diff --git a/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/documentation/examples/ExampleAASX_CD_Movement_BatteryPass_Guided.aasx b/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/documentation/examples/ExampleAASX_CD_Movement_BatteryPass_Guided.aasx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12c43ee0 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/documentation/examples/ExampleAASX_CD_Movement_BatteryPass_Guided.aasx differ diff --git a/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/documentation/examples/Movement_2.0.0.ttl b/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/documentation/examples/Movement_2.0.0.ttl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30638f75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/AasxCore.Samm2_2_0/documentation/examples/Movement_2.0.0.ttl @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +@prefix samm: . +@prefix samm-c: . +@prefix samm-e: . +@prefix unit: . +@prefix rdf: . +@prefix rdfs: . +@prefix xsd: . +@prefix : . + +:Movement a samm:Aspect ; + samm:preferredName "movement"@en ; + samm:description "Aspect for movement information"@en ; + samm:properties ( :isMoving :position :speed :speedLimitWarning ) ; + samm:operations ( ) ; + samm:events ( ) . + +:isMoving a samm:Property ; + samm:preferredName "is moving"@en ; + samm:description "Flag indicating whether the asset is currently moving"@en ; + samm:characteristic samm-c:Boolean . + +:position a samm:Property ; + samm:preferredName "position"@en ; + samm:description "Indicates a position"@en ; + samm:characteristic :SpatialPositionCharacteristic . + +:speed a samm:Property ; + samm:preferredName "speed"@en ; + samm:description "speed of vehicle"@en ; + samm:characteristic :Speed . + +:speedLimitWarning a samm:Property ; + samm:preferredName "speed limit warning"@en ; + samm:description "Indicates if the speed limit is adhered to."@en ; + samm:characteristic :TrafficLight . + +:SpatialPositionCharacteristic a samm-c:SingleEntity ; + samm:preferredName "spatial position characteristic"@en ; + samm:description "Represents a single position in space with optional z coordinate."@en ; + samm:dataType :SpatialPosition . + +:Speed a samm-c:Measurement ; + samm:preferredName "speed"@en ; + samm:description "Scalar representation of speed of an object in kilometers per hour."@en ; + samm:dataType xsd:float ; + samm-c:unit unit:kilometrePerHour . + +:TrafficLight a samm-c:Enumeration ; + samm:preferredName "warning level"@en ; + samm:description "Represents if speed of position change is within specification (green), within tolerance (yellow), or outside specification (red)."@en ; + samm:dataType xsd:string ; + samm-c:values ( "green" "yellow" "red" ) . + +:SpatialPosition a samm:Entity ; + samm:preferredName "spatial position"@en ; + samm:description "Represents latitude, longitude and altitude information in the WGS84 geodetic reference datum"@en ; + samm:see ; + samm:properties ( :latitude :longitude [ samm:property :altitude; samm:optional true ] ) . + +:latitude a samm:Property ; + samm:preferredName "latitude"@en ; + samm:description "latitude coordinate in space (WGS84)"@en ; + samm:see ; + samm:characteristic :Coordinate ; + samm:exampleValue "9.1781"^^xsd:decimal . + +:longitude a samm:Property ; + samm:preferredName "longitude"@en ; + samm:description "longitude coordinate in space (WGS84)"@en ; + samm:see ; + samm:characteristic :Coordinate ; + samm:exampleValue "48.80835"^^xsd:decimal . + +:altitude a samm:Property ; + samm:preferredName "altitude"@en ; + samm:description "Elevation above sea level zero"@en ; + samm:see ; + samm:characteristic :MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel ; + samm:exampleValue "153"^^xsd:float . + +:Coordinate a samm-c:Measurement ; + samm:preferredName "coordinate"@en ; + samm:description "Representing the geographical coordinate"@en ; + samm:dataType xsd:decimal ; + samm-c:unit unit:degreeUnitOfAngle . + +:MetresAboveMeanSeaLevel a samm-c:Measurement ; + samm:preferredName "metres above mean sea level"@en ; + samm:description "Signifies the vertical distance in reference to a historic mean sea level as a vertical datum"@en ; + samm:see ; + samm:dataType xsd:float ; + samm-c:unit unit:metre . +