- angular: update angular to angular 19
- angular: update angular to angular 18, from now on, the main version will follow
version. - angular migrate to standalone component
- angular:
be removed, use standalone componentNgxHmCarouselComponent
directly instead.
- angular: update angular to angular 13
- angular: update angular to angular 12
- class: change class name when init component
- resize-observer-polyfill: remove dependencies
, if you need that polyfill, import that inpolyfills.ts
by your self - mouse-enable: fix error wording
- angular: update angular to angular 9.0
- pan-boundary:add Input
to user move picture with the container width rate, when more than that rate distance, it will go to next or prev.
- Upgrade to angular 8.0+:upgrade the angualr version with ng 8.
- swipe-velocity:add Input
to custom swipe-speed
- fix when infinite element not exist problem:fix when infinite element not init, clear cause carousel break problem.
- fix infinite loop problem with rxjs:fix infinite loop problem with rxjs.
- show-number auto with breakpoint problem: fix problem with breakpoint.
- fix infinite loop problem with rxjs:fix infinite loop problem with rxjs.
- Change animation way with
: usingtransform: translateX()
to change left position.
Fix rounding error when calculating element width: using
to get init view width to avoid carousel display improperly, thanks for anteq in requests 17 -
Prevent Drag click event trigger: when hammer stop the click event will occur, fix that with document
Drag Boundary Problem: caculate with left by touch boundary, caculate the swipe index.
- Infinite mode or autoplay mode: We need add
<ng-template #infiniteContainer></ng-template>
in the template, and add[data]="avatars"
in thengx-hm-carousel
, to make the template in the angular life cycle, the example is below.
<section ngx-hm-carousel-container class="content">
<article class="item cursor-pointer" ngx-hm-carousel-item *ngFor="let avatar of avatars; let i = index" [ngClass]="{'visible': currentIndex===i}">
<div class="img" (click)="click(i)" [style.backgroundImage]="'url('+avatar.url+')'">{{i}}</div>
<ng-template #infiniteContainer></ng-template>
<ng-template #carouselContent let-avatar let-i="index">
<article class="item cursor-pointer" [ngClass]="{'visible': currentIndex===i}">
<div class="img" (click)="click(i)" [style.backgroundImage]="'url('+avatar.url+')'">{{i}}</div>
- Seprate moving animation with user occur and autoplay: We seprate the animation class with
, now we can use different class for that.
- Mouse over restart problem: Fix error with
problem with restart.
- Break point with width: We can set own break point with input
to switch show number with own logic. Example Important: the breakpoint is follow thecontainer width
, not follow with window width.
// the breakpoint interface
export interface NgxHmCarouselBreakPointUp {
width: number;
number: number;
- infinite with multi show number: We can use the input
and set[infinite]="true"
, it will clone the element to view, and can change the input dynamicly to switch show number. Example
Mouse over restart problem: Fix when enable
, when mourse on the carousel and drap the view, change index, the restart will run problem. -
Drag many animation disappear problem: Fil problem with drag many, the animation doesn't append problem.
- Fix Animation error: fix doesn't remove aniClass when remove animation.
- Fix init with index error: fix when init with index, the animation will occur problem.
- Add support with Angular Universal: when universal run, it will init with carousel view.
- Add Disable Drag: add input to switch drag event listener with [disable-drag].
- When elements length zero can't drag: Now when children elements length is equal zero, stop drag event.
- Not drag with pan move: change name with [notDrag] to [not-follow-pan].
- Optimize Performance: fix problem with change Detection by onPush and ngZone
- remove emit with progress width: remove emit with progress width, it will cause performance problem, now it only using width change with progress bar, change like below.
<ng-template #carouselProgress let-progress>
<div class="progress"></div>
.progress {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 0; // set default width to zero, it will increase with duraction (%)
height: 5px;
background: #ff5252;
- Animation class: add [input] with animation add class by [aniClass]
- Not drag with pan move: add [input] with Not drag with pan move by [notDrag]
- Mobile touch error: Fix when scroll event occur, the carousel will move error point, and can't touch problem.
- carousel item change: When add item to the children, will recaculate the carousel variable.
- Add ngx-hm-carousel-item directive back: with recaculate the carousel varibae so add
- Fix infinite problem with next and prev click: fix error with infinite .
- Fix mask not clear problem: when drag occur, we use an mask to avoid click event emit, but it will not clear when drag end, add pancancel to fix that.
When item is smaller than length the mask non remove: fix bug when show number is more than item length, mask click don't remove.
Mask bug fix: Fix mask bug with grab.
- Remove ngx-hm-carousel-item: remove item directive in the container, just the first child of container is the item, and we can use normal click event in the content.
- Speed Change Dynamically: Now you can change input[autoplay-speed] to change speed dynamically.
- align center: when align set to 'center', always can drag move.
- auto play: infinite always changed with autoplay.
- ng build --prod: fix problem with ng build --prod.
- Dynamic Directive:
can load item Dynmain. - infinite option: Now, you can set infinite to true, make this carousel loop change.
- ControlValueAccessor: You can use ngModel with
, more easy to use with index.
- current-index:
is removed, replace withngModel
. - index-change:
is removed, replace withngModel
- Scroll right change: Scroll right upto length-showNum.
- Add Dynmain load element: Add Dynmain load element with ngxHmCarouselDynamic directive.
<ngx-hm-carousel [current-index]="currentI" [infinite]="true" [align]="left" class="carousel c-accent" (index-change)="currentI = $event">
<!-- style="height: calc(100vh - 50px);" -->
<section ngx-hm-carousel-container class="content">
<article class="item cursor-pointer" *ngFor="let item of data; let i = index" ngx-hm-carousel-item>
<div *ngxHmCarouselDynamic="i; length: data.length; index: currentI" class="img" [style.backgroundImage]="item.url"></div>
- fix bug with showNum: forget the get method of showNum, repair it.
- use resize-observer-polyfill to handle element resize: use resize-observer-polyfill handle container resize
- set index response: when set same current Index not response
- when show number is zero error: when show number is zero, alignDistance always be zero
- click event position error : fix when container has some padding or margin, the click event will give error index.
- align mode : add align mode with
'left' | 'center' | 'right'
, default is center.
- when index change restart autoplay time
- fix autoplay cancel bug
- An carousel for Angular support mobiel with Hammerjs