful for primer binding regions in targeted primer experiments
- Quality control checks and warnings
- Good read depths
- Mutation rates higher in modified sample than in untreated
- Expected number of highly reactive nucleotides
- Not too many high background positions
- Exclude mutations and depths over 3-prime random primer binding portion of reads with the --random-primer-len parameter
- STAR aligner support (--star-aligner). Recommended for large RNAs, as it can be much faster than Bowtie2.
- Intermediate/debug file output options
- Aligned reads (--output-aligned)
- Parsed mutations (--output-parsed)
- Classified mutations (--output-classified)
- Counted mutations (--output-counted)
- Rendered mutations (--render-mutations). This will generate a postscript image showing a subset of reads with parsed mutations and the adjusted mutations that ultimately contribute to profile calculation shown above and below the read, respectively.
- Realign ambiguously-located deletions and insertions to their leftmost valid positions and include in reactivity profile calculation. This empirically produces more accurate profiles than excluding ambiguous mutations.
- Combine mutations separated by up to 11 unchanged reference nucleotides. This empirically produces more accurate profiles than only combining immediately adjacent mutations. This threshold can be changed with --min-mutation-separation.
- Occluded depth correction support. Under this scheme, multinuc mutations do not contribute to the read depth calculation, since they effectively prevent the detection of any modification within that region. Disable with --no-occluded-depth-correction
- Options to exclude inserts, deletions, or ambiguously-aligned inserts or deletions from reactivity profile calculation
- Sped up some tests
- Added --overwrite option, otherwise give an error if existing files conflict with output files
- Verbose option to show each subprocess command
- Default --min-depth raised to 5000
- Default --min-mapq lowered to 10
- Flowchart legend
- Simplified pipeline-building framework
- Clearer output filenames
- Minor fixes
- Counted mutations and read depth files are now guaranteed to have the same lengths, even if the 3-prime end of the RNA is covered by no reads
- Error message when denatured and modified samples provided but no untreated sample
- Profile normalization creates a new file rather than overwriting input file
- Error for FASTA file with whitespace in sequence
- Explicit filename argument handling
- Sequence variants reported to user in 1-based coordinates
- Various test runner fixes
- Fix for build using local libs
- Histogram rendering (mutation rates, sequencing depths, reactivities)
- Sequence variant correction integrated into command-line interface
- Generate updated FASTA file
- Report sequence changes to user
- Warn user about high-frequency but sub-threshold mutations
- Alignment stats reported to user
- Spurious reads making it through BBmerge are now filtered out, so alignment stats better reflect actual mapping percentages
- Option to generate output without excluding ambiguously aligned
- Histograms generated this way should better reflect actual mutation rates
- Nucleotide-resolution profiles generated this way may be misleading in regions of homopolymeric or repeated sequence
- Log file generation
- Testing
- Unit tests built again
- End-to-end pipeline success tests
- End-to-end module failure detection tests
- Sequence variant correction tests
- Reduced size of test dataset to speed up execution
- Single script to run all tests and summarize results
- Serial execution working again
- Mapping quality filter
- FASTA format checks
- Segfaults reported to user
- Bugfix for 2-sample run
- Correct handling of ambiguous mutations for poor alignments (corner case)
- Flowchart rendering working on UNC cluster
- Quote filenames in shell wrappers
- CMake rebuild much faster (don't rebuild BamTools every time)
- Misc. fixes to build scripts