A large portion of this problem was almost laughably simple since I'm using Clojure. Each line of input is valid edn (Extensible Data Notation), which Clojure is all too happy to read directly into normal data structures!
The bulk of Part 1 involves comparing two packets to see if they are in order. As with every Advent problem, let's start with our parsing logic.
(edn/read-string line)
Yep, that's it. We could use either the clojure.core/read-string
or clojure.edn/read-string
functions to parse
each line; both work just fine, but the latter is safer in that it cannot execute code, while the former can. I know
that the input data is safe for Advent, but there's no reason not to use the safer option.
Whew! That was rough. Let's move on.
The bulk of the work is going to come down to the correct-order?
function, which will take in two arities:
(defn correct-order? ([left right] ...)
([left right address] ...))
I implemented this a couple of ways, and found that I was happiest when I (mostly) didn't modify the left and right
packets, instead passing along an address
vector that represented the location within the packets we would access to
compare elements. Before showing the implementation, I want to introduce four helper functions:
(defn move-up [address] (subvec address 0 (dec (count address))))
(defn move-down [address] (conj address 0))
(defn move-right [address] (update address (dec (count address)) inc))
(defn vectorize [packet address] (update-in packet address vector))
Moving "down" means to drill into a sub-vector, where the get-in
function just adds a zero to its end to represent the
first index in the subvector. Likewise, moving "up" means removing the last term of the address vector. Moving "right"
means to go to the next value at the current level, which we do by calling inc
on the last index in the address.
Finally, the vectorize
is the only function that will mutate a packet (or make a copy of a mutated packet... this is
Clojure after all and we don't change our data structures!). The function modifies the value at an address of the
packet to convert itself from a scalar value to a vector of that scalar.
With that out of the way, let's write out correct-order?
(defn correct-order?
([left right] (correct-order? left right [0]))
([left right address]
(let [[v1 v2 :as values] (map #(get-in % address) [left right])]
(every? nil? values) (recur left right (-> address move-up move-right))
(nil? v1) true
(nil? v2) false
(every? number? values) (case (u/signum (- v1 v2))
-1 true
1 false
(recur left right (move-right address)))
(every? vector? values) (recur left right (move-down address))
(vector? v1) (recur left (vectorize right address) address)
:else (recur (vectorize left address) right address)))))
I'm sure I could get rid of a condition or two, but I'm ok with what I see for now. We start off with the 2-arity
function that calls into the 3-arity function with the starting root address of [0]
. Then we pull out the values from
the left
and right
packets at the correct address, binding them both individually to v1
and v2
, and as their
outgoing sequence as values
. Then we have one giant conditional to match against the proper scenario for the input.
- If we're looking at two
values, then we were in a subvector such that both sides were identical. So we need to move back "up" out of the subvector, and to the "right" in the parent. - If
, then the left vector ran out first, which means it's in order. - If
, then the second vector ran out first, which means it's out of order. - If both values are numbers, then we compare them. When they're not equal, use the signum to determine whether they're in order. If the two values are equal, then we need to move "right" to do the next comparison in order.
- If both values are vectors, then we move "down" into them to inspect their values.
- Otherwise, either
is a vector andv2
is scalar, or vice versa. So vectorize the scalar and loop back into the function again.
Well that wasn't bad! Now it's time for part1
, which of course we'll solve with transduce
because that's what we
(defn part1 [input]
(transduce (keep-indexed #(when (apply correct-order? %2) (inc %1)))
(u/split-blank-line-groups edn/read-string input)))
It's really simple. Split the input by blank line groups, passing in a transformation function edn/read-string
apply to each line within the line groups. Then let the transformation function be a simple keep-indexed
, which says
that when the pair of parsed lines are in order, keep their index (incremented because Advent lists are 1-indexed).
Finally, reduce with the +
function to get to our answer.
Part two was a snap, given how we implemented correct-order?
. We just have combine all of our non-blank lines
together to get a master list of packets, add two "divider packets," sort everything, and then multiply the indexes of
the divider packets (1-indexed again). Very simple.
To start off, let's implement a sort-packets
function, which just calls sort
with a comparator.
(defn sort-packets [packets]
(sort (fn [a b] (if (correct-order? a b) -1 1)) packets))
Then we can implement part2
(defn part2 [input]
(transduce (keep-indexed (fn [idx v] (when (divider-packets v) (inc idx))))
(->> (str/split-lines input)
(remove str/blank?)
(map edn/read-string)
(concat divider-packets)
Again we'll use a transduce
function, but there's a bit more to do to the collection before we can run it through the
transformer. I don't know of any way to simplify this any better, but I'm going to ask on the Clojurian Slack for help,
because so far as I can tell, it would be possible to create a stateful transducer that could sort the values before
calling keep-indexed
, but I don't see how that would be simpler than what I have.
So here, we prepare the input collection by splitting each line, removing the blanks, parsing them, adding in the two
, and then sorting the whole bunch. Then we do another keep-indexed
like we did in part 1, except
that we only want the indxes of the values that equal the divider-packets
. Luckily, I implemented divider-packets
as a set, so we can look them up as a function again. Finally, after incrementing the indexes, we just multiply them
together in the reducer function.
I don't see a reason to try and combine part1
and part2
any further; they look pretty good to me as is.
I thought I'd give a library a try this time around, since I've seen others use it in the past - clojure.core/match. This adds additional pattern matching powers to Clojure. The idea is that you give the matcher a vector of values to look at, and it'll look at the pattern of data coming in to figure out which expression to run.
I do need to ask around for some help, because it seems to be just fine at reading literals, including class literals,
but while it can pattern match around a single argument's class, it struggled with two of them. I had to use the uglier
guard clause syntax to get it to work. Still, if I can figure out the trick to it, this is another reasonable way to
implement the correct-order?
function. Without something cleaner, though, I think it's ugly so I won't be using it
just yet in my published code.
; implementation referring to [clojure.core.match :as m]
(defn correct-order?
([left right] (correct-order? left right [0]))
([left right address]
(let [[v1 v2] (map #(get-in % address) [left right])]
(m/match [v1 v2]
[nil nil] (recur left right (-> address move-up move-right))
[nil _] true
[_ nil] false
[(_ :guard number?) (_ :guard number?)] (case (u/signum (- v1 v2))
-1 true
1 false
(recur left right (move-right address)))
[(_ :guard vector?) (_ :guard vector?)] (recur left right (move-down address))
[(_ :guard vector?) _] (recur left (vectorize right address) address)
[_ (_ :guard vector?)] (recur (vectorize left address) right address)))))