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A list of useful Stata packages.

maptile and spmap

Useful when visulizing geographic data. Maptile produces categorical maps. To install and read help docs:

ssc install maptile
help maptile

ssc install spmap
help spmap


When tabulating categorical variables fre provides more information about the underlying coding. Also provides more complete information regarding missing variables. Sample output (compare to tabulate.)

. fre sockeep

sockeep -- I sometimes eat sandwiches in the winter.
                                      |      Freq.    Percent      Valid       Cum.
Valid   1 Describes me greatly        |          8       0.25       0.33       0.33
        2 Describes me well           |         44       1.36       1.82       2.15
        3 Describes me somewhat       |        200       6.20       8.25      10.40
        4 Describes me very little    |        711      22.03      29.34      39.74
        5 Does not describe me at all |       1460      45.23      60.26     100.00
        Total                         |       2423      75.06     100.00           
Missing .                             |        805      24.94                      
Total                                 |       3228     100.00                      

Related and also useful is the command numlabel, add which can be used to prefix, remove, or otherwise modify valulables for more readable output.


Produces a confusion matrix and related statistics. The conmtrx output is similar to the output from R's caret package and its confusionMatrix() function. More information:


The SmartPut package provides a command family that produces various tables through putdocx. Stata 15 introduced putdocx which provides options for saving results and output to word files. Stata 15 did not provide a quick or simple one-line command for saving one- or two-way table results to word files. smrtbl produces one- or two-way tables. smrcol produces a table of dummy varaibles and related summary statistics.

smrfmn produces a table of summary statistics filtered by one or more indicator variables. More information:


Quicly converts regression results into an equation. Useful for troubleshooting your work. Also useful as a teaching or learning tool for users new to Stata or to statistics. For more information: Or to install ssc install equation.


tablecol has been a lifesaver. Simplifes the production of three way tabulations. Also can provide one and twoway tabulations that are easier to read. Example output:

. use, clear

. tablecol isYr instsize hbcu if instsize > 0 & instsize < 5

          |   Historically Black College or University and Institution size   
          |                              category                             
          | ------------------------------- Yes ------------------------------
     isYr |     Under 1,000    1,000 - 4,999    5,000 - 9,999  10,000 - 19,999
     2014 |              25               55               15                4
     2015 |              31               52               15                3
     2016 |              31               52               16                2

          |   Historically Black College or University and Institution size   
          |                              category                             
          | ------------------------------- No -------------------------------
     isYr |     Under 1,000    1,000 - 4,999    5,000 - 9,999  10,000 - 19,999
     2014 |           4,811            1,610              489              343
     2015 |           4,644            1,544              490              333
     2016 |           4,705            1,501              501              336


Includes the following:

More information from: which explains:

  • exampleobs prints (randomly selected) example observations and optionally stores the values in a local macro. This is useful to explore possible values of a variable in your data set without being biased by the ordering of the data.
  • head prints the head observations (first observations in data set) and mimics the head() function in R and head command in Linux.
  • randomselect randomly selects observations and marks them with a dummy variable. It differs from sample in that it does not drop the non-selected observations from the data set, and that either individual observations or other units, defined by a variable in the data set, can be randomly selected.
  • tail prints the tail observations (last observations in data set) and mimics the tail() function in R and tail command in Linux.

Download and install through Stata using ssc install <package_name>, replace


More information from: which explains:

Command that reports summary statistics, including a 2 x 2 table for classification data. classtabi is helpful in cases where only summarized data are available. For example, data-mining software generally produce a 2 X 2 classification table (referred to as confusion matrix) as part of the output. Those values can then be entered into classtabi to produce the additional classification statistics.

Download and install through Stata using ssc install classtabi, replace.

See also:

Bradbook & Bradmean

More information from: which explains:

  • bradmean Computes multiple independent means in a single table.
  • bradbook Creates a cleaner codebook for export.

Download and install using net install <package>, from( replace

Usage, once installed:

      bradbook [varlist] [, options]

      export(filename)    filename for PDF file to be saved
      replace             replaces file it already exists


Provides a new approach to reshape. More information from:

Download and install using net install tidy, from(

Notes about stata schemes.

Stata scheme notes eventually to be placed in seperate md file.

Scheme Talk

From: 12th UK Stata Users Group meeting: Abstracts

Scheming your way to consistent graphs Talk delivered by: Vincent L. Wiggins of StataCorp, College Station, TX

For the zip of his presentation see also this repo's plotting subfolder. Or to read more see my tweet.


More information from: & which explains:

The burd Stata graph scheme is a reverse implementation of Cynthia Brewer's ColorBrewer RdBu diverging color scheme.