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Day 11: Monkey in the Middle


It had such a good start, today's puzzle. Then it became one of those puzzles. Now here's the good news - I was able to solve the puzzle without reading anyone else's code. And I might know why I got to a working solution; only tomorrow, when I read other folks' solutions, will I know for sure. But in the meantime, I will confidently document my thoughts as though I'm right, and I'll adjust later if need be! (EDIT: I discovered why my solution worked, and have adjusted the explanation below accordingly.)

In this puzzle, we're given some rather long descriptions of monkeys and how worried we are when they mess around with our stuff. As we go from part 1 to part 2, apparently our anxiety meds wear off and our worry goes off the chart.

Part One

Parsing the data

I actually enjoyed parsing this data. Let's start with understanding how I want to represent each monkey, and as is traditional for Clojure, a monkey is just a map. The keys I'm going to use are:

  • :id: Just for readability
  • :worry-raiser: The function to apply to increase worry over the item being inspected
  • :test-divisor: Since all monkey test are checking divisibility (of prime numbers... ahem...), just keep the divisor
  • :true-monkey: The target monkey to throw to if the adjusted worry level is divisible by test-divisor
  • :false-monkey: The target monkey to throw to if the adjusted worry level is +not+ divisible by test-divisor
  • :inspections: The accumulated number of items the monkey has inspected, defaulting to zero.

The only real interesting attribute here is worry-raiser. When I first solved the problem, I kept the entire string, such as "old * 19", which I parsed each time, since I thought it would be tricky to handle running operations on either constants or the current worry level at runtime. Turns out no, it's not bad. So let's look at the parsing code.

(defn parse-single-number [s]
  (parse-long (first (re-seq #"\d+" s))))

(defn parse-monkey [s]
  (let [[monkey-line starting-line op-line test-line true-line false-line] (str/split-lines s)]
    {:id           (parse-single-number monkey-line)
     :items        (mapv parse-long (re-seq #"\d+" starting-line))
     :worry-raiser (let [[_ op-str op-arg] (first (re-seq #".*old (\W) (.*)" op-line))
                         op-fn ({"*" * "+" +} op-str)]
                     (if (= "old" op-arg) (fn [v] (op-fn v v))
                                          (fn [v] (op-fn v (parse-long op-arg)))))
     :test-divisor (parse-single-number test-line)
     :true-monkey  (parse-single-number true-line)
     :false-monkey (parse-single-number false-line)
     :inspections  0}))

First off, parse-single-number is a little convenience function I'm using, since many of the input lines only contain a single numeric string I'll search for and parse out using a simple regex. Then parse-monkey takes in a multi-line string of the data that defines a monkey, which I split and destructure for easier parsing. The keys :id, :test-divisor, :true-monkey, and :false-monkey just search their lines for their numeric digits, and :inspections is a constant. So only :items and :worry-raiser are slightly more difficult.

For :items, we don't know how many starting items the monkey will have. re-seq will return a sequence of all numeric strings on that line, which we'll then map to parse-long. Note that we will use mapv instead of map because the instructions specifically state that each item thrown to a target monkey goes to the end of the recipient's list. I don't know why they made such a big deal out of this, since it doesn't affect the outcome in any way, but I'm feeling obedient so I'm using vectors instead of lists.

Finally, the :worry-raiser property is going to be a function taht takes in an item and returns its new worry level. We start by using re-seq again, extracting out the symbol for the operator (which will either be + or *) and the next word, which could be either old or a numeric string. We'll map the operator string to its function by sending it a map of {"*" *, "+" +}, which I think just looks cool, but it's mapping a single-character string to an arithmetic function. Finally, we check to see if the argument is "old" or something else, and we return one of two single-argument functions we'll later invoke with the current item.

And then for cleanliness, we'll implement a simple parse-monkeys function that splits the input by its blank line, and calls parse-monkey with each grouped string.

(defn parse-monkeys [input]
  (mapv parse-monkey (u/split-by-blank-lines input)))

Playing with monkeys

We already know how to raise worry when a monkey plays with an item, so now we need to make two other helper functions: reduce-worry to relieve our stress once the monkey gets bored, and next-monkey to determine to whom the monkey will send the item.

; advent-2022-clojure.utils namespace
(defn divisible? [num denom]
  (zero? (rem num denom)))

; advent-2022-clojure.day11 namespace
(defn reduce-worry [item]
  (quot item 3))

(defn next-monkey [test-divisor true-monkey false-monkey item]
  (if (divisible? item test-divisor) true-monkey false-monkey))

reduce-worry is straightforward - the quot function divides the first argument by the second, throwing away the remainder. And next-monkey just checks whether the item level is divisible by the test divisor, before choosing the target monkey. While not strictly necessary, I implemented divisible? in the utils namespace, so it would be more declarative in the application code and would be available for future puzzles.

Perhaps the trickiest function is process-monkey, and it's really not bad at all. This function takes in all of the monkeys and the ID of the one doing the inspections, and returns the state of all monkeys once it's done playing.

(defn process-monkey [monkeys monkey-id]
  (let [{:keys [items worry-raiser test-divisor true-monkey false-monkey]} (monkeys monkey-id)]
    (reduce (fn [monkeys' item]
              (let [item' (-> item worry-raiser reduce-worry)
                    target (next-monkey test-divisor true-monkey false-monkey item')]
                (update-in monkeys' [target :items] conj item')))
            (-> monkeys
                (assoc-in [monkey-id :items] [])
                (update-in [monkey-id :inspections] + (count items)))

We can see that it's just a single reduce function, after destructuring the data within the monkey. Let's work through the reduce arguments in reverse order.

The third argument is the collection to send in to the reduce function, which in this case is the vector of items the monkey is about to inspect.

The second argument is the initial state of the accumulator, wherein we want to make two changes to the current state of the monkeys. First, the monkey is about to give away all of its items, so we use (assoc-in [monkey-id :items] []) to set its value to a new empty vector. Then we need to increase the number of inspections the monkey is about to do, so we can call (update-in [monkey-id :inspections] + (count items)) to achieve that. Part of what makes Clojure so flexible is how its functions are so flexible across multiple data types. In this case, when we access monkey-id, it's operating on a vector, which means it is being used as the index of the element within the vector. Then the :items or :inspections arguments are applied to the monkey map, so they are being used as the keys into the map. Clojure is happy to mix and match these accessors within a single assoc-in or update-in call. Neat!

The first argument of the reduce call is the reduction function, which takes in the accumulator (current state of the monkeys) and the item being inspected. First, we increase our worry about the item with the worry-raiser of the monkey, and then we lower it back down again with reduce-worry. Then we calculate the next monkey to own the item, by passing in the new state of items'. Finally, we add the new item to the accumulated monkeys' vector, with (update-in monkeys' [target :items] conj item').

We're just about done!

(defn process-monkeys [monkeys]
  (reduce process-monkey monkeys (range (count monkeys))))

(defn part1 [input]
  (->> (parse-monkeys input)
       (iterate process-monkeys)
       (drop 20)
       (map :inspections)
       (sort >)
       (take 2)
       (apply *)))

The process-monkeys function takes the current state of the monkeys and calls process-monkey on each of them in order. Since process-monkey takes in the monkeys and the index of the monkey about to get to work, we reduce over the indexes of the monkeys, namely (range (count monkeys)).

Finally, part1 just chugs through the components we've already built. parse-monkeys will parse the data into our vector of monkey maps, and (iterate process-monkeys) creates and infinite sequence of calling process-monkeys. We drop the first 20 and call first to get the iteration that matters, and then we map each of the monkeys to their accumulated :inspections value. Then it's a simple matter of finding the two 2 and multiplying them together to get our answer.

Part Two

Quick Math

Ok... part two. If we just run the code as described, it'll never complete. I did notice that all of the divisibility tests were with prime numbers, which reminded me of another puzzle a few years ago that leveraged the Chinese Remainder Theorem. I honestly did't remember how it worked, but I did an experiment -- since we don't reduce our worry levels by dividing by 3 anymore, I checked to see what would happen if I took the remainder of the item level after dividing it by the product of all of the test divisors. It worked, but it wasn't because of the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Here's the actual idea. Imagine we had only two monkeys with divisors of 3 and 5, and the current worry is 18, remembering we no longer officially reduce our worry anymore. 18 is divisible by 3, so the test should return true. Now after the next two iterations, let's say we add 5 and multiply by 10, so we'll go from 18 to 23 to 230. Now our three tests (initial test and after passing the item twice) should resolve to (true false true).

If we know that the divisors are 3 and 5, then that means that there are only 15 possible values of interest we need to think about before they start repeating. It's exactly like the FizzBuzz puzzle, in which the test value keeps incrementing by 1. So if we mod our ever-increasing value by 15, the product of the divisors, we've essentially recreated FizzBuzz.

Taken another way, let's assume our divisors are again 3 and 5, so we're working with 3, and starting with an item level of 28, which is the (mod 15) equivalent of 13. Let's play around with either incrementing the values or incrementing and then using (mod 15):

  • Testing [28 29 30 31 32 33] against 3: [false false true false false true]
  • Testing [13 14 0 1 2 3] against 3: [false false true false false true]
  • Testing [28 29 30 31 32 33] against 5: [false false true false false false]
  • Testing [13 14 0 1 2 3] against 5: [false false true false false false]

It's easier to prove out multiplication. If the item is divisible by 3, then multiplying the item by any other value will keep it divisible by 3. Likewise, if the item is not divisible by 3, then the product will only be divisible by 3 if the multiplying factor itself is.

So, assuming that makes any sense at all, let's get back to the code.

Back to the puzzle

The first thing to do is to write a create-worry-fn which, like the original worry-raiser code in the parse-monkey function, returns one of two functions. If we naturally reduce our worry, then we'll return a function that takes in the item and divides it by 3, as we saw in the no longer needed reduce-worry function. If not, then we calculate the total-product, and return a function that takes the remainder of the item after dividing by that product.

(defn create-worry-reducer [reduce-worry? monkeys]
  (if reduce-worry?
    (fn [item] (quot item 3))
    (let [total-product (reduce * (map :test-divisor monkeys))]
      (fn [item] (rem item total-product)))))

Now we can refactor process-monkey and process-monkeys ever so slightly.

(defn process-monkey [worry-reducer monkeys monkey-id]
  (let [{:keys [items worry-raiser test-divisor true-monkey false-monkey]} (monkeys monkey-id)]
    (reduce (fn [monkeys' item]
              (let [item' (-> item worry-raiser worry-reducer)
                    target (next-monkey test-divisor true-monkey false-monkey item')]
                (update-in monkeys' [target :items] conj item')))
            (-> monkeys
                (assoc-in [monkey-id :items] [])
                (update-in [monkey-id :inspections] + (count items)))

(defn process-monkeys [worry-reducer monkeys]
  (reduce (partial process-monkey worry-reducer) monkeys (range (count monkeys))))

Both now take in a worry-reducer first argument, the result of calling create-worry-fn. process-monkey now calls the worry-reducer function instead of the old reduce-worry function. Note that since worry-reducer is a single-argument function, we can use the thread-first macro again with (-> item worry-raiser worry-reducer). The process-monkeys function now creates a partial function of process-monkey over worry-reducer, so it can be called cleanly from reduce with its accumulator (monkeys) and its next value (monkey-id).

Finally, since we're so close to the end, let's build our solve function to power part1 and part2.

(defn solve [reduce-worry? num-iterations input]
  (let [monkeys (parse-monkeys input)
        worry-reducer (create-worry-reducer reduce-worry? monkeys)]
    (->> (iterate (partial process-monkeys worry-reducer) monkeys)
         (drop num-iterations)
         (map :inspections)
         (sort >)
         (take 2)
         (apply *))))

(defn part1 [input] (solve true 20 input))
(defn part2 [input] (solve false 10000 input))

It's quite similar to the old part1, except that now we pre-create the parsed monkeys and use them to create the worry-reducer. The function needs to know which worry reducer to use, as well as how many iterations to apply. The part1 function uses the "normal" worry reducer and 20 iterations, while the part2 function uses the total product worry reducer and 10000 iterations.

And there you have it! A working solution, only slighly annoying on the basis of having to know math secrets.