- Small release just to make an RxMonitor's observable a
- Fix not being able to monitor on more than 1 event type for a given path #41
- Introduce RxScala interface for monitoring
- Support for 2.11.0
- Clean up deprecated stuff from tests and code
- Support Scala 2.10.4 and Akka 2.3.2
- Thanks to georgeOsdDev, modifiers can be used when registering callbacks
- Upgrade to 2.3.0 of Akka
- Smaller library due to removal of external logging libs : Thanks @crdueck for the suggestion
- Everything is now immutable in MonitorActor. Now even if you leak a reference to the internal CallbackRegistry everything is still thread safe
- Allow for concurrency of 1 :)
- Use a dynamically resized Akka actor router so that terminated callback actors can be automatically revived
- No longer uses Akka Agent to hold CallbackRegistry (thanks crdueck)
- Refactored testing for better coverage and maintainability
- Scala 2.10.3 support in testing
- Upgrade to Akka 2.2.1
- Added crossVersion building across 2.10.x
- Add automated testing for new supported versions
- Initial public release