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Women in Logic directory

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Surname Given name Institution (country) Position Website Areas (separate by commas)
A Mani Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Scientist ; Algebraic Logic, Rough Sets, Vagueness, AIML, Mereology, Education Research
Abeles Francine Kean University Professor Emerita History of logic in 19th & 20th centuries
Alechina Natasha University of Nottingham Associate Professor Modal logics and multiagent systems
Aloni Maria ILLC -- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Associate Professor Semantics and pragmatics, Phil language, indefinite reference, dynamic semantics
Alves Sandra University of Porto Assistant professor Type theory, Programming Languages, Fornal methods
Anderson Gabrielle University of Aberdeen (UK) Research postdoc modal logics and process calculi
Antonakos Evangelia Bronx Community College, CUNY (New York, USA) Assistant Professor mathematical logic, modal episemology
Arndt Dörthe TU Dresden (Germany) Postdoc knowledge representation and reasoning, Rule-based reasoning
Ayhan Sara Ruhr University Bochum, Germany PhD Student Proof-theoretic semantics, proof theory, bilateralism, philosophical logic, non-classical logics
Bagchi Tista University of Delhi (India) Professor, Department of Linguistics semantics and pragmatics, philosophy of mathematics and physics, Philosophy of science focus on ethics
Balzer Stephanie Carnegie Mellon University (USA) Assistant Research Professor Type theory, Programming Languages, Security
Banerjee Mohua India Institute of Technology Professor, Department of Mathematics Modal Logic, Approximate Reasoning, Rough Sets
Becher Verónica Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) Associate Professor Theoretical computer science, computability, complexity, randomness, Kolmogorov complexity,
Belardinelli Gaia University of Copenhagen, Denmark PhD Student Epistemic Logic, Cognitive Logics, Logical Dynamics
Besler Gabriela Department of Philosophy, University of Silesia, Poland assistant professor philosophy of logic, history of logic, (neo)logicism, number's concept, G. Frege's logic
Biernacka Malgorzata Institute of Computer Science, Univerisity of Wroclaw, Poland assistant professor computational logic
Bilkova Marta Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech rep.) Researcher Logic in computer science, Non-classical logics, Modal, substructural, coalgebraic and paraconsistent logics
Blanchette Patricia U of Notre Dame Professor philosophy of logic, history of logic
Blasio Carolina CLE/IFCH - Unicamp (Brazil) (in memoriam) Philosophical logic
Bobzien Susanne University of Oxford Professor and Senior researcher Philosophical logic, Hist logic, Vagueness, higher-order vagueness, ancient logic
Boritchev Maria Loria, Inria Nancy Grand-Est (France) PhD Student, Lecturer Formal semantics, pragmatics, computational linguistics
Borja Macias Verónica Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca (Mexico) Professor Non-classical logic, Logic Programming, Knowledge representation
Bosman Bianca University of Groningen, Netherlands PhD student history of logic, , medieval and ancient logics (including Stoic logic), containment
Brown Carolyn Industry Chief Information Officer
Bueno-Soler Juliana Federal University of ABC (Brazil) Associate Professor modal logic, non-classical logics, critical thinking,
Bunge Marta McGill University Emerita Professor (in memoriam) categorical logic, topos theory, category theory
Cabrini Grácio Maria Cláudia Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Brazil) Associate Professor non-classical logics, logic and decision theory, statistics
Campbell-Moore Catrin University of Bristol (UK) Researcher (Lecturer) philosophical logic, formal epistemology, self-referential probabilities, epistemic utility theory
Canavotto Ilaria ILLC -University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Postdoctoral researcher philosophical logic, deontic logic, logics of actions
Cholodovskis Ana MCMP - Munich (Germany) PhD Fellow Logic, Formal Epistemology, Logic of Demonstratives, Belief Revision, Non-Classical Logics
Christoff Zoé University of Groningen (NL) Assistant professor & Rosalind Franklin Fellow Logics for social networks, Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Judgment aggregation theory, social epistemology.
Ciabattoni Agata Institute of Computer Languages (TU Wien, Austria) Full Professor Non-classical logic, Proof Theory
Clark-Younger Hannah University of Otago (New Zealand) PhD Candidate Philosophical Logic, Imperative Logic
Cohen Liron Ben Gurion University (Israel) assistant professor type theory, proof theory, foundations of mathematics, programming languages
Compagnoni Adriana Stevens Institute of Technology Associate Professor Programming Languages, Computational Biology, Computer Security
Coraglia Greta University of Genoa (Italy) PhD Student Categorical logic, theoretical computer science
Cordero Penélope CONICET - Universidad Nacional del Litoral Adjoint Professor modal logic, fuzzy epistemic logic, Mathematics,
Cresto Eleonora CONICET - Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) Professor formal epistemology, decision theory, philosophy of science, belief revision, cognitive decision theory
Daphne Wang UCL (UK) PhD Student formal semantics of natural language, intuitionistic logic, quantum logic
Dardha Ornela University of Glasgow (UK) Lecturer Programming Languages, Formal Methods
Davis Ruth E. Santa Clara University (USA) Professor logic and semantics of programming languages
Davoren Jen University of Melbourne Senior Lecturer Computer Science Logics
de Paiva Valeria Topos Institute (US) Principal Research Scientist Categorical Logic, category theory, linear, modal and intuitionistic logics
Dechesne Francien Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) researcher constructive logic, modal logics independence friendly logic, dynamic epistemic logic
Dobrinen Natasha University of Denver Professor Logic and Set Theory, Ramsey Theory
Dumbrava Stefania ENSIIE & Institut Polytechnique de Paris (France) Associate Professor Formal Methods, Software Verification, Theorem Proving, Knowledge Representation
Dunfield Jana Queen's University (Canada) Assistant Professor programming languages
Dutilh Novaes Catarina VU Amsterdam (Netherlands) Professor Philosophy of Logic, History of Logic, Logic and cognition, Medieval logic
Eckert Maureen UMASS Dartmouth (USA) Professor Non-classical logic, Feminist Logic
Erascu Madalina West University of Timisoara, Romania Lecturer formal methods, symbolic computation
Felty Amy University of Ottawa (Canada) Professor Emeritus Formal Methods, Interactive Theorem Proving, Automated Deduction, Logical Frameworks
Fernandez Maribel King's College London Professor models of computation, programming language semantics, foundations of security
Fisman Dana Ben Gurion University (Israel) Associate Professor Automata and Formal Language Theory, Temporal Logic, Computational Learning Theory
Floyd Juliet Boston University Full Professor Philosophy of logic, History of Logic, Kant, Goedel, Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein
Franchella Miriam Milan University (Italy) Associate professor miriam.franchella at philosophy of logic, history of logic, Logic and society, Intuitionism
Franklin Johanna Hofstra University (USA) Associate Professor mathematical logic, computability theory, algorithmic randomness, effective structure theory
Friedman Shoshana KCC-City University of New York (USA) Associate Professor Mathematical logic, Set theory
Gamboa Guzman Laura Paola Iowa State University (USA) PhD Student Modal logic, temporal logic, model checking, epistemic logic, rough set theory, mathematical logic
Garbayo Luciana University of Central Florida Assistant Professor Epistemology, Game Semantics, Decision Science, Model theory, Sheaves, Cohomology
Georgieva Lilia Heriot Watt University (UK) Lecturer automated reasoning, knowledge representation, theorem proving , non-classical logic
Gheerbrant Amelie University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Research postdoc mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, model theory, database theory
Ghidini Chiara Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) Senior researcher knowledge representation, mathematical logic
Ghilezan Silvia University of Novi Sad Professor mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, type theory, concurrency
Ghourabi Fadoua Ochanomizu University (Japan) Lecturer theorem proving/qualitative reasoning, origami geometry, automated algebraic provers
Gierasimczuk Nina Technical University of Denmark associate professor mathematical and philosophical logic, philosophy of science, learning theory, epistemic logic
Glavaničová Daniela Comenius University (Slovakia) PhD student Deontic logic, Hyperintensional logic, hyperintensional deontic logic, multivalued deontic logic, philosophy of fiction
Golińska-Pilarek Joanna Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw (Poland) assistant professor philosophical and mathematical logic, analytic philosophy, non-classical logics, non-Fregean logics
Gómez Álvarez Lucia TU Dresden (Germany) postdoc modal logic, knowledge representation and reasoning, linguistics
Ghosh Sujata Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai (India) Associate Professor Games, strategies and logics, Knowledge and belief, Social cognition, Reasoning in individuals with ASD
Hansen Helle Hvid University of Groningen (Netherlands) Associate Professor modal logic, coalgebra, category theory, coalgebraic modal logic, neighbourhood semantics
Heydari Tabar Asmae Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) PhD Student First-order logic, Formal specification and verification of software
Hogarth Rossiter Sarah University of Western Ontario (Canada) PhD Candidate History of Logic, Late mediaeval logic, Thomas Bradwardine, Future contingents
Huertas Antonia Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) Associate professor mathematical logic, knowledge representation, modal logic, e-learning of logic
Hundleby Catherine University of Windsor (Canada) Associate Professor Informal Logic, Feminist critiques of logic, argumentation theory, fallacies, scientific reasoning
Jana Purbita Madras School of Economics (India) Assistant Professor Geometric Logic, Category theory, Frame theory, Topos theory, MV algebra, Game theory
Janssen-Lauret Frederique University of Manchester (UK) Tenure-track researcher Philosophy of logic, History of philosophical logic, Women in the history of logic
Johann Patricia Appalachian State University (US) Professor Programming language semantics, type theory, category theory
Kalvala Sara University of Warwick Associate Professor theorem proving, compiler verification, computational biology, synthetic biology
Kaufmann Magdalena University of Connecticut (USA) Associate professor Formal Semantics and pragmatics (linguistics), Philosophical logic, linguistic modality, clause types, deontic logic
Keet Maria University of Cape Town (South Africa) Associate professor ontology engineering, knowledge representation, description logics, logics for conceptual data modelling
Kennedy Juliette University of Helsinki (Department of Mathematics and Statistics) Associate professor philosophy and history of mathematics and logic, aesthetics, Set theory, Goedel
Kerjean Marie CNRS (France) Researcher Denotational semantics, Category Theory, Functional Analysis, Proof Assistants, Proof Theory, Formalization of Mathematics
Kesner Delia Université Paris Cité Full Professor Proof Theory , Semantics of Programming Languages
Kiefer Sandra University of Oxford Junior Research Fellow Mathematical Logic, Descriptive Complexity, Algorithmic and Structural Graph Theory, Algebraic Topology
Knight Sophia Uppsala University Postdoc Epistemic logic & concurrency
Kouri Kissel Teresa Old Dominion University (USA) Assistant Professor Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Language, logical pluralism, mathematical structuralism
Lange Karen Wellesley College (USA) Associate Professor Computability Theory
Lapenta Serafina (Sara) University of Salerno Researcher Algebraic aspects of many-valued logic, Logic and probability
Latour Anna National University of Singapore Research Fellow Boolean Satisfiability, Propositional Model Counting, MaxSAT, Stochastic SAT
Legg Catherine Deakin University Senior Lecturer Logic, American pragmatism, formal ontology, Peirce, Diagrammatic logic,
Lehan Vanessa York University (Canada) Lecturer Philosophy of Logic, Methodology in Logic
Lehtinen Karoliina CNRS, Aix-Marseille Uni Researcher Modal and temporal logic, modal mu-calculus, automata, games, verification, synthesis
Leng Mary University of York Lecturer Philosophy of mathematics, Philosophical logic, mathematical explanation, logical consequence, Hilbert's legacy
Lobo Fernanda PUC-Rio (Brazil) Grad student philosophy of logic, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, temporal logics, inferentialist semantics
Lockwood Heidi Howkins SCSU (USA) Associate professor philosophical and mathematical logic, modal epistemology, non-standard logics, logic of provability
D'Ottaviano Itala Maria Loffredo University of Campinas(Brazil) Full Professor Non-classical Logic, Algebraic Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic,
Loparic Andrea DF-USP(BR) (in memoriam) Valuation Semantics, Decidability, Non-classical logics
Lopez Adele N/A (USA) Hobbyist
López Sandra M. University of Valladolid (Spain) Assistant professor Relevance logics, Modal logics, 3-valued logics, 4-valued logics
MacDougall Margaret University of Edinburgh (Scotland) Medical Statistician and Researcher in Education constructive and semi-constructive set theories, Poincaré's philosophy of mathematics, nominalism, mathematical and logical intuition
Magidor Ofra University of Oxford CUF lecturer Philosophical Logic, vagueness, strict finitism
Magureanu Anca University of Bucharest (Romania) Professor
Manzano María University of Salamanca Professor Modal logic and non-classical logic, Higher order logic, History of logic, Tools for teaching logic
Markovich Réka University of Luxembourg Research deontic logic, Applied logics for AI, formal ethics, logic and legal AI
Martinez Maria Vanina Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) Professor Knowledge representation, non-classical logics, belief revision
Martins Ana Teresa Federal University of Ceará (Brazil) Associate professor Finite Model Theory, Proof Theory, Descriptive Complexity, Non-Classical Logics,
McSweeney Michaela Boston University (USA) Professor philosophy of logic, metaphysics, philosophy of science, metaphysics of logic, epistemology of logic
Mercier Adèle Queen's University (Canada) Associate Professor Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Thought and Language, modal and non-classical logics, natural language semantics, theoretical linguistics
Mihin Marissa Universite Diderot, Paris 7 Master 2 Student Foundations, HoTT/Category Theory
Mitrovic Jelena University of Passau (Germany) & Institute for AI (Serbia) Assistant Professor Ontology, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge graphs, Large Language models
Mittelmann Munyque University of Naples Federico II Research postdoc Logics for Multi-Agent Systems, Strategic Reasoning, Automated Mechanism Design
Mordido Andreia Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa Assistant Professor Programming Languages, Type Systems
Moser Shelby University of Kent (UK) PhD Candidate Analytic Aesthetics, , interactivity, digital arts, the computer
Müller Sandra TU Wien, Austria Senior researcher Mathematical logic, Set theory, Inner model theory
Nalon Cláudia University of Brasília (Brazil) Associate Professor proof theory, non-classical logics, resolution calculus, combined modal logics,
Namuduri Manojna École normale supérieure - Paris Master 1 Student mathematical logic, categorical quantum mechanics, automated theorem proving, foundations of physics
Nantes Daniele Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) Lambda-Calculus, Nominal Techniques, Process Calculus,
Negri Sara University of Genoa Professor Proof theory, non-classical logics, Formal epistemology, constructive mathematics
Nunes de Medeiros Maria da Paz Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) Professor modal logic, theory of knowledge, proof theory,
Ogborn Anne SWI-Prolog (global) assistant bit twiddler logic programming
Oliveira da Costa Ana TU Wien, Austria PhD Student verification, hyperproperties, interface theory
Ortiz Magdalena Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien, Austria Assistant Professor logics for knowledge representation and reasoning , description logics, applications of KR in data management
Ott Claire Technical University Darmstadt (Germany) PhD student Cognitive Science, Mathematical logic, explainable AI for linear programs, category theory
Ozaki Ana University of Bergen Associate professor knowledge representation and reasoning, description logics, ontologies, knowledge graphs, computational learning theory, machine learning
Cruz Ângela Maria Paiva Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) Professor foundations of geometry, theory of knowledge, proof theory,
Patel Rehana Wesleyan University (USA) Mathematical logic, model theory, applications of model theory to combinatorics
Pelgrom Nemi Ludwig-Maximilian Universitet München PhD Student, Lecturer Inductive logic programming, statistical relational AI, foundations of mathematics,
Petkovic Komel Anja TU Wien, Austria Research postdoc Type theory, proof assistant, automated theorem prover
Picollo Lavinia National University of Singapore Associate professor philosophical logic, formal metaphysics, and the philosophy of logic and mathematics
Pientka Brigitte McGill University Associate professor Programming Languages, Theorem Proving; constructive logic and type theory
Pigozzi Gabriella LAMSADE - Université Paris Dauphine (France) Associate professor Mathematical logic, Formal epistemology; Multi-agent systems; Artificial Intelligence, Judgment aggregation, Computational social choice, Argumentation theory
Pimentel Elaine Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) Full Professor Proof theory, Lambda-calculus, Linear logic, Specification and verification of logical and computational systems,
Pinchinat Sophie IRISA/Univ Rennes Professor Modal logic, automata, games, imperfect information, knowledge, model and formula synthesis, strategic reasoning, multi-agent systems
Poggiolesi Francesca Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne (France) Associate professor Modal Logic, Proof Theory, Explanation, Explanatory proofs
Prince Tephilla Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, India (IITDh) PhD Student Mathematical Logic, Modal Logic, LTL, Model Checking, Temporal logic specifications, SAT Solving
Pérez-Ilzarbe Paloma University of Navarra Associate professor History of logic, , Medieval and post-medieval logic, Women in the history of logic (19th-20th centuries)
Quinon Paula Lund University (Sweden) Researcher Philosophy of Mathematics, Logic of everyday reasonings, Axiomatic arithmetic, Logical competence, Number concept
Ramharter Esther Universität Wien (Austria) philosophical logic
Real Livy University of São Paulo (Brazil) Associated Researcher natural logic, Lambda-calculus, natural languages,
Reis Giselle Carnegie Mellon University (Qatar) Associate Teaching Professor Structural proof theory, Linear logic, Theorem proving, Logical frameworks
Rini Adriane Massey University, NZ Professor History of Logic, Modal and Tense Logic, Aristotle, Formal Semantics, Metaphysics
Rizkallah Christine University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) Assistant Professor Formal Verification, Programming Languages
Rogerson Susan Monash University (Australia) Grad student Curry's Paradox, substructural logics, proof theory
Rozier Kristin Yvonne Iowa State University (USA) Associate Professor Formal Methods: Model Checking, Runtime Verification, Temporal Logic Specification and Satisfiability, LTL, MLTL, SMV-language and related modeling
Rubin Mariela IIF-CONICET/UBA PhD Student philosophical logic, formal epistemology, indicative conditionals, inferentialism
Rumberg Antje Utrecht University PhD researcher philosophical logic, mathematical logic, history of logic, philosophy of language, linguistics, branching space-time, Bolzano's logic, formal semantics
Russell Gillian Australian Catholic University, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy (Australia) Professor Philosophical logic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of language
Sadrzadeh Mehrnoosh Queen Mary University of London (UK) Senior Lecturer and EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellow Artificial Intelligence, Compositional Distributional Semantics, Category Theoretical Models of Natural Language, Pregroup Grammars
Safari Roghieh Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM, Iran) Researcher Mathematical logic, Computational logic, continuous model theory, model theory of operator algebra
Sagi Gil Haifa University (Israel) Lecturer Philosophy of logic , Philosophy of language, Logical consequence, formality, logical terms, Logic and natural language, History of the philosophy of logic (Frege, Tarski, Carnap)
Salgado Isa Universidade de Brasília Student
Sattler Uli University of Manchester Professor Logic-based knowledge representation, automated reasoning, Description Logic, Ontology engineering
Schmidt Renate University of Manchester University Reader Logic, Automated reasoining, Ontology-based knowledge processing, description logics, modal logics, relation algebras
Schulz Katrin ILLC -- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Assistant professor Formal Semantics, Philosophical Logic, Conditionals, Pragmatics, causation
Senadheera Gihanee Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA PhD Student Logic, Computability theory
Sher Gila UCSD (USA) Professor Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology, Truth, Philosophical Foundations of Logic, Relations between Logic & Mathematics, Truth in Logic & Mathematics
Siders Annika University of Helsinki (Finland) Research postdoc Proof Theory, Constuctivism
Silva Alexandra UCL (UK) Professor
Simona Simona University of Sheffield Masters Student Computing, Machine Learning and AI, Algorithms
Smets Sonja ILLC -- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) Full Professor philosophy of quantum physics, Quantum logic, logic in AI, formal epistemology, epistemic networks, quantum communication protocols
Sokolova Ana University of Salzburg Associate Professor Coalgebra, Concurrency, Probabilistic Systems, Algebra, Verification
Solaki Anthia Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Research Scientist Dynamic epistemic logics, logics for social networks, formal epistemology, knowledge graphs, human-machine teaming
Soskova Alexandra Sofia University, Sofia Associate Professor Computability, Effective Model Theory, Enumeration reducibilty, Degree Spectra, Jump of a structure
Sousa Ana Catarina CMAT, Universidade do Minho (Portugal) Ph D student Proof Search, Human-centered Theorem Proving, Proof Theory.
Sterrett Susan G Wichita State University, Kansas, USA Full Professor Philosophy of Science , AI/Philosophical Logic/PhilMind
Ternovska Evgenia Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Terzian Giulia University of Bristol (UK) Teaching fellow Philosophical logic, Philosophy of maths, metaphysics, Formal theories of truth, set theory
Thalos Mariam Utah (USA) Professor Philosophy of logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, Philosophy of decision, Philosophy of mathematics
Turhan Anni-Yasmin TU Dresden (Germany) Senior researcher knowledge represenation & reasoning, Description logics, ontology engineering, temporal reasoning, vagueness
Uckelman Sara L. Durham University Assistant professor history of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of math, medieval logic, history of logic, modal and dynamic logic
van der Schaar Maria University of Leiden assistant professor philosophy of logic, history of logic, theory of judgement, constructive type theory, origins of analytic philosophy
van Wierst Pauline Scuola Normale Superiore (Italy) PhD Candidate Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Ideals of mathematical proof (grounding), Bolzano's logic
VanDieren Monica IBM, Quantum Industry & Technical Services (USA) Learning Strategist quantum computing, model theory, non-elementary classes, set theory
Veloso Sheila UFRJ Professor
Verbrugge Rineke University of Groningen (Netherlands) Full Professor Mathematical logic, computational logic, Cognitive science, Logics for multi-agent systems, Formal models of social cognition
Verity Florrie Australian National University PhD Student type theory, categorical logic, homotopy type theory, formal semantics of natural language, interactive theorem provers
Villavicencio Aline University of Sheffield (UK) Professor Natural Language Processing, Lexical Semantics, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computational Models
Wassermann Renata University of São Paulo (Brazil) Associate Professor Knowledge representation, non-classical logics, belief revision,
Wenmackers Sylvia University of Groningen (Netherlands) Research postdoc Mathematical logic, model theory, Philosophy of probability, philosophy of science, Non-standard models, hyperreals, Infinitesimal probabilities, (In-)deterministic models
Wood Carol Wesleyan University (USA) Edward Burr Van Vleck Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Mathematical logic, applications of model theory to algebra
Wyatt Nicole University of Calgary Asst. Professor and Department Head Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Language, Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy of Sex and Love, Logical Pluralism, Pragmatics, Speech Act Theory
Wójtowicz Anna Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw (Poland) assistant professor philosophical and mathematical logic
Yang Fan University of Helsinki (Finland) Academy Research Fellow non-classical logic
Yap Audrey University of Victoria (Canada) Associate Professor philosophy of logic, history and philosophy of math, (dynamic) epistemic logic
Zamansky Anna University of Haifa (Israel) assistant professor Non-classical logic, Proof Theory, Knowledge representation, Paraconsistent logics
Zhu Shufang Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) Research postdoc Automated reasoning, planning and program synthesis
Özgün Aybüke ILLC-University of Amsterdam Research postdoc Philosophical and mathematical logic, Formal epistemology, dynamic epistemic logic, neighbourhood/topological semantics for knowledge and belief
Gallovich Camila University of Buenos Aires, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Argentina) Teaching Assistant, PhD Student Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Formal Metaphysics
Dumitru Nicoleta University of Bucharest (Romania) Teaching Assistant, PhD Student Cryptography, Proof mining and applications in optimization
Derakhshan Farzaneh Illinois Institute of Technology (US) Assistant professor Programming Languages, Proof Theory, Type Theory, Language-based Security