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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started

Subset 2.x provides simple and extensible APIs:

  • to build DBObject structures for subsequent use in MongoDB driver API

    in type-safe, Anorm-like manner

  • to parse the resulting DBObject documents

    in terms of parser combinators

DBObject builder

MongoDB Java driver commonly accepts DBObject values as arguments to various query methods. Thus we need a simple way to create DBObject documents assuming we have different field types.

This is where a mutable DBObjectBuffer object comes in handy

import com.osinka.subset._

val buffer = DBO("email" -> "user@domain.tld", "name" -> "John Doe")
buffer.append("age" -> 30)

In order to create a DBObject, just call apply method on buffer:

Own serializers

Every value supplied into DBO gets serialzed by BsonWritable[T] type class. Hence you may easily create own serialzers for your types, e.g. if you have a type

case class Likes(count: Int, latest: java.util.Date)

you may write the corresponding BsonWritable:

object Likes {
  implicit val asBson = BsonWritable[Likes](likes =>
    DBO("count" -> likes.count, "latest" -> likes.latest)()

and then

val dbo = DBO("likes" -> Likes(5, new java.util.Date())) ()

Subset already contains an extensive library of serializers for Scala/Java primitive types

Parameters in builder

Scala symbols get transformed into BSON symbols. But DBObjectBuilder lets you replace any symbol value later:

val preparedStmt = DBO("user.age" -> DBO("$gt" -> 'age))
collection.find(preparedStmt('age -> 12))

Actually you may drop some values as well by supplying None:

val preparedStmt = DBO("post.version" -> 'version, "modt" -> DBO("$gt" -> 'datetime))
preparedStmt('version -> (None:Option[Int]), 'datetime -> new java.util.Date)

Expectedly, Some will just work as plain value too:

val preparedStmt = DBO("user.age" -> DBO("$gt" -> 'age))
collection.find(preparedStmt('age -> Some(12)))

Parser API

If you liked Parser API in Play2's Anorm, you'll quickly get the idea of composable document parser combinators in Subset

You may get a typed field from a document by the field's name:

import DocParser._
val parseCount: DocParser[Int] = get[Int]("count")

A parser is merely a function DBObject => Either[String,A], thus you would apply it as follows:

parseCount(collection.findOne(query)) fold (msg => ..., count => ...)

Any parser provides unapply method as well for use in pattern matching (in case you don't need parsing failure)

val counts =
  collection.find(query).asScala collect {
    case parseCount(count) => count

Parsers are composable. int("count") ~ get[java.util.Date]("latest") will create a DocParser[Int ~ Date], thus it parses tuples of Int and Date. It's possible to transform these tuples into Like types then:

val likes = int("count") ~ get[java.util.Date]("latest") map {
    case count ~ latest => new Likes(count,latest)

Just like any parser combinator library, Subset provides option and alternative. You may transform any DocParser[A] into DocParser[Option[A]], e.g.

val maybeLikes: DocParser[Option[Like]] = likes.opt

And method | lets you select between parsers:

val logEntry: DocParser[LogEntry] = {
  val ver1: DocParser[LogEntry] = int("f") map {i => LogEntryV1(i)}
  val ver2: DocParser[LogEntry] = str("s") map {s => LogEntryV2(s)}

  (contains("version", 1) ~> ver1 |
   contains("version", 2) ~> ver2)

Subset has a number of parsers specific to MongoDB documents. It lets you parse ObjectId values with oid(name) parser. docId is simply oid("_id") and fits for document IDs. Since MongoDB documents are hierarchical, there is a parser to dig deeper into the subdocuments, it's called doc[A](name: String)(p: DocParser[A]). If you know you have a subdocument user holding User you would write something like

val logEntryWithUser = logEntry ~ doc("user")(userParser)

Since MongoDB provides a dot-syntax to dig into documents, Subset does the same:

val userName: DocParser[String] = get[String]("user" :: "name" :: Nil)

As a matter of personal preference I would write it as get[String]("" split "\\.")

get[Option[T]](fieldName) vs. get[T](fieldName).opt

When you create a parser get[Option[T]](fieldName) you declare there must be a field named fieldName, but you are not sure if it can be decoded. Which means, such parser will fail if there is not field. It will return Some[T] if it could decode the value and None otherwise.

But when you create get[T](fieldName).opt you declare the field is optional. The parser will return None if no field with this name exists and Some[T] if the field exists. Certainly it will fail if it cannot decode the field.

Smarter deserialization

Any primitive get parser relies on type class Field[A] that can retrieve values of type A from Any (the field value from DBObject). Subset already contains a library of such deserializers in two flavours. The default library gets included when you do import com.osinka.subset._ and it is quite strict, e.g. it cannot decode ObjectId from a String. However, if you do import SmartFields._ before your parsers, they will do their best to decode compatible types. E.g. they will accept Int value when asked to parse Long, etc.

Own fields

You are free to define own Field[A] implicits:

implicit val jodaDateTime = Field[DateTime]({
    case date: Date => new DateTime(date)


libraryDependencies += "com.osinka.subset" %% "subset" % "2.2.3"