- Fix Y axis labels alignment
- Update packages
- Update API to 2.6.1
- Replace @babel/polyfill by core-js 3
- Fixes for 2.0.0
- Even columns color setting
- API version 2.3.1
- D3 version 5.4.0
- Render Event API
Fixed bugs:
- crash in case of cross-highlighting
- columns overflow in case of x-axis start/end setting usage
- High contrast mode
- API 1.13.0
- Fixes infinity loops that crashed browser and Power BI Desktop if there's just one data point in a data-set
- Added localization for all supported languages
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-tools has been updated to 1.11.2 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: API has been updated to 1.11.2 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-utils-interactivityutils has been updated to 3.2.0 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils has been updated to "1.2.0" to support Bookmarks
- UPD: Improved selection performance by removing useless code
- ADD: Multi selection is supported by Ctrl + Left Click
- FIX: Bins selection performance was increased
- FIX: Negative values are supported
- UPD: API was updated up to version 1.8
- ADD: Support of 10000 records
- ADD: Max number of bins was increased from 100 to 5000
- ADD: New option for setting of start and end points for X axis
- Fixed console errors when chart contains only 1 bar