- Like images according to the desing exponed on README.md file
- Like and dislike
- Save like count number on a realtime database or in the image metadata
- Authenticate users on the app
- Only the user who upload an image can delte its own images. The button wil not be shown to the other users
- The list of users who like an image will be saved to the real time database or on the metatada of the image
- The name of the user who like a photo will be showed on the image detail
- Upload app allows to upload files to a Firebase Storage by using the "UPLOAD IMAGE" button
- Upload app allows to show all images by navigating between the right and left buttons
- Upload app allows to show an image detail by clicking on the "👀" button
- Once on the detail view you can:
- View some of the metadata info of each image like: name, ipload datetime and size
- Also view the image
- Return on to the main view by using the back navigation button
- Delete an image. The image will be uploaded and return to the main view
- The the main view is shown next:
- The detailed view is shown next: