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File metadata and controls

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Suppose you're tired of manually fiddling with traffic signals, and you want to use machine learning to do it. You can run A/B Street without graphics and automatically control it through an API.


This Python example has everything you need to get started.

See all example code -- there are different experiments in Go and Python that automate running a simulation, measuring some metric, and making a change to improve the metric.

Control flow

The headless API server that you run contains a single map and simulation at a time. Even though you can theoretically have multiple clients make requests to it simultaneously, the server will only execute one at a time. If you're trying to do something other than use one script to make API calls in sequence, please get in touch, so we can figure out something better suited to your use case.

When you start the headless server, it always loads the montlake map with the weekday scenario. The only way you can change this is by calling /sim/load. For example:

curl http://localhost:1234/sim/load -d '{ "scenario": "data/system/us/seattle/scenarios/downtown/monday.bin", "modifiers": [], "edits": null }' -X POST`

You can also pass flags like --infinite_parking to the server to control SimOptions. These settings will apply for the entire lifetime of the server; you can't change them later.

API details

Under construction: The API will keep changing. There are no backwards compatibility guarantees yet. Please make sure I know about your project, so I don't break your client code.

For now, the API is JSON over HTTP. The exact format is unspecified, error codes are missing, etc. A summary of the commands available so far:

  • /sim
    • GET /sim/reset: Reset all temporary map edits and the simulation state. The trips that will run don't change; they're determined by the scenario specified by the last call to /sim/load. If you made live map edits using things like /traffic-signals/set, they'll be reset to the edits from /sim/load.
    • POST /sim/load: Switch the scenario being simulated, and also optionally sets the map edits.
    • GET /sim/load-blank?map=data/system/gb/london/maps/southwark.bin: Switch to a different map, loading a blank simulation.
    • GET /sim/get-time: Returns the current simulation time.
    • GET /sim/goto-time?t=06:30:00: Simulate until 6:30 AM. If the time you specify is before the current time, you have to call /sim/reset first.
    • POST /sim/new-person: The POST body must be an ExternalPerson in JSON format.
  • /traffic-signals
    • GET /traffic-signals/get?id=42: Returns the traffic signal of intersection #42 in JSON.
    • POST /traffic-signals/set: The POST body must be a ControlTrafficSignal in JSON format.
    • GET /traffic-signals/get-delays?id=42&t1=03:00:00&t2=03:30:00: Returns the delay experienced by every agent passing through intersection #42 from 3am to 3:30, grouped by direction of travel.
    • GET /traffic-signals/get-cumulative-thruput?id=42: Returns the number of agents passing through intersection #42 since midnight, grouped by direction of travel.
    • GET /traffic-signals/get-all-current-state: Returns the current state of all traffic signals, including the stage timing, waiting, and accepted agents.
  • /data
    • GET /data/get-finished-trips: Returns a JSON list of all finished trips. Each tuple is (time the trip finished in seconds after midnight, trip ID, mode, duration of trip in seconds). The mode is a string like "Walk" or "Drive". If the trip was cancelled for any reason, duration will be null.
    • GET /data/get-agent-positions: Returns a JSON list of all active agents. Vehicle type (or pedestrian), person ID, and position is included.
    • GET /data/get-road-thruput: Returns a JSON list of (road, agent type, hour since midnight, throughput for that one hour period).
    • GET /data/get-blocked-by-graph: Returns a mapping from agent IDs to how long they've been waiting and why they're blocked.
    • GET /data/trip-time-lower-bound?id=123: Returns a reasonable lower bound for the total duration of trip 123, in seconds. The time is calculated assuming no delay at intersections, travelling full speed along every road, and using the primary mode for the entire trip (so just driving).
    • GET /data/all-trip-time-lower-bounds: The faster equivalent of calling /data/trip-time-lower-bound for every trip in the simulation.
  • /map
    • GET /map/get-edits: Returns the current map edits in JSON. You can save this to a file in data/player/edits/city_name/map_name/ and later use it in-game normally. You can also later run the headless server with --edits=name_of_edits.
    • GET /map/get-edit-road-command?id=123: Returns an object that can be modified and then added to map edits.
    • GET /map/get-intersection-geometry?id=123: Returns a GeoJSON object with one feature for the intersection and a feature for all connecting roads. The polygon coordinates are measured in meters, with the origin centered at the intersection's center.
    • GET /map/get-all-geometry: Returns a huge GeoJSON object with one feature per road and intersection in the map. The coordinate space is WGS84.
    • GET /map/get-nearest-road?lat=1.23&lon=4.56&threshold_meters=100: Snaps a point to the nearest road center line, and returns the RoadID.

Working with the map model

If you need to deeply inspect the map, you can dump it to JSON:

cargo run --release --bin cli -- dump-json data/system/us/seattle/maps/montlake.bin > montlake.json

See some example code that reads this JSON and finds buildings.

You could also edit the map JSON, convert it back to binary, and use it in the simulation. This isn't recommended generally, but one possible use case could be tuning the amount of offstreet parking per building. The map JSON has a list called buildings, and each object there has a field parking. You coud set this object to { "Private": [100, false] } to indicate 100 parking spots, for a building not explicitly designated in OpenStreetMap as a garage. After editing the JSON, you have to convert it back to the binary format:

cargo run --release --bin cli -- import-json-map --input=montlake.json --output=data/system/us/seattle/maps/montlake_modified.bin`

The format of the map isn't well-documented yet. See the generated API docs and the map model docs in the meantime.

Working with individual trips

You can use the /sim/new-person API in the middle of a simulation, if needed. If possible, it's simpler to create a Scenario as input.

Working with Scenarios

You can import trips from your own data.

You can also generate different variations of one of the demand models by specifying an RNG seed:

cargo run --release --bin cli -- random-scenario --rng=123 --map=data/system/us/seattle/maps/montlake.bin --scenario_name=home_to_work

You can also dump Scenarios (the file that defines all of the people and trips) to JSON:

cargo run --release --bin cli -- dump-json data/system/us/seattle/scenarios/montlake/weekday.bin > montlake_weekday.json

You can modify the JSON, then put the file back in the appropriate directory and use it in-game:

cargo run --bin game -- --dev data/system/us/seattle/scenarios/montlake/modified_scenario.json

The Scenario format is documented here.