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By Anthony Carrico, this work is in the public domain.

This is an expander and evaluator written to help (me) understand and explore Binding as Sets of Scopes — Notes on a new model of macro expansion for Racket, by Matthew Flatt.

I'm going step by step, so you may have to rewind the repository to follow these steps.

Update: It looks like there is another implementation out there, sweet.js.

Update: J. Ian Johnson is also working on a typed racket implementation of these models.

Update: Matthew Flatt's sets of scopes expander has been merged into Racket's main branch.

Session 35 — phase

This sections git tag is phase

I'm using more keywords this session. The algorithm needs more arguments, and long arbitrarily ordered argument lists are poor style.

Scope sets on syntax are now indexed by phase. The Transform type now takes #:phase. Phase is passed around through the expander, parser, and evaluator, so macro transformers can finally use the expander itself. The compiler state did carry an eval-env for macro expanders, and that is joined by an expand-env.

While this session is focused on phase, the Transform type now takes #:prune, and a new syntax-transform prunes scopes (previously the quote-transform handled syntax). With the additional transform, the make-default-initial-state helper also got keywords.

Session 34 — sets-of-scopes

This section's git tag is sets-of-scopes

This session changes the expander from mark+subst (Dybvig style) to sets-of-scopes (Flatt style). Much is ripped out and replaced in "syntax-lang.rkt"; the scope operations are extended to syntax operations here, and the parser, expander, evaluator, etc. are adapted as necessary.

The binding table is now part of the compiler state needs which needs to be passed around even wider than before (to the parser). For convenience, I've added several ops directly on it:

  • CompState-fresh-scope
  • CompState-resolve-id
  • CompState-bind-id
  • CompState-parse

Unfortunately "binding" is an overloaded term. Following Flatt, Binding is now the representation stored in the new global binding table. The old compile time Binding is now CompileTimeBinding.

To keep the expander small and lucid, the primitive transformers are in a new module: "transformers.rkt". More tests have moved into submodules.

Scopes are added for binding forms and macro use sites, but none of the other issues addressed in scope-sets-5 are dealt with or tested yet. Most of the evaluator is working as before, except that lexpand is commented out (along with its tests). The existing tests all pass :).

Session 33 — bindings

This section's git tag is bindings

Mathew Flatt defines the binding table as "the global table that maps a ⟨symbol, scope set⟩ pair to a representation of a binding". He suggests storing entries in the scopes, so that when a scope becomes unreachable, so does its entries.

I've been using immutable persistent state so far, so it makes sense for me to use an actual table for the binding table. Unfortunately Racket doesn't provide immutable persistent weak tables. For now, I've used a weak table to partition the binding table by scope (BindingTable-extend takes a hint to determine the new entry's partition). The side effect is ok for now, but could be a problem if I did something crazy that branched the expander (speculative expansion?).

Session 32

Add another operator, SetofScopeOps-merge, to merge lazy set-of-scopes operations.

Session 31

Now that sets-of-scopes have landed in Racket, submodules seem to work in typed racket. These changes break up the big test file.

Session 29, 30

This section's git tag is scopes

The Scope type is a structure with an id field. The id is wrapped in a structure to make it a reference type so it can key weak tables. A SetofScopes is just a (Setof Scope). The model requires three scope operations add, remove, and flip. The standard set ops can be used for strict syntax, but lazy operations will be required for lazy syntax. The SetofScopeOps type represents the lazy ops, and SetofScopeOps-apply applies them to a SetofScopes. There are various ways the lazy ops could be represented and optimized. I've chosen to keep lazy ops as three sets (of scopes), add, remove, and flip, where each scope is in at most one of these sets. More importantly, I've added tests for each combination of one and two ops. Of course the tests caught a bug in one of the combinations. I also uncovered two racket bugs writing this little module.

Session 28

I've come to the point where I've done all but 3.8 Definition Contexts of Macros that Work Together. In Binding as Sets of Scopes Notes on a new model of macro expansion for Racket, Matthew Flatt writes, "A specification of hygiene in terms of renaming accommodates simple binding forms well, but it becomes unwieldy for recursive definition contexts (Flatt et al. 2012, section 3.8)".

Rather than implement that unwieldy version, I'm ready to skip on to sets-of-scopes (which has matured in the meantime).

I've changed from "day" to the more accurate "session" in my log headings, and I've reversed the entries. Now I'll prepend new entries to keep the fresh stuff on top.

Day 25, 26, 27 — local expand

This section's git tag is lexpand

There is a small error in the nostops function in Macros that Work Together that confused me a little bit. When it clears the stops, it should restore the old bindings. I checked with the Racket mailing list and Ryan Culpepper confirmed the issue.

There are a lot of ways to represent the compile time environment (type Env). I've been using an association list. It isn't necessary to "shadow" bindings, so the stack behavior wasn't used or necessary. The stack behavior could be used to keep the old bindings around when lexpand installs stop bindings, but it seems a bit silly to look linearly through the list all the time. Instead, my new Env representation has two fields: a table that maps names to binding, and a set of stop names.

To look up a name in the new Env:

  • if the name is in the stop set: return the stop transformer binding,
  • otherwise if the name is in the table: return the value,
  • otherwise the name is unbound.

Since the original bindings are always in the table, lexpand (even nested) can just change the stop set.

The next change is to arrange for the expander to pass the mark used for a macro application to the evaluator for use in lexpand (other uses of the evaluator just pass #f).

The compiler state is threaded through the expander. Consequently, to support local expansion, the compiler state must now also be threaded through the evaluator. An alternative would be to explicitly pass the state to macro transformers.

Finally, local expansion introduces a circular dependency between the evaluator and the expander. I've resolved this by adding the expander function to the compiler state where the evaluator can find it.

With all this infrastructure in place, lexpand slipped in easily as a new case in the evaluator (once I remembered to resolve the stop ids).

(check-eval '(let-syntax public (lambda (e) (syntax-error))
               (let-syntax class (lambda (e)
                                   ((lambda (e2) (car (cdr (stx-e e2))))
                                    (lexpand (car (cdr (stx-e e))) (list #'public))))
                           (class (public '8))))

Day 23, 24 — syntax-local-value

This section's git tag is lvalue

Previously, the compile time environment was exclusive to the expander. In this section, it is made available during the application of macro transformers with a new primitive: lvalue (aka syntax-local-value).

To manage the new dependencies, the compile time environment and evaluator have been split into new modules. The compile time environment is now passed to evaluator by the expander. At runtime, the evaluator just gets an empty compile time environment.

The evaluation environment for macro expanders (in CompState) now has a binding for lvalue, but not the runtime evaluation environment:

(check-exn #rx"expand: unbound identifier*" (lambda () (eval 'lvalue)))

(check-eval '((lambda (x)
                (let-syntax n #'x
                  (let-syntax m (lambda (stx) (lvalue #'n))

Day 22 — Basic Hygienic Expander

This section's git tag is basic-hygienic

This session completes the basic hygienic expander. Renaming the bound Id in the let-syntax transformer was the missing piece, an easy change since all the machinery was in place for lambda last session.

To finish off, I've added the "Scope Examples" from 3.6.1 of Macros that Work Together to the tests.

Day 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 — Marks and Substitutions.

This section's git tag is mark-subst

I'm picking this project up here after about a month off. This section takes care of marks and substitutions and properly resolving Ids. It is a little tedious to program. A good resource is Robert Hieb and Kent Dybvig's 1992 distribution of syntax-case called psyntax.

At this point, macro applications are marked before and after expansion, and lambda does renaming. One hygiene problem remains: I haven't added renaming to let-syntax.

For testing, check-expand and check-re-expand compare with an Ast-equal? predicate, which does equality mod renaming, but Ast-equal? doesn't compare literal syntax, so I've had to comment out expansion tests like (syntax x). These were more reasonable to check in the unhygienic expander because they carried no context.

The thunk macro test passes with the hygienic result this time :).

Day 14, 15, 16 — More Syntax Language Updates

This section's git tag is more-syntax-language

By now I should be doing marking and renaming, but I'm still tinkering with my types. StxSeq and StxAtom had weird definitions; the match expanders didn't actually match the types. I've refined the datatypes while fixing that.

  • The name Atom now only applies to the atoms allowed in syntax expressions, namely Integer and Sym. Having another distinction for atomic values is potentially confusing, and was not really being used anyway.

  • I've made the implementation of syntax-objects polymorphic, so there can be a type for indentifiers: Id. Likewise, syntax-object sequences, have type Form.

  • StxContent is now simply Exp, defined as (U Atom (Seq Stx)).

  • Stx is an Exp together with Ctx, but behind the type are two variants, LazyStx and StrictStx. The Stx match expander pushes lazy context down.

  • finally, Seq is more abstract, for example:

(Seq (list (Sym 'x) (Sym 'y) (Sym 'z))))

is now:

(Seq (Sym 'x) (Sym 'y) (Sym 'z)))

Likewise, the new Seq match expander directly supports list-like syntax, but it still binds matched elements in Racket lists (rather than Seqs). Racket's vector match expander works this way too. It doesn't seem like Racket has support for defining match expanders on new sequences without delegating the task to lists, but this is something I'll have to investigate.

I had a little trouble here with Typed Racket. The error had the accessor StrictStx-exp used before it was defined. Moving Exp's make-predicate down fixed that, so I've defined that whole cluster of types before any potential usage.

Day 13 — Lazy Context

This section's git tag is lazy-context

Macros that Work Together adds context by marking and renaming syntax-objects. In the model, these operations work deeply, "the mark and rename meta-functions push Mark and Rename records down to all ctx chains in a syntax object". In Syntactic Abstraction in Scheme, Dybvig, Heib, and Bruggeman point out that earlier systems added context naively leading to quadradic behavior. Rather than applying context to every node eagerly, Dybvig wraps context around nodes, and pushes it down when children are exposed.

To achieve this, I've replaced the Stx structure with StxLazy and StxStrict. I've used define-type, define-match-expander, and make-predicate to imitate the syntax of the original Stx struct. No changes were required in the rest of the code.

That is pretty cool. It highlights the power of defining syntax in general. However, the specific ways the specifications are combined are ad hoc: define-match-expander can provide two meanings to an identifier, one in a match context, and one in an expression context, and with the #:omit-define-syntaxes keyword, define-type can add a third meaning, in a type expression context. Racket is getting the job done, but it brings back my reflections in the expander section above, about what context the expander should provide to macros, and what mechanisms for building up syntax should be available, etc. I will again try to ignore these reflections.

Day 12 — Syntax Language Update

This section's git tag is syntax-language


I'm going to have to get serious about a data structure for syntax context soon, but first I'm refining the core language.

  • I've distingished StxAtom from Atom.
  • I've made Seq polymorphic, so I can distinguish (Seq Val) and (Seq Stx).

Together these allow a more precise definition of Stx, so syntax is cleanly separated from (other) values. I've also collected up some of the predicates and match expanders. The changes make all the pattern matching in the rest of the code somewhat simpler.

Coincidentally, Matthias Felleisen and company have just released The Racket Manifesto, which says Racket insists on separating the various stages of language processing, particularly enforcing a strict separation of compile-time from run-time code. For example, the rewriting rules generate pure syntax and may not embed other language values inside this syntax.

No new tests in this section, but the existing tests and the type checker made these changes relatively painless. I did run into a subtyping issue with Racket v6.1.1 when I split some of core-lang.rkt into the new module syntax-lang.rkt, but this works fine in a Racket snapshot (thanks to Sam Tobin-Hochstadt for testing this). If you are following along with a bad version, and you don't want to grab a snapshot, you could probably combine the two files to avoid the error.

Day 11 — Binding and Using Macros

This section's git tag is macros

As a historical note, unhygienic macros go all the way back to Timothy Hart's, MACRO Definitions for LISP, AIM-057, 1963-10-12.

With the machinery that is in place, the let-syntax transformer is simple: just parse, evaluate, and bind the macro transformer. It is not expanded, keeping with the model in the paper. Expansion would bring questions about the appropriate expansion environment for macro transformers. I'll probably need to address these questions later, since it is painful to write macros in a language without macros. Even so, I do need an evaluation environment for macro transformers, so I've added one to the compiler state.

For macro use, the expander has a new clause to perform macro applications and re-expand the resulting syntax-object. This could be done with Ast-eval, but to be a little cleaner, I've added Ast-apply-values to the core.

For testing, I've added let-syntax to the environment. I've also added a new primitive +, which lets me try the unhygienic examples from the paper:

 '(let-syntax thunk (lambda (e)
                       (list #'lambda #'(a)
                             (car (cdr (stx-e e))))
              ((thunk (+ '1 '2)) '0))

 '(let-syntax thunk (lambda (e)
                       (list #'lambda #'(a)
                             (car (cdr (stx-e e))))
              (((lambda (a) (thunk (+ a '1))) '5) '0))
 ;; Unhygienic answer:
 ;; Hygienic answer:
 ;; '6

Day 10 — Evaluation

This section's git tag is evaluation.

Before introducing macros, it is worth hooking up all the pieces. All of this is in test.rkt. First I've gathered together consistent initial state: initial-eval-env, initial-expand-env, and initial-state. Now the expansion environment contains variable bindings for the primitive operations in addition to lambda, quote, and syntax. With that, I can define check-eval to take a full trip through the system:

(define (eval i)
  (define-values (state expanded)
    (expand initial-state initial-expand-env (Stx-scan i)))
  (Ast-eval (parse expanded) initial-eval-env))

(define (check-eval i o)
(check-equal? (eval i) (scan o)))

The input is scanned to syntax, expanded, parsed, evaluated, and compared to the scanned expected output. I've more-or-less duplicated the old check-Ast-eval checks with check-eval. They look like this:

(check-eval '(list-ref (list 'a 'b 'c) '0)

The check-Ast-eval checks include some literal closure values, but the syntax scanner can't create closure literals, however it isn't really necessary since the closures in those tests can easily be created with lambda:

(check-eval '((lambda (y) ((lambda (x) y) '0)) '1)

Day 7, 8, 9 — Expander

This section's git tag is expander.

Macros that Work Together says, "The next step ... is to create an expander that takes a syntax object for a source program and returns a syntax object for the expanded program."

  • expand converts a source syntax-object (type Stx) to a syntax-object (type Stx) that fits the parser.

The expander must also recognize the forms seen by the parser as mandated earlier in the paper, "the output of the expand function must also be a suitable input to expand, and expand must be idempotent."

It follows that since the parser is already done, the framework of the expander can be cut-and-pasted from the parser. Anytime I cut-and-paste code, I wonder about abstraction. In this case, expansion could be a mode switch for the parser or vice versa. There are quite a few problems with that idea, starting with the different return types differ (Stx vs. Ast). Still, the patterns and error checking might be shared somehow.

Another practical issue is building a list and reversing it into a Seq. I used type Seq for lists in the evaluator to emphasize that it is an ordered composite, but not to imply a single linked list. The code would be nicer with a Seq data structure that can cons at both ends.

The expander must generate fresh names, so I've created the CompState type to keep track of a counter. CompState could be extended if other state is needed. The counter is a simple way to generate the fresh names, but it would be nice if the expander's output was independent of the particulars of the expander itself. Perhaps if syntax-objects were (explictly) graphs instead of trees, variable references could connect to bindings instead of using fresh names.

This notion of a graph data structure representing not just the syntax, but also environment, and compiler state distracted me for a while. It is intriguing to think about passing a node with parsed context above and unparsed syntax below. In this case, transformers could easily determine if they were in an expression, definition, match, module or other context by looking up. Identifiers cut and pasted by macros could be closed over and then moved in and out of these contexts.

Meanwhile, I've implemented the simple thing. It is tricky to test the expanded syntax with all its context, so the check-expand helper parses the output. Even so, knowledge of variable renaming is necessary to write the checks. I should probably write a checker that checks syntax vs. syntax, dealing with context and alpha conversion, but for now testing looks like this:

(check-expand '(lambda (lambda) lambda)
              (Fun (list (Var '#%0-lambda)) (Var '#%0-lambda)))
(check-expand '(lambda (x) (lambda (y) (x y)))
              (Fun (list (Var '#%0-x))
                   (Fun (list (Var '#%1-y))
                        (App (list (Var '#%0-x) (Var '#%1-y))))))

Just to be sure I've achieved the goal, I also run the expanded outputs back through the expander to test idempotence:

(check-re-expand '(lambda (lambda) lambda)
                 (Fun (list (Var '#%1-lambda)) (Var '#%1-lambda)))

If I had a better checker, I could avoid duplicating test cases when checking re-expansion.

Finally, note that I have extended the model in the paper to allow identifiers to be bound as transformers. In addition to being useful, it simplifies error checking.

Days 3, 4, 5, 6 :( — Parser

This section's git tag is parser.

As with the previous sections, it took one sitting to write the parser, however it took several more sittings to get decent looking code to typecheck. I knew I should get this right, because the parser is very similar to the expander. The problem is that currently, match doesn't always cooperate with Typed Racket. I found a bug report (14900 at which gave me the clue to try #{x : X} style binding annotations in match patterns. This resolved my issues, and everything fell into place.

As mentioned in the introduction, Macros that Work Together defines parsing as converting a fully expanded syntax-object into an AST. The paper shows both symbol-driven and identifier-driven parsers. The former compares identifiers by name, the later resolves (will resolve) identifiers by their (as yet undefined) lexical context. I skipped directly to the identifier-driven parser.

The value scanner can be used to test the parser, but it is tedious. To create syntax-objects easily, I've implemented another scanner, Stx-scan. It is very simple, since it has just three cases, sequence, symbol, and integer. To summarize:

  • scan converts a Racket value (type Any) to a value (type Val)
  • Stx-scan converts a Racket value (type Any) to a syntax-object (type Stx)
  • parse converts a syntax-object (type Stx) to an AST (type Ast)

Testing looks like this:

(check-equal? (parse (Stx-scan '(lambda (x y) (x y))))
              (Fun (list (Var 'x) (Var 'y)) (App (list (Var 'x) (Var 'y)))))

The value scanner can also be used:

(check-equal? (parse (Stx-scan '(lambda (x y) (x y))))
              (scan '(#%fun (x y) (x y))))

Or even the syntax-object scanner:

(check-equal? (parse (Stx-scan '(syntax (x y z))))
              (Stx-scan '(x y z)))

Day 2 — Syntax Objects

This section's git tag is syntax-objects.

Carrying on with Macros that Work Together section 3.2, syntax-objects are the representation to be manipulated by macros and parsed into the core language for evaluation.

At this stage, a syntax-object is just a value with context, and the context has not been defined, so it has type Val for now. I think that some context will eventually need to be applied deeply or pushed down lazily (wraps in Dybvig), but I'll wait and see how that fits into Macros that Work Together as it comes up in the paper.

The scanner gets a clause to read syntax-objects:

(check-equal? (scan '(#%stx 2 context)) (Stx 2 (Sym 'context)))

The primitive evaluator gets two new clauses stx-e and mk-stx as in the paper:

(check-Ast-eval '(mk-stx 1 (#%val (#%stx 2 context)))
                '(#%stx 1 context))

(check-Ast-eval '(stx-e (mk-stx 1 (#%val (#%stx 2 context))))

Update: the PrimOp mk-stx originally accepted (Seq (listof Val)) but now requires (Seq (listof Stx)). For now, this follows the paper, but the paper also mentions that this is relaxed in Racket.

Day 1 — Core Language and Evaluator

This section's git tag is core-language.

Section eight of Sets of Scopes has a model based on:

  • Macros that Work Together — Compile-Time Bindings, Partial Expansion, and Definition Contexts, Matthew Flatt, Ryan Culpepper, David Darais, and Robert Bruce Findler.

This paper has a nice step-by-step development of the model, so it is a good place to start.

Macros that Work Together uses syntax-objects with marks and substitution like the original (Dybvig) syntax-case expander. One special feature is that it strictly separates parsing and expansion. In this case, parsing is defined as converting a fully expanded syntax-object into an abstract syntax tree (AST) for evaluation. This feature allows syntax to be expanded more than once.


For step one, in this repository, I've created Typed Racket data structures and an evaluator for ASTs.

Some differences from the paper and other things to notice:

  • functions have a list of variables instead of just one.

  • this evaluator has closure values, whereas the model uses deep substitution when applying a function.

  • the primitive evaluator procedure, Prim-eval, has list primitives, as in the paper, but anything could be added here.

scanner.rkt test.rkt

I've added scanners for testing and playing.

(check-equal? (scan 'x)
              (Sym 'x))

Racket's #%name style symbols scan as primitives, and there is a scanner for environments. Putting these together you can create an initial environment:

(define ast-env (AstEnv-scan '((cons #%cons) (car #%car) (cdr #%cdr)
                               (list-ref #%list-ref) (list #%list))))

For testing, the little helper procedure check-Ast-eval uses that environment to run checks:

(check-Ast-eval '(list-ref (#%val (a b c)) 0)

The scanner can also read primitives, functions, and closures as values, which is helpful for testing and playing, especially at this early step:

(check-Ast-eval '((#%val (#%fun (y) ((#%val (#%fun (x) y)) 0))) 1)

(check-Ast-eval '((#%val (#%closure (#%fun () x) ((x 5)))))