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Surname | Given name | Institution (country) | Position | Website | Areas (separate by commas) |
A | Mani | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata | Scientist | ; | Algebraic Logic, Rough Sets, Vagueness, AIML, Mereology, Education Research |
Abeles | Francine | Kean University | Professor Emerita | History of logic in 19th & 20th centuries | |
Alechina | Natasha | University of Nottingham | Associate Professor | | Modal logics and multiagent systems |
Aloni | Maria | ILLC -- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) | Associate Professor | | Semantics and pragmatics, Phil language, indefinite reference, dynamic semantics |
Alves | Sandra | University of Porto | Assistant professor | | Type theory, Programming Languages, Fornal methods |
Anderson | Gabrielle | University of Aberdeen (UK) | Research postdoc | modal logics and process calculi | |
Antonakos | Evangelia | Bronx Community College, CUNY (New York, USA) | Assistant Professor | mathematical logic, modal episemology | |
Arndt | Dörthe | TU Dresden (Germany) | Postdoc | | knowledge representation and reasoning, Rule-based reasoning |
Ayhan | Sara | Ruhr University Bochum, Germany | PhD Student | | Proof-theoretic semantics, proof theory, bilateralism, philosophical logic, non-classical logics |
Bagchi | Tista | University of Delhi (India) | Professor, Department of Linguistics | | semantics and pragmatics, philosophy of mathematics and physics, Philosophy of science focus on ethics |
Balzer | Stephanie | Carnegie Mellon University (USA) | Assistant Research Professor | | Type theory, Programming Languages, Security |
Banerjee | Mohua | India Institute of Technology | Professor, Department of Mathematics | | Modal Logic, Approximate Reasoning, Rough Sets |
Becher | Verónica | Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) | Associate Professor | | Theoretical computer science, computability, complexity, randomness, Kolmogorov complexity, |
Belardinelli | Gaia | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | PhD Student | | Epistemic Logic, Cognitive Logics, Logical Dynamics |
Besler | Gabriela | Department of Philosophy, University of Silesia, Poland | assistant professor | philosophy of logic, history of logic, (neo)logicism, number's concept, G. Frege's logic | |
Biernacka | Malgorzata | Institute of Computer Science, Univerisity of Wroclaw, Poland | assistant professor | computational logic | |
Bilkova | Marta | Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech rep.) | Researcher | | Logic in computer science, Non-classical logics, Modal, substructural, coalgebraic and paraconsistent logics |
Blanchette | Patricia | U of Notre Dame | Professor | | philosophy of logic, history of logic |
Blasio | Carolina | CLE/IFCH - Unicamp (Brazil) | (in memoriam) | Philosophical logic | |
Bobzien | Susanne | University of Oxford | Professor and Senior researcher | | Philosophical logic, Hist logic, Vagueness, higher-order vagueness, ancient logic |
Boritchev | Maria | Loria, Inria Nancy Grand-Est (France) | PhD Student, Lecturer | | Formal semantics, pragmatics, computational linguistics |
Borja Macias | Verónica | Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca (Mexico) | Professor | Non-classical logic, Logic Programming, Knowledge representation | |
Bosman | Bianca | University of Groningen, Netherlands | PhD student | history of logic, , medieval and ancient logics (including Stoic logic), containment | |
Brown | Carolyn | Industry | Chief Information Officer | | |
Bueno-Soler | Juliana | Federal University of ABC (Brazil) | Associate Professor | | modal logic, non-classical logics, critical thinking, |
Bunge | Marta | McGill University | Emerita Professor (in memoriam) | | categorical logic, topos theory, category theory |
Cabrini Grácio | Maria Cláudia | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Brazil) | Associate Professor | | non-classical logics, logic and decision theory, statistics |
Campbell-Moore | Catrin | University of Bristol (UK) | Researcher (Lecturer) | | philosophical logic, formal epistemology, self-referential probabilities, epistemic utility theory |
Canavotto | Ilaria | ILLC -University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) | Postdoctoral researcher | | philosophical logic, deontic logic, logics of actions |
Cholodovskis | Ana | MCMP - Munich (Germany) | PhD Fellow | | Logic, Formal Epistemology, Logic of Demonstratives, Belief Revision, Non-Classical Logics |
Christoff | Zoé | University of Groningen (NL) | Assistant professor & Rosalind Franklin Fellow | | Logics for social networks, Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Judgment aggregation theory, social epistemology. |
Ciabattoni | Agata | Institute of Computer Languages (TU Wien, Austria) | Full Professor | | Non-classical logic, Proof Theory |
Clark-Younger | Hannah | University of Otago (New Zealand) | PhD Candidate | Philosophical Logic, Imperative Logic | |
Cohen | Liron | Ben Gurion University (Israel) | assistant professor | | type theory, proof theory, foundations of mathematics, programming languages |
Compagnoni | Adriana | Stevens Institute of Technology | Associate Professor | | Programming Languages, Computational Biology, Computer Security |
Coraglia | Greta | University of Genoa (Italy) | PhD Student | | Categorical logic, theoretical computer science |
Cordero | Penélope | CONICET - Universidad Nacional del Litoral | Adjoint Professor | modal logic, fuzzy epistemic logic, Mathematics, | |
Cresto | Eleonora | CONICET - Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) | Professor | | formal epistemology, decision theory, philosophy of science, belief revision, cognitive decision theory |
Daphne | Wang | UCL (UK) | PhD Student | formal semantics of natural language, intuitionistic logic, quantum logic | |
Dardha | Ornela | University of Glasgow (UK) | Lecturer | | Programming Languages, Formal Methods |
Davis | Ruth E. | Santa Clara University (USA) | Professor | | logic and semantics of programming languages |
Davoren | Jen | University of Melbourne | Senior Lecturer | | Computer Science Logics |
de Paiva | Valeria | Topos Institute (US) | Principal Research Scientist | | Categorical Logic, category theory, linear, modal and intuitionistic logics |
Dechesne | Francien | Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) | researcher | | constructive logic, modal logics independence friendly logic, dynamic epistemic logic |
Dobrinen | Natasha | University of Denver | Professor | | Logic and Set Theory, Ramsey Theory |
Dumbrava | Stefania | ENSIIE & Institut Polytechnique de Paris (France) | Associate Professor | | Formal Methods, Software Verification, Theorem Proving, Knowledge Representation |
Dunfield | Jana | Queen's University (Canada) | Assistant Professor | | programming languages |
Dutilh Novaes | Catarina | VU Amsterdam (Netherlands) | Professor | | Philosophy of Logic, History of Logic, Logic and cognition, Medieval logic |
Eckert | Maureen | UMASS Dartmouth (USA) | Professor | | Non-classical logic, Feminist Logic |
Erascu | Madalina | West University of Timisoara, Romania | Lecturer | | formal methods, symbolic computation |
Felty | Amy | University of Ottawa (Canada) | Professor Emeritus | | Formal Methods, Interactive Theorem Proving, Automated Deduction, Logical Frameworks |
Fernandez | Maribel | King's College London | Professor | | models of computation, programming language semantics, foundations of security |
Fisman | Dana | Ben Gurion University (Israel) | Associate Professor | | Automata and Formal Language Theory, Temporal Logic, Computational Learning Theory |
Floyd | Juliet | Boston University | Full Professor | | Philosophy of logic, History of Logic, Kant, Goedel, Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein |
Franchella | Miriam | Milan University (Italy) | Associate professor | miriam.franchella at | philosophy of logic, history of logic, Logic and society, Intuitionism |
Franklin | Johanna | Hofstra University (USA) | Associate Professor | | mathematical logic, computability theory, algorithmic randomness, effective structure theory |
Friedman | Shoshana | KCC-City University of New York (USA) | Associate Professor | Mathematical logic, Set theory | |
Gamboa Guzman | Laura Paola | Iowa State University (USA) | PhD Student | | Modal logic, temporal logic, model checking, epistemic logic, rough set theory, mathematical logic |
Garbayo | Luciana | University of Central Florida | Assistant Professor | Epistemology, Game Semantics, Decision Science, Model theory, Sheaves, Cohomology | |
Georgieva | Lilia | Heriot Watt University (UK) | Lecturer | | automated reasoning, knowledge representation, theorem proving , non-classical logic |
Gheerbrant | Amelie | University of Edinburgh (Scotland) | Research postdoc | | mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, model theory, database theory |
Ghidini | Chiara | Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) | Senior researcher | | knowledge representation, mathematical logic |
Ghilezan | Silvia | University of Novi Sad | Professor | | mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, type theory, concurrency |
Ghourabi | Fadoua | Ochanomizu University (Japan) | Lecturer | | theorem proving/qualitative reasoning, origami geometry, automated algebraic provers |
Gierasimczuk | Nina | Technical University of Denmark | associate professor | | mathematical and philosophical logic, philosophy of science, learning theory, epistemic logic |
Glavaničová | Daniela | Comenius University (Slovakia) | PhD student | Deontic logic, Hyperintensional logic, hyperintensional deontic logic, multivalued deontic logic, philosophy of fiction | |
Golińska-Pilarek | Joanna | Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw (Poland) | assistant professor | | philosophical and mathematical logic, analytic philosophy, non-classical logics, non-Fregean logics |
Gómez Álvarez | Lucia | TU Dresden (Germany) | postdoc | | modal logic, knowledge representation and reasoning, linguistics |
Ghosh | Sujata | Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai (India) | Associate Professor | | Games, strategies and logics, Knowledge and belief, Social cognition, Reasoning in individuals with ASD |
Hansen | Helle Hvid | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Associate Professor | | modal logic, coalgebra, category theory, coalgebraic modal logic, neighbourhood semantics |
Heydari Tabar | Asmae | Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) | PhD Student | First-order logic, Formal specification and verification of software | |
Hogarth Rossiter | Sarah | University of Western Ontario (Canada) | PhD Candidate | | History of Logic, Late mediaeval logic, Thomas Bradwardine, Future contingents |
Huertas | Antonia | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) | Associate professor | | mathematical logic, knowledge representation, modal logic, e-learning of logic |
Hundleby | Catherine | University of Windsor (Canada) | Associate Professor | | Informal Logic, Feminist critiques of logic, argumentation theory, fallacies, scientific reasoning |
Jana | Purbita | Madras School of Economics (India) | Assistant Professor | | Geometric Logic, Category theory, Frame theory, Topos theory, MV algebra, Game theory |
Janssen-Lauret | Frederique | University of Manchester (UK) | Tenure-track researcher | | Philosophy of logic, History of philosophical logic, Women in the history of logic |
Johann | Patricia | Appalachian State University (US) | Professor | | Programming language semantics, type theory, category theory |
Kalvala | Sara | University of Warwick | Associate Professor | | theorem proving, compiler verification, computational biology, synthetic biology |
Kaufmann | Magdalena | University of Connecticut (USA) | Associate professor | | Formal Semantics and pragmatics (linguistics), Philosophical logic, linguistic modality, clause types, deontic logic |
Keet | Maria | University of Cape Town (South Africa) | Associate professor | | ontology engineering, knowledge representation, description logics, logics for conceptual data modelling |
Kennedy | Juliette | University of Helsinki (Department of Mathematics and Statistics) | Associate professor | | philosophy and history of mathematics and logic, aesthetics, Set theory, Goedel |
Kerjean | Marie | CNRS (France) | Researcher | | Denotational semantics, Category Theory, Functional Analysis, Proof Assistants, Proof Theory, Formalization of Mathematics |
Kesner | Delia | Université Paris Cité | Full Professor | | Proof Theory , Semantics of Programming Languages |
Kiefer | Sandra | University of Oxford | Junior Research Fellow | | Mathematical Logic, Descriptive Complexity, Algorithmic and Structural Graph Theory, Algebraic Topology |
Knight | Sophia | Uppsala University | Postdoc | | Epistemic logic & concurrency |
Kouri Kissel | Teresa | Old Dominion University (USA) | Assistant Professor | | Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Language, logical pluralism, mathematical structuralism |
Lange | Karen | Wellesley College (USA) | Associate Professor | | Computability Theory |
Lapenta | Serafina (Sara) | University of Salerno | Researcher | | Algebraic aspects of many-valued logic, Logic and probability |
Latour | Anna | National University of Singapore | Research Fellow | | Boolean Satisfiability, Propositional Model Counting, MaxSAT, Stochastic SAT |
Legg | Catherine | Deakin University | Senior Lecturer | | Logic, American pragmatism, formal ontology, Peirce, Diagrammatic logic, |
Lehan | Vanessa | York University (Canada) | Lecturer | Philosophy of Logic, Methodology in Logic | |
Lehtinen | Karoliina | CNRS, Aix-Marseille Uni | Researcher | | Modal and temporal logic, modal mu-calculus, automata, games, verification, synthesis |
Leng | Mary | University of York | Lecturer | | Philosophy of mathematics, Philosophical logic, mathematical explanation, logical consequence, Hilbert's legacy |
Lobo | Fernanda | PUC-Rio (Brazil) | Grad student | philosophy of logic, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, temporal logics, inferentialist semantics | |
Lockwood | Heidi Howkins | SCSU (USA) | Associate professor | philosophical and mathematical logic, modal epistemology, non-standard logics, logic of provability | |
D'Ottaviano | Itala Maria Loffredo | University of Campinas(Brazil) | Full Professor | | Non-classical Logic, Algebraic Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, |
Loparic | Andrea | DF-USP(BR) | (in memoriam) | Valuation Semantics, Decidability, Non-classical logics | |
Lopez | Adele | N/A (USA) | Hobbyist | | |
López | Sandra M. | University of Valladolid (Spain) | Assistant professor | Relevance logics, Modal logics, 3-valued logics, 4-valued logics | |
MacDougall | Margaret | University of Edinburgh (Scotland) | Medical Statistician and Researcher in Education | | constructive and semi-constructive set theories, Poincaré's philosophy of mathematics, nominalism, mathematical and logical intuition |
Magidor | Ofra | University of Oxford | CUF lecturer | | Philosophical Logic, vagueness, strict finitism |
Magureanu | Anca | University of Bucharest (Romania) | Professor | ||
Manzano | María | University of Salamanca | Professor | | Modal logic and non-classical logic, Higher order logic, History of logic, Tools for teaching logic |
Markovich | Réka | University of Luxembourg | Research | | deontic logic, Applied logics for AI, formal ethics, logic and legal AI |
Martinez | Maria Vanina | Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) | Professor | | Knowledge representation, non-classical logics, belief revision |
Martins | Ana Teresa | Federal University of Ceará (Brazil) | Associate professor | | Finite Model Theory, Proof Theory, Descriptive Complexity, Non-Classical Logics, |
McSweeney | Michaela | Boston University (USA) | Professor | | philosophy of logic, metaphysics, philosophy of science, metaphysics of logic, epistemology of logic |
Mercier | Adèle | Queen's University (Canada) | Associate Professor | | Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Thought and Language, modal and non-classical logics, natural language semantics, theoretical linguistics |
Mihin | Marissa | Universite Diderot, Paris 7 | Master 2 Student | Foundations, HoTT/Category Theory | |
Mitrovic | Jelena | University of Passau (Germany) & Institute for AI (Serbia) | Assistant Professor | | Ontology, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge graphs, Large Language models |
Mittelmann | Munyque | University of Naples Federico II | Research postdoc | | Logics for Multi-Agent Systems, Strategic Reasoning, Automated Mechanism Design |
Mordido | Andreia | Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa | Assistant Professor | | Programming Languages, Type Systems |
Moser | Shelby | University of Kent (UK) | PhD Candidate | Analytic Aesthetics, , interactivity, digital arts, the computer | |
Müller | Sandra | TU Wien, Austria | Senior researcher | | Mathematical logic, Set theory, Inner model theory |
Nalon | Cláudia | University of Brasília (Brazil) | Associate Professor | | proof theory, non-classical logics, resolution calculus, combined modal logics, |
Namuduri | Manojna | École normale supérieure - Paris | Master 1 Student | mathematical logic, categorical quantum mechanics, automated theorem proving, foundations of physics | |
Nantes | Daniele | Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) | Lambda-Calculus, Nominal Techniques, Process Calculus, | ||
Negri | Sara | University of Genoa | Professor | | Proof theory, non-classical logics, Formal epistemology, constructive mathematics |
Nunes de Medeiros | Maria da Paz | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) | Professor | modal logic, theory of knowledge, proof theory, | |
Ogborn | Anne | SWI-Prolog (global) | assistant bit twiddler | | logic programming |
Oliveira da Costa | Ana | TU Wien, Austria | PhD Student | | verification, hyperproperties, interface theory |
Ortiz | Magdalena | Institute of Logic and Computation, TU Wien, Austria | Assistant Professor | logics for knowledge representation and reasoning , description logics, applications of KR in data management | |
Ott | Claire | Technical University Darmstadt (Germany) | PhD student | | Cognitive Science, Mathematical logic, explainable AI for linear programs, category theory |
Ozaki | Ana | University of Bergen | Associate professor | | knowledge representation and reasoning, description logics, ontologies, knowledge graphs, computational learning theory, machine learning |
Cruz | Ângela Maria Paiva | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) | Professor | foundations of geometry, theory of knowledge, proof theory, | |
Patel | Rehana | Wesleyan University (USA) | Mathematical logic, model theory, applications of model theory to combinatorics | ||
Pelgrom | Nemi | Ludwig-Maximilian Universitet München | PhD Student, Lecturer | Inductive logic programming, statistical relational AI, foundations of mathematics, | |
Petkovic Komel | Anja | TU Wien, Austria | Research postdoc | | Type theory, proof assistant, automated theorem prover |
Picollo | Lavinia | National University of Singapore | Associate professor | | philosophical logic, formal metaphysics, and the philosophy of logic and mathematics |
Pientka | Brigitte | McGill University | Associate professor | | Programming Languages, Theorem Proving; constructive logic and type theory |
Pigozzi | Gabriella | LAMSADE - Université Paris Dauphine (France) | Associate professor | | Mathematical logic, Formal epistemology; Multi-agent systems; Artificial Intelligence, Judgment aggregation, Computational social choice, Argumentation theory |
Pimentel | Elaine | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) | Full Professor | | Proof theory, Lambda-calculus, Linear logic, Specification and verification of logical and computational systems, |
Pinchinat | Sophie | IRISA/Univ Rennes | Professor | | Modal logic, automata, games, imperfect information, knowledge, model and formula synthesis, strategic reasoning, multi-agent systems |
Poggiolesi | Francesca | Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne (France) | Associate professor | | Modal Logic, Proof Theory, Explanation, Explanatory proofs |
Prince | Tephilla | Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, India (IITDh) | PhD Student | Mathematical Logic, Modal Logic, LTL, Model Checking, Temporal logic specifications, SAT Solving | |
Pérez-Ilzarbe | Paloma | University of Navarra | Associate professor | | History of logic, , Medieval and post-medieval logic, Women in the history of logic (19th-20th centuries) |
Quinon | Paula | Lund University (Sweden) | Researcher | | Philosophy of Mathematics, Logic of everyday reasonings, Axiomatic arithmetic, Logical competence, Number concept |
Ramharter | Esther | Universität Wien (Austria) | | philosophical logic | |
Real | Livy | University of São Paulo (Brazil) | Associated Researcher | | natural logic, Lambda-calculus, natural languages, |
Reis | Giselle | Carnegie Mellon University (Qatar) | Associate Teaching Professor | | Structural proof theory, Linear logic, Theorem proving, Logical frameworks |
Rini | Adriane | Massey University, NZ | Professor | | History of Logic, Modal and Tense Logic, Aristotle, Formal Semantics, Metaphysics |
Rizkallah | Christine | University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) | Assistant Professor | | Formal Verification, Programming Languages |
Rogerson | Susan | Monash University (Australia) | Grad student | Curry's Paradox, substructural logics, proof theory | |
Rozier | Kristin Yvonne | Iowa State University (USA) | Associate Professor | | Formal Methods: Model Checking, Runtime Verification, Temporal Logic Specification and Satisfiability, LTL, MLTL, SMV-language and related modeling |
Rubin | Mariela | IIF-CONICET/UBA | PhD Student | | philosophical logic, formal epistemology, indicative conditionals, inferentialism |
Rumberg | Antje | Utrecht University | PhD researcher | | philosophical logic, mathematical logic, history of logic, philosophy of language, linguistics, branching space-time, Bolzano's logic, formal semantics |
Russell | Gillian | Australian Catholic University, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy (Australia) | Professor | | Philosophical logic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of language |
Sadrzadeh | Mehrnoosh | Queen Mary University of London (UK) | Senior Lecturer and EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellow | | Artificial Intelligence, Compositional Distributional Semantics, Category Theoretical Models of Natural Language, Pregroup Grammars |
Safari | Roghieh | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM, Iran) | Researcher | Mathematical logic, Computational logic, continuous model theory, model theory of operator algebra | |
Sagi | Gil | Haifa University (Israel) | Lecturer | | Philosophy of logic , Philosophy of language, Logical consequence, formality, logical terms, Logic and natural language, History of the philosophy of logic (Frege, Tarski, Carnap) |
Salgado | Isa | Universidade de Brasília | Student | ||
Sattler | Uli | University of Manchester | Professor | | Logic-based knowledge representation, automated reasoning, Description Logic, Ontology engineering |
Schmidt | Renate | University of Manchester | University Reader | | Logic, Automated reasoining, Ontology-based knowledge processing, description logics, modal logics, relation algebras |
Schulz | Katrin | ILLC -- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) | Assistant professor | | Formal Semantics, Philosophical Logic, Conditionals, Pragmatics, causation |
Senadheera | Gihanee | Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA | PhD Student | Logic, Computability theory | |
Sher | Gila | UCSD (USA) | Professor | | Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology, Truth, Philosophical Foundations of Logic, Relations between Logic & Mathematics, Truth in Logic & Mathematics |
Siders | Annika | University of Helsinki (Finland) | Research postdoc | Proof Theory, Constuctivism | |
Silva | Alexandra | UCL (UK) | Professor | | |
Simona | Simona | University of Sheffield | Masters Student | Computing, Machine Learning and AI, Algorithms | |
Smets | Sonja | ILLC -- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) | Full Professor | | philosophy of quantum physics, Quantum logic, logic in AI, formal epistemology, epistemic networks, quantum communication protocols |
Sokolova | Ana | University of Salzburg | Associate Professor | | Coalgebra, Concurrency, Probabilistic Systems, Algebra, Verification |
Solaki | Anthia | Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) | Research Scientist | | Dynamic epistemic logics, logics for social networks, formal epistemology, knowledge graphs, human-machine teaming |
Soskova | Alexandra | Sofia University, Sofia | Associate Professor | | Computability, Effective Model Theory, Enumeration reducibilty, Degree Spectra, Jump of a structure |
Sousa | Ana Catarina | CMAT, Universidade do Minho (Portugal) | Ph D student | | Proof Search, Human-centered Theorem Proving, Proof Theory. |
Sterrett | Susan G | Wichita State University, Kansas, USA | Full Professor | | Philosophy of Science , AI/Philosophical Logic/PhilMind |
Ternovska | Evgenia | Simon Fraser University (Canada) | | ||
Terzian | Giulia | University of Bristol (UK) | Teaching fellow | | Philosophical logic, Philosophy of maths, metaphysics, Formal theories of truth, set theory |
Thalos | Mariam | Utah (USA) | Professor | | Philosophy of logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, Philosophy of decision, Philosophy of mathematics |
Turhan | Anni-Yasmin | TU Dresden (Germany) | Senior researcher | knowledge represenation & reasoning, Description logics, ontology engineering, temporal reasoning, vagueness | |
Uckelman | Sara L. | Durham University | Assistant professor | | history of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of math, medieval logic, history of logic, modal and dynamic logic |
van der Schaar | Maria | University of Leiden | assistant professor | | philosophy of logic, history of logic, theory of judgement, constructive type theory, origins of analytic philosophy |
van Wierst | Pauline | Scuola Normale Superiore (Italy) | PhD Candidate | Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Ideals of mathematical proof (grounding), Bolzano's logic | |
VanDieren | Monica | IBM, Quantum Industry & Technical Services (USA) | Learning Strategist | | quantum computing, model theory, non-elementary classes, set theory |
Veloso | Sheila | UFRJ | Professor | ||
Verbrugge | Rineke | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Full Professor | | Mathematical logic, computational logic, Cognitive science, Logics for multi-agent systems, Formal models of social cognition |
Verity | Florrie | Australian National University | PhD Student | type theory, categorical logic, homotopy type theory, formal semantics of natural language, interactive theorem provers | |
Villavicencio | Aline | University of Sheffield (UK) | Professor | | Natural Language Processing, Lexical Semantics, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computational Models |
Wassermann | Renata | University of São Paulo (Brazil) | Associate Professor | | Knowledge representation, non-classical logics, belief revision, |
Wenmackers | Sylvia | University of Groningen (Netherlands) | Research postdoc | | Mathematical logic, model theory, Philosophy of probability, philosophy of science, Non-standard models, hyperreals, Infinitesimal probabilities, (In-)deterministic models |
Wood | Carol | Wesleyan University (USA) | Edward Burr Van Vleck Professor Emeritus of Mathematics | | Mathematical logic, applications of model theory to algebra |
Wyatt | Nicole | University of Calgary | Asst. Professor and Department Head | | Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Language, Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy of Sex and Love, Logical Pluralism, Pragmatics, Speech Act Theory |
Wójtowicz | Anna | Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw (Poland) | assistant professor | | philosophical and mathematical logic |
Yang | Fan | University of Helsinki (Finland) | Academy Research Fellow | | non-classical logic |
Yap | Audrey | University of Victoria (Canada) | Associate Professor | | philosophy of logic, history and philosophy of math, (dynamic) epistemic logic |
Zamansky | Anna | University of Haifa (Israel) | assistant professor | | Non-classical logic, Proof Theory, Knowledge representation, Paraconsistent logics |
Zhu | Shufang | Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) | Research postdoc | | Automated reasoning, planning and program synthesis |
Özgün | Aybüke | ILLC-University of Amsterdam | Research postdoc | | Philosophical and mathematical logic, Formal epistemology, dynamic epistemic logic, neighbourhood/topological semantics for knowledge and belief |
Gallovich | Camila | University of Buenos Aires, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Argentina) | Teaching Assistant, PhD Student | | Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Formal Metaphysics |
Dumitru | Nicoleta | University of Bucharest (Romania) | Teaching Assistant, PhD Student | | Cryptography, Proof mining and applications in optimization |
Derakhshan | Farzaneh | Illinois Institute of Technology (US) | Assistant professor | | Programming Languages, Proof Theory, Type Theory, Language-based Security |