- The component should have a github repository,
- The component should have a demo page:
- The demo page should consist of 3 sliders with different initial parameters,
- Each slider should have a configuration panel,
- Each slider should have a display-input.
- The component should be structured according to MVC,
- The component's architecture should have a documentation:
- The component should have description in README.md,
- The component should have an UML diagram.
- The component's layers should be covered with tests.
- The component should have an API for its initiation
- The component's entities should be independent of each other
- The component should have a customization interface for:
- Initial value,
- Max value,
- Min value,
- Value of a step,
- Horizontal/Vertical orientation,
- Single/Several handles quantity,
- Changing value (values) through code,
- Tooltip appearance.