All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.1.2 (2024-12-05)
- use higher quality image for podcasts (1ad9637)
3.1.1 (2024-12-05)
- resolve movie image not found issue for calucatedImage (a1a0d98)
3.1.0 (2024-12-01)
- add '' inspiration paragraph to uses page (12a8f48)
- add home setup image to Uses page (f3e9cca)
- resolve calendly 404 issue (a5e135d)
- components: breaks the app
- 🌍💄 config i18n and theme (60d3903)
- 🌓 add theme select (09a5f87)
- 📚 add storybook (bd034ee)
- add /uses (df99f27)
- add blog post cover to it's page (f23e800)
- add bottom navigation component (5d07e6b)
- add disqus to post page (6c7ac2a)
- add floral desing class blog post (fbc7055)
- add gallery page (486e132)
- add getJson util func (eae8180)
- add git-masters redirect (4445570)
- add global-error file (55a9cff)
- add hap ax lite lte6 to uses (35b00cd)
- add hotjar (0443dd2)
- add href to skills (875d738)
- add icons to hrefs (49eecd9)
- add million.js for compilation (ab54b29)
- add music taste page (9c4b1cd)
- add podcast section to music taste page (cf4e2cd)
- add referrer tracker component (9fdcf8d)
- add robots.txt (925f72e)
- add rss feed (26c7a5f)
- add security headers and redirects (164c054)
- add seo (449d15f)
- add shows api (533e7f7)
- add site config file (bf30e06)
- add sitemap (fe241c0)
- add skills to about page (cd86db5)
- add skills to home page (654325d)
- add software section to uses (2516acf)
- add theme toggle compoenet (c63100a)
- add webshare to blog page (a2778e7)
- add webshare to blog page (946a684)
- apis: 🔊 add spotify api (50463b9)
- assets: 👩🏻💻 add markdown class to fix prismjs usage in markdowns (a461abf)
- assets: 🔗 change link style in markdown (caf2d54)
- change image hosting provider (2967b04)
- change music taste page rendering to csr (77272f0)
- components: ✍🏻 add next.js to skills (2ccae0a)
- components: ✍🏻 add Quine McCluskey Solver to pojects (3260ef7)
- components: ✒ add some storybook drafts (8d52aa1)
- components: 🌓 add ability to choose os settings in toggle mode component (5244b9a)
- components: 🌓 improve toggling mode (6fb77c3)
- components: 🌠 add AnimationRecealPage component (7bfecde)
- components: 🎶 add NowPlaying to footer (3c1ff12)
- components: 🎶 add spotify component (4d197a4)
- components: 🏫 add ta exp to timeline (5e0785d)
- components: 🐱💻 add related projects beside skills (113fe30)
- components: 👀 track events some events in website (bf7a46c)
- components: 👨🦯 improve social media button accessbility (9149d14)
- components: 💪 add projects compontent first draft (01f69b3)
- components: 📃 add MdxRenderer component (b7bd5cd)
- components: 📃 add new cv link (9c38540)
- components: 📃 add resume download link (00d9ec3)
- components: 📞 add contact me compoent (2f60d65)
- components: 📩 add contact me form component (ce43a47)
- components: 📰 add markdown component (298272c)
- components: 📷 add high resuloution picture to contactInfo (16b8592)
- components: 🖼 add open graph image to improve seo (c1ffd92)
- components: 🖼 use withWebP fragment in gatsby-images queries (02e0426)
- components: 🦶 add footer and misc componets (3608616)
- components: 🦶 add socialmedia to footer (023249f)
- components: 🦶 add spotify to footer (43226d3)
- components: 🧭 add new navigations to header (18e2405)
- components: 🙌🏻 use new hero banner (8d551b6)
- components: 🛰 set theme_color programaticly (dbee74e)
- components: add shimmer button (9f39ca0)
- components: improve seo (9866f3e)
- components: 🆙 add more skills with icons (3385a83)
- componets: ⌚ add timeline componet (551d7eb)
- componets: 👻 add typing animation to hero component (df25b62)
- componets: 📇 add BlogPosts componet (9ef549a)
- componets: 🔍 add seo component (9511f60)
- componets: 🔎 use seo in layout (dfef920)
- componets: 🤕 add header and hero components (9589eff)
- componets: 🤹♂️ add skills componet (437f421)
- componets: 🆕 add socialMedias component and add more data to SiteConfigs (1b9429b)
- config: ⚙ add gatsby-plugin-disqus to gatsby-config (9b79042)
- config: ⚙ add icon to update notification (66b4c6e)
- config: ⚙ add service worker update notifier (a5bb754)
- config: ⚙ add twitch to siteconfigs (49f17ca)
- config: ⚙ config and use gatsby-remark-classes plugin (7a0d2f3)
- config: ⚙ use gatsby-plugin-catch-links in gatsby-config (bb2cbf9)
- config: ⚙ use gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe in gatsby-config (219b1f6)
- config: ⚙ use gatsby-plugin-preact in gatsby-config (ea07786)
- config: ⚙ use gatsby-plugin-sitemap in gatsby-config (4dc7aa7)
- config: ⚙ use gatsby-plugin-webpack-bundle-analyser-v2 in gatsby-config (db3710e)
- config: ⚙ use gatsby-remark-external-links in gatsby-config (46fcdde)
- config: ⚙ use gatsby-remark-images-medium-zoom in gatsby-config (992c6b0)
- config: 👩🏻💻 add prismjs to gatsby-config and gatsby-browser (7265b0b)
- config: 🔧 config gatsby plugin manifest (4a2b315)
- data: ⚒ add tools category to data (d740ea3)
- data: 🍳 add sample blog post data (3dae16d)
- fonts: add behdad font (7abcd4f)
- footer: 🪂 add nav links to footer (555554c)
- global: 🌑 implement dark mode toggleing in better way (d92e43d)
- global: 🌓 improve dark mode logic and codes (4b09b52)
- global: 🎭 add toggle mode for dark and light mode (1481411)
- global: 💥 make every thing works with new template (994942a)
- global: 🚚 migrate to gatsby-plugin-mdx (a16be55)
- hero: 🦸♂️ refactor hero feature (ebd18b0)
- hooks: ⚓ add useMasterQuery hook (0ddbeb9)
- i18n: 🌍 add i18n provider and them (8b4f7af)
- images: 🛸 add redux icon to images (137c47b)
- improve music taste seo (5a3fb94)
- improve uses seo (d923512)
- layouts: 🖼 add layout component (ee2bff1)
- lib: 🏗 add spotify fetchers (1a57435)
- migrate to app router and rebuild many things (40846a1)
- packages: migrate to typescript and add various common packages (316a572)
- pages: ⚒ add tools page (dc101c1)
- pages: ✅ add timeline to home (0c5927e)
- pages: ✒ add disqus to tools page (2a5d905)
- pages: 🎈 add balloons to home page (dec349d)
- pages: 🎶 add spotify api (8a0bf5d)
- pages: 🏁 use new skills component in skills page (2a404d0)
- pages: 📃 create blog post page in gatsby node and add blog page (36619eb)
- pages: 📅 add calendly to contact page (7f29f32)
- pages: 📊 remove skillbar from resume page (eac5c43)
- pages: 📧 add contact me form to home page (6a9f243)
- pages: 🔭 use project component in home page (0d18b87)
- pages: 🤯 add 404 not found page (9bdb6ea)
- pages: 🧂 use componets in home page (49b6f73)
- root: 🎚 add id to SiteConfigs (dbd533d)
- root: 🎶 add spotify to socialMedia (69aa1b4)
- root: 📅 add calendly id to siteConfigs (921bc4d)
- root: 📅 add skype invite id and calendly id to SiteConfigs (5dc2bc8)
- root: 📳 add discord server (c023fa6)
- setup sentry integration (a694f38)
- socialmedias: 🎚 add to socialMedias (ae1d027)
- socialmedias: 💬 add twitch to socialMedias (78c3efa)
- socialmedias: 📞 add skype and calendly to socialMedias (2e6d33d)
- static: 🌐 add CNAME (a65883a)
- static: 🌐 add CNAME file (e535522)
- static: 🦁 add brave-rewards-verification.txt (6522702)
- static: 🧪 add .nojekyll file (42363f1)
- static: 🪂 add proteus logo to static images (70d99cc)
- template: ✈ add tags and description to each project post (1d467c5)
- template: 🍽 add disqus to project template (f5887ce)
- templates: 🍃 add blog template (6830de4)
- ui: 🍟 add chip component (7a17199)
- ui: 🎈 add balloons component (a5e3361)
- ui: 💳 add card component (06576d5)
- ui: add socialMedias to hero banner (7a0c960)
- update contenetlayer config (c6894c4)
- use shimmer button in hero section and improve animations (7d96504)
- utils: ⚡ add useAnimatedNavToggler hook (2e9cf16)
- utils: 👩🏻💻 update markdown component (ea40fff)
.storybook: 🔧 expose publick folder for stroybook in right way (c00e561)
.yarn: 🆙 upgrade yarn version (8fb9578)
🔧 contentlayer breaking changes (c15ca56)
🚮 remove styled-components types from tsconfig (daf3de9)
add bitmoji to static images (c10601b)
add capture error on /spotify/now-playing api (88f5c4d)
add headers to /now-playing api (ce64c94)
add optional chaining to localstorage in sentry config (c9e17f0)
add revalidate to gallery (b92bd50)
add scroll margin top (65b06b9)
add suspense (ecc6abe)
assets: 🚮 remove css varialbles in global.css (148e29b)
axios not working on edge runtime (ec8a596)
bitmoji overflow on header (b9b6853)
blog date (5f929cb)
blog date (74a4381)
blog post aligment on blog list (33ba2e4)
build error (f57bd8f)
caching on /now-playing api (5c7e1d9)
change podcast section to csr (53ca4d1)
change repo href (d1fbee1)
close mobile menu on click links (123e0b9)
componenets: 🤖 add recaptcha to contact me form (ee7decb)
components: 🌑 improve dark mode (7317670)
components: 🌓 add default value for color mode (b018031)
components: 🌓 improve toggle button (1f551ad)
components: 🌚 fix initial mode (64d9507)
components: 🎧 show now playing only on production (66a9ed2)
components: 🎨 change theme_color content in seo (1c0da1a)
components: 🎨 improve contact me form submit button style (5f088a5)
components: 🎶 check playing advertisement is spotiy componenet (fb5bd83)
components: 🎶 set now playing to fetch every 30 seconds (7382d17)
components: 🎶 set to fetch now playing immediatly after render (8f2cc24)
components: 🏋🏻♂️ improve sinaheart project info in projects component (469be52)
components: 🐒 decuple header from hero section (e3f41bd)
components: 🐛 fix return bug (e0374c2)
components: 💅 remove seo component from layout (a386f16)
components: 📱 improve header on mobile screens (4ad8ce9)
components: 🔗 set target to _blank in footer's socialMedia links (0874c10)
components: 🔧 add try-catch block on getNowPlaying (4c356a8)
components: 🔧 fix contact me form text color (8bb95f4)
components: 🔨 fix latex icon and add nestjs (bb6ce1f)
components: 🔨 fix project image height in mobile (9e3c9f3)
components: 🔨 fix svg importing in Header and ContactMe compoent (c886fcb)
components: 🔨 fix wrong wrap in tech stack chips (6cb8e1e)
components: 🔨 temporary fix for nav links on mobile (60ee698)
components: 🖼 fix contact me svg pic (f389294)
components: 😌 use GA in right way (4a7c476)
components: 🚚 move contexts to app element (f1cce66)
components: 🚮 remove newsletter from layout (6034f25)
components: 🚮 remove sign-up button and change login to hire me (1023318)
components: 🛠 fix sina screenshot link (f13c03c)
components: 🛠 fix skill icon referencing in SkillsCard (f700687)
components: footer column header text (11e0132)
components: � fix navs hover effect on footer (e22e9d3)
componets: 🐛 fix undefined subject in contact me form and fix seo title issue (039d55e)
componets: 📃 use GetForm in contact-me form (ed3f835)
componets: 🔎 fix site title in seo (5387072)
componets: 🔨 fix checkbox position on project cards (99a617e)
componets: 🔨 fix contact me form (181bb9d)
componets: 🔨 fix social icons display in footer on mobile screens (6534865)
componets: 🤧 add initial state to contact me form (f659272)
config: ⚙ add gatsby-plugin-image to gatsby-config.js (40374c8), closes #54
config: ⚙ change site URL (6562712)
config: ⚙ check published flag in frontmatter (f97d0d1)
config: ⚙ finally persistent of color mode fixed 🥴 (3267e51)
config: ⚙ fix dark mode styles (e9a7764)
config: ⚙ fix eslint error (0b23200), closes /
config: ⚙ fix manifest plugin config (85fbd13)
config: ⚙ fix sorting in create page func (a65b225)
config: ⚙ make gatsby-plugin-manifest and gatsby-plugin-offline work together (3cb5541)
config: ⚙ remove remark classes plugin (599c4e8)
config: 💩 fix typo in gatsby-browser (df5ec2e)
config: 📡 add siteUrl to siteMetadata (4a6dfb1)
config: 🔧 change contact email in site configs (daabde7)
config: 🦺 fix gatsby-remark-external-links usage in gatsby-config (58d399c)
config: 🚚 move gatsby-plugin-offline to end of plugin list (82c0499)
correct date for mrs (c9cb8a0)
data: ✍🏻 fix end date in experince and edu (87566ab)
data: 📅 change start and end date format in education content (4594659)
data: 📅 change start and end date format in experince (237c606)
data: 🚮 mark sample blog post unpublished (b3ec9a7)
default page title (0138dc6)
definitions: 🔧 remove undefind from fluidType (3dad992)
docs: steam now playing code (19a7648)
downgrade packages to fix build error (b7ce1d0)
english grammer issue (8619ea9)
episode playing (c95dc85)
eslint rule (9efbf52)
features: 💄 improve banner styles (6c48a55)
features: 📱 improve hero on mobile screens (602e7c4)
features: 📱 improve NowPlaying on mobile screens (73530e3)
features: 🔧 fix skills styles (110b93a)
features: 🔧 make hero center (cf8880b)
fix gh deploy issue (1cb3d58)
global: 💅🏻 improve dark mode (89cf38c)
global: 🔨 add global as prop to react components (54f1fd4)
globalThis reference error (7592175)
handle localStorage existence before parsing (c3f79d5)
handle request and responses with empty body (5f35f7b)
i18n: 🌍 fix force set language in i18n module (afe0961)
invalid response status code 204 (e7cc5c0)
layouts: 🐛 make layout's child center (e062389)
layouts: 📸 avoid flash on first render (61c7e9d)
meta image logo hrefs (2094ac2)
more error handling for /now-playing (79a55d7)
opt out from caching in gallary (fbfd877)
package.json: 🔧 add static path to stroybook command (7565e04)
pages: 💺 add seo component to home page in order to set meanningful title (ef2972e)
pages: 📅 update calendly url (924a8be)
pages: 🔧 fix calendly height in desktop (97546a5)
pages: 🔧 fix tools page markdown styles (7f64ec2)
pages: 🔧 replace new layout (82f583d)
pages: 🔨 fix import in home page that cuz failing build in CI (5bddce8)
pages: 🚩 add spacer in home page (e6a8d98)
pages: 🛠 remove unresolved tailwind class in 404 page to pass build (bf1b3f1)
pages: use markdown component instead of format html in tools page (db1cc85)
portrait alt mismatch (5691774)
project card on mobile devices (c4d321b)
react 18 types (e7c959b)
remove unnecessary import statement from OpenGraphImage.tsx (6f2981f)
revert velite changes in next config and update build script (08a5c19)
root: 🔧 change site shortname and description (7f662ed)
root: 🛠 add babelrc to fix build error (2b8a5d2)
seo: 🔎 check type of window and t func on seo title (0481897)
showing disqus compoent (88fe23d)
showing hrefs on timeline md (c4a5a42)
sort blog/project/career/edu based on date (27b7f76)
static: 🚮 remove CNAME to fix github warning on deploy (a65d9ec)
steam now playing (d82109e)
storybook run error (17a77e9)
tailwind class order (f20bdfb)
tailwind class order (8a35168)
template: 🍳 use siteUrl in disqus component (b50cc44)
template: 🔧 fix disqus wisth (33a32dd)
template: 🛸 improve date and i18n in project post (d7b6ab4)
templates: ⛑ use markdown component instead of format html in project template (21bcb93)
top track href (e6a722e)
ui: 🌍 improve date and i18n in timeline (6797279)
ui: 🎭 add theme prop to CommentThread to rerender on theme change (b915338)
ui: 🔗 change links styles in TimeLine component (7bc2ae5)
ui: 🔗 set target to _blank in banner's socialMedia links (cb0a0e3)
ui: 🔧 fix banner image overflow on mobile screens (18f5ea9)
ui: 🔧 fix unclickale links behind balloons component (9aec9a9)
ui: 🛠 fix titlesection missed prop (f43a936)
useMemo deps (a80e08a)
utils: fix start margin of a tag in markdown headers (a44af12)
components: this will refactor package.json (637fab9)