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File metadata and controls

138 lines (101 loc) · 6.96 KB


This project stems from etcd-ansible-operator. It is an effort to implement a POC operator for using stateful sets to deploy etcd, with a wider objective of using it in the original etcd-operator. Please check out a small demo showing that the issue of loosing quorum in an etcd cluster is solved with this implementation.

Pre-requisites for trying it out:

A kubernetes cluster deployed with kubectl correctly configured. Minikube is the easiest way to get started.

The stateful sets use persistent volumes, the cluster needs to be configured with a dynamic persistent volume provisioner. In case of minikube, the guidelines can be found here

Steps to bring an etcd cluster up

To follow this guide, make sure you are in the default namespace.

  1. Create RBAC kubectl create -f

  2. Create CRD kubectl create -f

  3. Create EtcdRestore CRD kubectl create -f

  4. Create EtcdBackup CRD kubectl create -f

  5. Deploy the operator kubectl create -f

  6. Create an etcd cluster kubectl create -f

  7. Verify that cluster is up by kubectl get pods -l app=etcd. You should see something like this

    $ kubectl get pods -l app=etcd
    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    example-etcd-cluster-0   1/1     Running   0          27s
    example-etcd-cluster-1   1/1     Running   0          21s
    example-etcd-cluster-2   1/1     Running   0          18s

Accessing the etcd cluster

If you are using minikube:

  1. Create a service to access etcd cluster from outside the cluster by kubectl create -f
  2. Install etcdctl
  3. Set etcd version export ETCDCTL_API=3
  4. Set etcd endpoint export ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS=$(minikube service example-etcd-cluster-client-service --url)
  5. Set a key in etcd etcdctl put hello world

If you are inside the cluster, set the etcd endpoint to: http://<cluster-name>-client.<namespace>.svc:2379 and it should work. If you are using secure client, use https protocol for the endpoint.

Check failure recovery

Recovering from loss of all the pods is the key purpose behind the idea of using stateful set to deploy etcd. Here are the steps to check it out:

  1. Bring an etcd cluster up.
  2. Insert some data into the etcd cluster $etcdctl put hello world
  3. Watch members of etcd cluster by running watch etcdctl member list in a separate terminal. You need to export environment variables(ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS)
  4. Delete all the pods to simulate failure recovery $kubectl delete pod -l app=etcd
  5. Within sometime, you should see all the pods going away and being replaced by a new pods, something like this.
  6. After sometime, the cluster will be available again.
  7. Check if the data exists:
$ etcdctl get hello

Delete a cluster

  1. Bring a cluster up.
  2. Delete the cluster by kubectl delete etcdcluster example-etcd-cluster. This should delete all the pods and services created because of this cluster

Restore a cluster

This project only supports restoring a cluster from S3 bucket right now. To restore you will need the AWS config and credentials file. Place the config and credentials file in a directory and run following commands to create a secret:

$ export AWS_DIR="/path/to/aws/credentials"
$ cat $AWS_DIR/credentials
aws_access_key_id = XXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXX

$ cat $AWS_DIR/config
region = <region>

$ kubectl create secret generic aws --from-file=$AWS_DIR/credentials --from-file=$AWS_DIR/config

Run the following commands to create the EtcdCluster CR, replacing mybucket/etcd.backup with the full path of the backup file:

$ wget
$ sed -e 's|<full-s3-path>|mybucket/etcd.backup|g' \
    -e 's|<aws-secret>|aws|g' \
    restore_cr.yaml \
    | kubectl create -f -

This will start the restore process, wait till the status.phase of EtcdRestore cr is Complete with the following command:

$ kubectl get -w etcdrestore example-etcd-cluster -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'

Backup a cluster

This project only supports backing up on S3 bucket right now. To backup you will need the AWS config and credentials file. Place the config and credentials file in a directory and run following commands to create a secret:

$ export AWS_DIR="/path/to/aws/credentials"
$ cat $AWS_DIR/credentials
aws_access_key_id = XXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXX

$ cat $AWS_DIR/config
region = <region>

$ kubectl create secret generic aws --from-file=$AWS_DIR/credentials --from-file=$AWS_DIR/config

Run the following commands to backup the EtcdCluster CR, replacing mybucket/etcd.backup with the full path of the backup file, <etcd-cluster-name> with the EtcdCluster CR name and <namespace> with namespace of the EtcdCluster CR:

$ wget
$ sed -e 's|<full-s3-path>|mybucket/etcd.backup|g' \
    -e 's|<aws-secret>|aws|g' \
    -e 's|<etcd-cluster-endpoints>|"http://<etcd-cluster-name>-client.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:2379"|g' \
    example/etcd-backup-operator/backup_cr.yaml \
    | kubectl create -f -

TLS certs for the cluster

The operator assumes that the admin has created TLS certificates and corresponding secrets for the EtcdCluster CR. For trying out, run the following commands to create certificates for example-etcd-cluster

$ docker run -it -e USERNAME=$(id -un) -e HOME=$HOME --entrypoint /bin/bash -u $(id -u):0 -w $(pwd) -v $HOME:$HOME:Z  -c 'echo "${USERNAME}:x:$(id -u):$(id -g)::${HOME}:/bin/bash" >>/etc/passwd && bash'
ansible-playbook tls_playbook.yaml

Now, create EtcdCluster CR with TLS enabled with kubectl create -f deploy/cr_tls.yaml