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Contributing to Brackets

mikechambers edited this page May 9, 2012 · 25 revisions


  1. Before you get started, post to the brackets-dev Google group or the #brackets IRC channel on freenode about what you're thinking of working on, so you can get early feedback.
  2. When coding, make sure to follow our coding conventions.
  3. Before submitting any pull request, make sure to:
    1. merge from adobe/brackets master
    2. re-test your code after the merge
    3. run the unit tests with Debug > Run Tests -- everything should pass
    4. if your change is nontrivial or might have affected the UI, run through the Brackets smoke tests.
  4. Before submitting your first pull request, make sure to sign the Brackets Contributor License Agreement (CLA), or we can't accept your pull request. You only need to do this once in your lifetime.

How to Get Started

How Brackets is Organized

Brackets is primarily built in HTML/JS/CSS, but it currently runs as a desktop app inside a thin native app shell, currently based on CEF, that lets it access local files. (It doesn't run in the browser yet, and in fact will look amazingly terrible if you try to open it in Chrome from your local filesystem. We're planning to work on the in-browser version soon.)

If you pull the repos as described below, or look in the contents of the ZIP file, you'll see that the main app binaries are in the bin/ folder, but the actual HTML/JS/CSS files that implement the main app are in the brackets/ subfolder. The src/ folder is just the source for the native app shell.

What should I hack on?

Whatever you want, of course! But you might want to check the public Brackets backlog to get ideas for things that are important to add soon. Also, if you're planning to do something other than a small bugfix, please start a discussion on the brackets-dev Google group or the #brackets IRC channel on freenode to get feedback. There might already be some prior thinking on what you're working on, or some reason that it hasn't already been done.

Getting a Copy of the Code

The first step is to fork the projects on GitHub so you can start making changes in your local repository. If you only plan to hack on the HTML/JS/CSS portions of the app, you only need to fork the brackets repo. If you want to work on the native code as well, you can fork the brackets-app repo too. To fork one or both of the repos, simply click the "Fork" button at the top of the page while browsing the repo.

Next pull both of those repositories down to your local machine. Your folder structure should have the brackets project within brackets-app. If you didn't fork brackets-app, use "adobe" instead of your username when cloning brackets-app.

git clone<your username>/brackets-app.git
cd brackets-app
git clone<your username>/brackets.git

Because Brackets relies on CodeMirror you want to make sure you have the latest version of CodeMirror. Brackets uses submodules to track third-party repos referenced by Brackets. To get these set up, you need to run this command from within the brackets folder:

git submodule update --init

Because CodeMirror will update fairly often, you'll often find as you're switching between branches or merging that your CodeMirror files are showing up as modified when you run git status. Something like M src/thirdparty/CodeMirror2. Running the command above brings everything in sync.

Note that brackets is also a submodule of brackets-app. However, the brackets-app reference to brackets is not updated very often, so you should generally not do git submodule update from the brackets-app folder, as it will switch your brackets fork to an older version. Instead, to keep the brackets repo up to date, just do git pull on master within the brackets folder.

That should both get the latest version of CodeMirror and sync your fork of Brackets with brackets-app. From the brackets-app folder, if you run open bin/mac/ or bin/win/Brackets.exe (or open them from Finder/Explorer) you'll have your just-forked version of Brackets up and running.

Tracking Changes from the Main Repository

It's important to be working off of the latest build and the easiest way to do that is to make sure that your local copy of Brackets is tracking the main repository. This involves using the git remote command which lets you link your local version to a different remote repository (by default, it's linked to your github fork). To link your local repository to the main Brackets-app repository, use this command from the brackets-app directory:

git remote add --track master upstream

This will create a link from your local Brackets-app repository to the main one called upstream. upstream will be how you reference the main Brackets-app repository.

Do the same for the Brackets project

cd brackets
git remote add --track master upstream

It's very important to always have the latest code from the main repository. That way you can make sure your pull requests will be clean merges and that you're always working with the most stable code. Any time you want to grab the master branch from the Brackets repository, you have to follow a two-step process. First, use the fetch command with the remote destination we created earlier:

git fetch upstream

The fetch command brings down any new commits into your repo, but doesn't actually update any of your branches. You can merge the changes into your local branch with

git merge upstream/master

Those two commands will merge any changes from the main Brackets repository into your currently checked-out branch.

If you want to update more than one branch--for example, your local "master" branch as well as another branch you're working on--you must checkout each branch you want to update and then do git merge upstream/master on each one.

If there have been CodeMirror changes you will also need to bring those in. You can do that by re-running the git submodule command from within the brackets folder.

git submodule update

If new submodules are added to Brackets, you'll need to run git submodule update --init to get them as well.

Contributing Code

Useful Tools for Development

If you use Brackets to edit Brackets, you can quickly reload the app itself by choosing Debug > Refresh Window from the in-app menu. (If your Brackets gets really hosed, you can try View > Refresh from the native menu.) You can also bring up the Chrome developer tools on the Brackets window using Debug > Show Developer Tools.

You can open a second Brackets window from Debug > New Window. This is nice because it means you can use a stable Brackets in one window to edit your code, and then reload the app in the second window to see if your changes worked. You can bring up the developer tools on the second window, too. Note that this can be flaky; if you find that the dev tools aren't showing scripts, just close the second window and reopen it, then open the dev tools window again.

You can use Debug > Run Tests to run our unit test suite, and Debug >Show Perf Data to show some rudimentary performance info. We plan to beef this up in upcoming sprints.

Modifying the Code

So you have found an issue that you want to fix or a feature you want to implement. Start off by creating a new branch in your local directory. This assumes you are working in the brackets directory, but the same thing would apply for the brackets-app project as well.

Make sure to follow the coding conventions for Brackets so that your code matches the rest of the project.

Start by creating a new branch off of master for the feature you want to work on. This makes sure that your master branch can stay in sync with the main Brackets repository and if the feature doesn't work or breaks something, you can always start fresh with your local master branch. It also makes updating your pull request much easier as you can see below.

git checkout master
git branch mynewfeature
git checkout mynewfeature

Note, that if you are fixing a particular issue, it can be useful to include the issue number in the branch name, for example fix_issue_68.

That creates a new branch called mynewfeature and sets it as your working branch. Any changes you make now will be linked to that branch. If you're working on a big feature that may take some time, remember that you can always use the git fetch and merge commands from upstream, as described above, to merge the latest master from the main Brackets repository into your current working branch. Dealing with merges incrementally like this can be better than trying to reconcile everything once you're finished with your feature.

Go ahead and modify some code, make your fix, and be sure that it works in your copy of Brackets. Once you're happy with the fix, it's time to commit those changes and get ready to send it back to the team. You can use git add <filename> to add any files you've changed to the commit you want to make and then use git commit -m "COMMIT MESSAGE" to commit those changes. You can also use git commit -a to commit all of the current changes. Be sure to replace COMMIT MESSAGE with a detailed message that describes the changes you're making for that specific commit.

Once that's done the next step is to push those changes to your GitHub account using git push. This is where it's important to understand branches, origins, and remotes. You've made all of these changes (and committed them) to your local copy of the Brackets repository. And hopefully you've been pulling down new versions from the linked, remote branch of Brackets, and merging them as you go. What you need to do now is tell Github about your branch and the commits it contains. Github repositories use origin to reference your Github-hosted fork. So to push your changes use.

git push origin mynewfeature

That command creates a branch on your Github-hosted fork of Brackets and commits all of the changes. Until now everything we did was local. Now Github knows about our branch as well as our changes.

Before you submit a pull request you should make sure everything passes JSLint. This is easy because Brackets will show you anywhere in your file that JSLint sees an error. You also need to make sure that the unit tests pass without any errors. You can run the Brackets unit tests by going to Debug > Run Unit Tests in Brackets. The tests require Chrome and you should quit Chrome before running the tests for the most accurate results.

Submitting a Pull Request

Now you're ready to submit a pull request. Go to the GitHub page for your fork of Brackets. In order to submit a pull request, you need to be looking at the branch you created, which we called mynewfeature. GitHub has a pulldown that lets you select branches in your fork of the repository. Click that, find the branch you were working on, and select it. Now you're looking at the code for that branch.

Click the pull request button in the top right and you'll be brought to a page that describes the pull request. You want to make sure that you're submitting your pull request to the adobe/brackets repository and that the pull request is coming from the branch you've been working on.

You'll be able to take a look at all of the commits associated with this pull request and all the files that you've modified. Make sure this is all correct and then in the description provide a detailed description of what your pull request does.

Now you've got your first pull request in! Check back for comments the team might have for the pull request. If it's set, they'll merge it in and you're officially a Brackets contributor. Sometimes they'll ask you to make changes.

Making Changes to an Existing Pull Request

In a lot of cases you may have to make changes to your pull request. If you're working off a branch, Github makes this very easy. After you've gotten comments on the pull request and know what changes you need to make, go into your code and make sure you're working on your branch.

git checkout mynewfeature

Then go through the steps above to modify your code and make any changes based on comments from the pull request. Commit all of those changes with git commit and then push the changes to your Github-hosted fork with git push origin mynewfeature.

As soon as you push those changes to the origin, the pull request you submitted will automatically be updated with the new code. If you go look at the pull request, you'll see a new comment entry with the commits that you added to the branch. Sometimes it helps to add another comment right after that commit describing some of the changes you made in more detail.

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