A comprehensive utility package for Discord.js bots that provides advanced features and helpers to make bot development easier and more efficient.
- Ready-to-use moderation commands (kick, ban)
- Utility commands (ping, avatar, shortlink)
- Automatic permission handling
- Embedded responses
- Command usage tracking
- Basic, Error, Success, Warning, and Info embeds
- Custom embeds with full customization
- Server and User info embeds
- Loading embeds
- Custom button creation
- Button rows and menus
- Confirmation buttons
- Poll buttons
- Link buttons
- Menu buttons
- Standard pagination with navigation
- Custom page indicators
- Menu-based pagination
- Configurable timeouts and labels
- Temporary messages
- Delayed message editing
- Progress bars
- Typing effects
- Countdown timers
- Reaction collectors
- Fixed and user-defined tax rate calculations
- Embed and message display options
- Customizable tax rate presets
- Automatic total calculation
- Permission validation
- Cooldown management
- Command usage tracking
- Command statistics
- Role hierarchy checking
- Role requirement validation
npm install @ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils
const { EmbedUtil } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Create different types of embeds
const successEmbed = EmbedUtil.createSuccessEmbed('Operation completed!');
const errorEmbed = EmbedUtil.createErrorEmbed('Something went wrong!');
const warningEmbed = EmbedUtil.createWarningEmbed('Please be careful!');
const infoEmbed = EmbedUtil.createInfoEmbed('Here is some information');
const loadingEmbed = EmbedUtil.createLoadingEmbed('Processing...');
// Create server/user info embeds
const serverEmbed = EmbedUtil.createServerInfoEmbed(guild);
const userEmbed = EmbedUtil.createUserInfoEmbed(member);
// Create custom embed
const customEmbed = EmbedUtil.createCustomEmbed({
title: 'Custom Title',
description: 'Custom Description',
fields: [{ name: 'Field', value: 'Value', inline: true }],
thumbnail: 'thumbnail_url',
image: 'image_url',
footer: { text: 'Footer text' },
author: { name: 'Author name' }
const { ButtonUtil } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Create confirmation buttons
const confirmRow = ButtonUtil.createConfirmationButtons();
// Create custom button
const button = ButtonUtil.createButton({
label: 'Click me!',
style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
customId: 'custom',
emoji: '👋'
// Create menu buttons
const menuRow = ButtonUtil.createMenuButtons([
{ label: 'Option 1', customId: 'opt_1', emoji: '1️⃣' },
{ label: 'Option 2', customId: 'opt_2', emoji: '2️⃣' }
// Create poll buttons
const pollRow = ButtonUtil.createPollButtons(['Yes', 'No', 'Maybe']);
const { MessageUtil } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Send temporary message
await MessageUtil.sendTemporaryMessage(channel, 'This will delete in 5 seconds');
// Create typing effect
await MessageUtil.createTypingEffect(channel, [
'First message...',
'Second message...',
'Final message!'
], {
interval: 2000,
deleteAfter: true
// Create countdown
await MessageUtil.createCountdown(interaction, 60, {
startMessage: 'Countdown started!',
endMessage: 'Time\'s up!'
// Create progress bar
const progress = MessageUtil.createProgressBar(7, 10); // "ZerroDevs"
const { TaxUtil } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Calculate tax with fixed rate
const taxInfo = TaxUtil.calculateTax(1000, 15); // 15% tax rate
// Display as message
const messageResponse = TaxUtil.createTaxMessageResponse(taxInfo);
// Display as embed
const embedResponse = TaxUtil.createTaxEmbed(taxInfo);
// Using preset command with fixed rate
await PresetCommands.handleTax(interaction, {
userDefined: false,
fixedRate: 15
// Using preset command with user-defined rate
await PresetCommands.handleTax(interaction, {
userDefined: true
- User timeout management
- Message bulk deletion with filters
- Channel slowmode control
- Duration parsing (1s, 1m, 1h, 1d)
- Permission validation
const { ModerationUtil } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Timeout a user
const success = await ModerationUtil.timeout(member, 3600, 'Breaking rules'); // 1 hour timeout
// Clear messages with filters
const deleted = await ModerationUtil.clearMessages(channel, 100, {
user: targetUser,
contains: 'spam'
// Set channel slowmode
await ModerationUtil.setSlowmode(channel, 30); // 30 seconds
// Parse duration string
const seconds = ModerationUtil.parseDuration('1h'); // Returns 3600
// Check moderation permissions
const canModerate = ModerationUtil.validateModPermissions(member, 'MODERATE_MEMBERS');
Available Moderation Commands:
/timeout <user> <duration> [reason]
- Timeout a user with duration (1s, 1m, 1h, 1d)/clear <amount> [user] [contains]
- Delete messages with optional filters/slowmode <duration>
- Set channel slowmode with duration format
- Role information and statistics
- Interactive poll creation
- Dynamic poll updates
- Vote tracking and management
- Button-based interactions
const { InteractionUtil } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Get role information
const roleInfo = await InteractionUtil.getRoleInfo(role);
const embed = InteractionUtil.createRoleInfoEmbed(roleInfo);
// Create an interactive poll
const poll = InteractionUtil.createPoll('What\'s your favorite color?', [
'Red', 'Blue', 'Green'
const message = await channel.send({
embeds: [poll.embed],
components: poll.components
// Update poll results
const updatedPoll = InteractionUtil.updatePollResults(interaction, votesMap);
await message.edit({
embeds: [updatedPoll.embed],
components: updatedPoll.components
Available Interaction Commands:
/roleinfo <role>
- Display detailed role information and statistics/poll <question> [options]
- Create an interactive poll with up to 10 options (comma-separated)
const { CommandHandler } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Check permissions
const hasPermission = CommandHandler.validatePermissions(member, ['BAN_MEMBERS']);
// Handle cooldowns
const cooldownTime = CommandHandler.checkCooldown(userId, 'commandName', 10);
// Track usage
const usageCount = CommandHandler.trackCommandUsage(userId, 'commandName');
// Get command stats
const stats = CommandHandler.getCommandStats('commandName');
// Check role hierarchy
const canModerate = CommandHandler.checkPermissionHierarchy(moderator, target);
// Check roles
const hasRole = CommandHandler.hasRequiredRole(member, roleId);
const hasAnyRole = CommandHandler.hasAnyRole(member, roleIds);
const hasAllRoles = CommandHandler.hasAllRoles(member, roleIds);
- Comprehensive error tracking and handling
- Multiple log levels (info, warning, error, debug)
- File-based logging with automatic cleanup
- Discord webhook integration
- Command execution logging
- Global error catching
- Custom event logging
const { LoggerUtil } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Initialize logger
await LoggerUtil.initialize({
logDirectory: 'logs',
webhookUrl: 'your-webhook-url',
errorWebhookUrl: 'your-error-webhook-url',
maxLogAge: 7 // days
// Log different levels
await LoggerUtil.log('info', 'Operation successful');
await LoggerUtil.log('warning', 'Resource running low');
await LoggerUtil.error(error, { context: 'additional info' });
// Wrap commands with logging
const wrappedCommand = LoggerUtil.createCommandLogger(async (interaction) => {
// Your command logic here
// Automatic file cleanup
// Logs older than maxLogAge days are automatically removed
const { PresetCommands } = require('@ZerroDevs/discord-bot-utils');
// Get all preset command definitions
const presetCommands = PresetCommands.getPresetCommands();
// In your interaction handler:
client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
if (!interaction.isCommand()) return;
switch(interaction.commandName) {
case 'ping':
await PresetCommands.handlePing(interaction);
case 'avatar':
await PresetCommands.handleAvatar(interaction);
case 'kick':
await PresetCommands.handleKick(interaction);
case 'ban':
await PresetCommands.handleBan(interaction);
case 'shortlink':
await PresetCommands.handleShortLink(interaction);
Available Preset Commands:
- Check bot latency/avatar [user]
- Get user avatar (optional user mention)/kick <user> [reason]
- Kick a member with optional reason/ban <user> [reason] [days]
- Ban a user with optional reason and message deletion days/shortlink <url>
- Create a shortened URL using TinyURL/tax-fixed <amount> [display]
- Calculate tax with fixed rate (15%)/tax-custom <amount> <tax_rate> [display]
- Calculate tax with custom rate
Check the examples
directory for a complete example bot showcasing all features.