Be sure to do this in a student environment
# find any references to deprecated api's
# 1.32
grep -Ri
# 1.29
grep -Ri
# 1.27
grep -Ri
grep -Ri
# 1.26
grep -Ri
grep -Ri autoscaling/v2beta2
# 1.25
grep -Ri batch/v1beta1
grep -Ri
grep -Ri
grep -Ri autoscaling/v2beta1
grep -Ri policy/v1beta1
grep -Ri PodSecurityPolicy
grep -Ri
- Documentation on deploying Calico for a Kubernetes + ETCD cluster
- Install Calico > Manifest > Scroll to Install Calico with etcd datastore
- Alta3's Calico manifest calico.yaml.j2
- Calico's Official calico-etcd.yaml
- Calico's Official calico-etcd.yaml Commit History
pushd /home/student/git/kubernetes-the-alta3-way
ansible-playbook main.yml
kubectl delete ns test
kubectl create ns test
kubectl run d1 -n test --overrides='{"spec": {"nodeName": "node-1"} }' --command sleep 10000
kubectl run d2 -n test --overrides='{"spec": {"nodeName": "node-2"} }' --command sleep 10000
kubectl run c1 --image=busybox -n test --overrides='{"spec": {"nodeName": "node-1"} }' --command sleep 10000
kubectl run c2 --image=busybox -n test --overrides='{"spec": {"nodeName": "node-2"} }' --command sleep 10000
kubectl run --namespace=test nginx --image=nginx
kubectl expose pod nginx --namespace=test --port=80
sleep 60
kubectl -n test get pods
kubectl exec -n test d1 -- ping -W 1 -c 1 | egrep "100% packet loss"
kubectl exec -n test d1 -- ping -W 1 -c 1 | egrep "100% packet loss"
kubectl exec -n test d2 -- ping -W 1 -c 1 | egrep "100% packet loss"
kubectl exec -n test d2 -- ping -W 1 -c 1 | egrep "100% packet loss"
kubectl exec -n test c1 -- wget -T 2 -q nginx -O - | grep Welcome
kubectl exec -n test c2 -- wget -T 2 -q nginx -O - | grep Welcome
source <(kubectl completion bash)
kubectl -n kube-system get pods
kubectl describe pods -n kube-system | egrep "^Name:|Node:"
export COREDNS_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns -o name)
kubectl -n kube-system get ${COREDNS_POD},NODE:.spec.nodeName
kubectl -n kube-system logs ${COREDNS_POD} | egrep "WARN" # bad
kubectl exec -n test c1 -- wget -T 2 -q nginx -O - | egrep "Welcome" # good
kubectl -n kube-system delete ${COREDNS_POD}
Generate lists of setup directories used by labs
# within a mdBook, find labs and print their source (between parens)
# This simply prints the name of the lab markdown file to standard out
# Just to confirm the sed is properly selecting
grep 💻 | sed 's/.*(\(.*\))/\1/'
# This will parse a selected lab "" and extract the 'setup' command argument.
# This requires all labs to have a `setup command` within them.
# This step is just a test
grep '\`setup' | cut -d '`' -f 4
# get only the setup folder name
# this step is just a test
grep '\`setup' | cut -d '`' -f 4 | cut -d ' ' -f 2
# Now that we know the above 3 steps work, we can run them all together as follows
# This is the step that does the work
grep 💻 | sed 's/.*(\(.*\))/\1/' | xargs -I {} grep "\`setup" {} | cut -d '`' -f 4 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | shuf - | xargs -I {} echo -e "tl {}"
# Alternate full path if run from (in content)
grep -R "\$\` \`setup" | egrep -v "kubeadm|cka-exam" | cut -d '`' -f 4 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | shuf - | xargs -I {} echo -e "tl {}"