1.0.0 (2020-12-21)
- filters: filtering bike stations now allows compound filtering by 2+ properties (e18add0)
- playground: adjust initial query to use the union type (878c001)
- add filter by line ID on bus stops (28c05fd)
- add filter by lineName in bus stops query (dc14e92)
- create bus lines query (784d44a)
- create bus stop query (3d2e3e7)
- create bus stops query (c76167f)
- create busLine query (5b1b9a4)
- caching: add caching hints to the fields (1ab9d03)
- changelog: add command in package for generating the changelog (09e2e91)
- codegen: use interfaces for generated types (ccbe871)
- coverage: add test coverage information (a853dc4)
- errors: add NotFoundError as a return type on queries (32cbeaa)
- findby: add findBy closest station input parameter (e82dbec)
- playground: add example query to the playground (9471c3d)
- playground: add example query to the playground (71e9f3c)
- queries: add bikeStation query (5ac22ad)
0.2.1 (2020-11-14)
- codegen: change the local codegen path (3171f6d)
- datasources: create common data source for the TMB API (fd03497)
- filter: add filtering bike stations by hasAvailableDocks (f0ad193)
- queries: add filter stations by line (352bff9)
- queries: add the ability to find a metroStation by name (4b0b676)
- queries: create BikeStations query (5ed07a6)
- queries: create metroLine query (3b14210)
- queries: create metroLines query (160c955)
- query: add metroStation query (792a63b)
- readme: adjust run section with the new lambda functions (fd5d489)
0.0.0-alpha (2020-10-18)
- dev: do not use webpack for development mode (6c989dc)
- eslint: fix eslint configuration and add eslintignore (4b7d599)
- gitignore: ignore dist folder (4ebfce7)
- query: change name of object field in metroStations query, add editor light theme (3780a2e)
- ci: add basic ci configuration with github actions (090d0e9)
- datasources: add data source for metro stations (455affa)
- datasources: add reducer to convert from API response to our schema (9e3d143)
- deploy: deploy to netlify functions (ad24254)
- errors: add formatError utility to treat apollo errors (26dd8f9)
- init: initial commit (c170475)
- query: add metroStations query (c9c9e89)
- readme: add link to application hosted on Netlify (6817b21)
- test: add tests for the metro stations reducers (ab5eed7)