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283 lines (264 loc) · 6.74 KB

File metadata and controls

283 lines (264 loc) · 6.74 KB


Simple, flexible lib to convert a directory tree into a json.


npm install dirtree2json --save



var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');
var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path [,options]);


Option Type Default Description
attributeName.absolutePath string "absolutePath" overwrites the name of the 'absolute path' attribute
attributeName.child string "child" overwrites the name of the 'children' attribute
attributeName.creationTime string "creationTime" overwrites the name of the 'creation time' attribute
attributeName.dirFlag string "isDir" overwrites the name of the 'is directory flag' attribute
attributeName.extension string "ext" overwrites the name of the 'extension' attribute
attributeName.fileName string "name" overwrites the name of the 'file name' attribute
attributeName.modificationTime string "modificationTime" overwrites the name of the 'modification time' attribute
attributeName.path string "path" overwrites the name of the 'path' attribute
attributeName.size string "size" overwrites the name of the 'size' attribute
excludeEmptyFolders boolean false exclude all folders without a file. This is also excludes folders with just empty folders
filter.fileExtension regex or string null filter files by file extension name
filter.fileName regex or string null filter files by name
filter.folderName regex or string null filter folders by name
includeAbsolutePath boolean false include the absolute path of the folder/file
includeCreationTime boolean false include the creation time of the folder/file
includeDirFlag boolean true include is directory flag
includeExtension boolean true include the extension of the file
includeModificationTime boolean false include the modification time of the folder/file
includeSize boolean false include the size of the folder/file
rootName string name of the relative path overwrites the name of the root folder
rootPath string relative path of the folder overwrites the path attribute of the the root


All examples use this folder structure

├── dir1
│   ├── css1.css
│   ├── file1.txt
│   ├── file2.txt
│   ├── index.html
│   └── js1.js
├── dir2
│   ├── file1.txt
│   └── file2.txt
├── dir3
└── file1.txt

Example 1: Include size, extension and exclude isDir flag

var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');

var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
    includeSize: true,
    includeDirFlag: false,
    includeExtension: true

var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);


  "ext": "",
  "path": "testDir",
  "name": "testDir",
  "child": [
      "ext": "",
      "path": "testDir/dir1",
      "name": "dir1",
      "child": [
          "ext": "css",
          "path": "testDir/dir1/css1.css",
          "name": "css1.css",
          "size": 0
          "ext": "txt",
          "path": "testDir/dir1/file1.txt",
          "name": "file1.txt",
          "size": 10
          "ext": "txt",
          "path": "testDir/dir1/file2.txt",
          "name": "file2.txt",
          "size": 11
          "ext": "html",
          "path": "testDir/dir1/index.html",
          "name": "index.html",
          "size": 0
          "ext": "js",
          "path": "testDir/dir1/js1.js",
          "name": "js1.js",
          "size": 0
      "size": 21
      "ext": "",
      "path": "testDir/dir2",
      "name": "dir2",
      "child": [
          "ext": "txt",
          "path": "testDir/dir2/file1.txt",
          "name": "file1.txt",
          "size": 10
          "ext": "txt",
          "path": "testDir/dir2/file2.txt",
          "name": "file2.txt",
          "size": 11
      "size": 21
      "ext": "",
      "path": "testDir/dir3",
      "name": "dir3",
      "child": [],
      "size": 0
      "ext": "txt",
      "path": "testDir/file1.txt",
      "name": "file1.txt",
      "size": 13
  "size": 55

Example 2: Override the root path and name

var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');

var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
    rootPath: ".",
    rootName: "root"

var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);


  "ext": "",
  "isDir": true,
  "path": ".",
  "name": "root",
  "child": [
      "ext": "",
      "path": "./dir1",
      "name": "dir1",
      "isDir": true,
      "child": [...]

Example 3: Filter by file name and exclude empty folders

var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');

var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
    filter: {
        fileExtension: /html/i
    excludeEmptyFolders: true

var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);


  "ext": "",
  "isDir": true,
  "path": "testDir",
  "name": "testDir",
  "child": [
      "ext": "",
      "path": "testDir/dir1",
      "name": "dir1",
      "isDir": true,
      "child": [
          "ext": "html",
          "path": "testDir/dir1/index.html",
          "name": "index.html",
          "isDir": false

Example 4: Override attribute names

var dirtree2json = require('dirtree2json');

var path = __dirname + '/test/testDir';
var options = {
    attributeName: {
        path: "relativePath",
        fileName: "folderFileName",
        extension: "extension",
        dirFlag: "isFolder",
        child: "children"

var result = dirtree2json.dirTojson(path, options);


  "extension": "",
  "isFolder": true,
  "relativePath": "testDir",
  "folderFileName": "testDir",
  "children": [
      "extension": "",
      "relativePath": "testDir/dir1",
      "folderFileName": "dir1",
      "isFolder": true,
      "children": [
          "extension": "css",
          "relativePath": "testDir/dir1/css1.css",
          "folderFileName": "css1.css",
          "isFolder": false



npm install -g dirtree2json


dirtree2json [options]

  -h, --help        Print this usage guide
  -p, --prettify    Enable json pretty print
  -j, --json file   Json file with dirtree2json configuration. The configuration json is the same of the API