- ML 101
- Amazon SageMaker
- Reinforcement Learning
- Automatic Model Tuning
- SageMaker and Spark
- Modern SageMaker
- Higher Level AI/ML Services
- Generative AI in AWS
- Deep Learning Frameworks:
- Tensorflow/Keras
- MXNet
- Types of NNs:
- Feedforward Neural Network
- Convolutional Neural Network
- Recurrent Neural Network
- Activation Functions
- Linear Activation Function
- Binary Step Function
- Non-Linear Activation Functions
- Sigmoid aka Logistic
- scales everything from 0-1
- changes slowly for high or low values
- TanH aka Hyperbolic Tangent
- scales everything from -1 to 1
- preferred over sigmoid
- ReLU
- easy & fast to compute
- when inputs are zero or negative, we have a linear function
- Leaky ReLU
- solves the dying ReLU problem by introducing a negative slope below 0
- Parametric ReLu
- ReLU, but the slope in negative is learned by backpropagation.
- complicated to implement
- Other ReLU variants:
- Exponential Linear Unit (ELU)
- Swish
- benefit with very deep networks (40+ layers)
- from google
- Maxout
- outputs the max of the inputs
- ReLU is a special case of maxout
- doubles parameters that need to be trained
- Softmax
- used on the final output layer of a multi-class classification problem
- converts outputs to probabilities of each classification
- can't produce more than one label for something (sigmoid can)
- Sigmoid aka Logistic
- Linear Activation Function
How to choose an activation function?
- for multiple classification, use softmax on the output layer
- RNN's do well with TanH
- For everything else
- start with ReLU
- if you need better, try Leaky ReLU
- Last resort: PReLU, Maxout
- Swish for really deep networks
Convolutional Neural Networks:
- When you have data that doesn't neatly align into columns
- feature-location invariant
- very resource-intensive (CPU, GPU, RAM)
- Lots of hyperparameters
- kernel sizes, amount of pooling, number of layers, choice of optimizer
- CNN's with Keras/Tensorflow
- source data must be of appropriate dimensions
- width x length x color channels
- Conv2D layer type does the actual convolution on a 2D image
- Conv1D and Conv3D also available - doesn't have to be image data
- MaxPooling2D layers can be used to reduce a 2D layer down by taking the maximum value in a given block
- Flatten layers will convert the 2D layer to a 1D layer for passing into a flat hidden layer of neurons
- Typical usage:
- Conv2D -> MaxPooling2D -> Dropout -> Flatten -> Dense -> Dropout -> Softmax
- source data must be of appropriate dimensions
Specialized CNN Architectures:
- defines specific arrangement of layers, padding, and hyperparameters
- LeNet-5
- good for handwriting recognition
- AlexNet
- image classification, deeper than LeNet
- GoogLeNet
- even deeper, but with better performance
- introduces inception modules
- ResNet (Residual Network)
- even deeper - maintains performance via skip connections
Recurrent Neural Networks
- work will with time-series data
- data that considt of sequences of arbitrary length
- RNN topologies:
- Sequence to sequence
- eg: predict stock prices based on series of historical data
- Sequence to vector
- eg: words in a sentence to sentiment
- Vector to sequence
- eg: create captions form an image
- Encoder -> Decoder
- Sequence -> vector -> sequence
- eg: machine translation
- Sequence to sequence
- Training RNN's:
- backpropagation through time
- applied to each time step
- state from earlier time steps get diluted over time
- LSTM Cell
- Long Short-Term Memory Cell
- maintains separate short-term and long-term states
- GRU Cell
- Gate Recurrent Unit
- Simplified LSTM Cell
- very sensitive to topologies, choice of hyperparameters
- very resource intensive
- wrong choice can lead to a RNN that doesn't converge at all
- backpropagation through time
Modern NLP
- mechanism of self-attention
- weighs significance of each part of the input data
- processes sequential data, but processes entire input all at once
- BERT ( Bi-directional Encoder Representations from Transformers ), RoBERTa, T5, GPT-2 etc., DistilBERT
- DistilBERT: uses knowledge distillation to reduce model size by 40%
- mechanism of self-attention
Transfer Learning
- Model zoos like Hugging Face offer pre-trained models to start with
- Integrated with SageMaker via Hugging Face Deep Learning Containers
- Hugging Face offers a Deep Learning Container (DLC) for BERT
- you can fine-tune BERT with your own additional training data through transfer learning
- TL approaches
- continue training a pre-trained model
- add new trainable layers to the top of a model
- retrain from scratch
- use as-is
- Model zoos like Hugging Face offer pre-trained models to start with
Deep Learning on EC2/EMR
- EMR supports apache MXNet and GPU instance types
- Appropriate instance types for deep learning:
- P3: 8 Tesla V100 GPU's
- P2: 16 K80 GPU's
- G3: 4 M60 GPU's (all Nvidia Chips)
- G5g: AWS Graviton 2 processors / Nvidia T4G Tensor Core GPU's
- Not (yet) available in EMR
- Also used for game streaming
- P4d - A100 "UltraClusters" for supercomputing
- Deep Learning AMI's
- Trn1 instances
- Powered by Trainium
- optimized for training (50% savings)
- 800 Gbps of Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) networking for fast clusters
- Trn1n instance
- more bandwidth (1600 Gbps)
- Inf2 instances
- powered by AWS inferentia2
- optimized for inference
Tuning Neural Networks
- Learning Rate
- too high: means you might overshoot the optimal solution
- too small: will take too long to find the optimal solution
- Batch Size
- how many training samples are used within each batch of each epoch
- smaller batch sizes: can move out of local minima more easily
- larger batch sizes: can converge on the wrong solution at random
- random shuffling at each epoch can make it generate very inconsistent results from run to run
- Learning Rate
- preventing overfitting
- overfitted models have learned patterns in the training data that don't generalize to the real world.
- often have high accuracy on training data set, but lower accuracy on test or evaluation data set.
- preventing overfitting
Vanishing Gradient Problem
- when the slope of the learning curve approaches zero, things can get stuck
- becomes a problem with deeper networks and RNN's as these vanishing gradients propagate to deeper layers
- Opposite problem: "exploding gradients"
- Fixing the problem:
- Multi-level heirarchy
- break up levels into their own sub-networks trained individually
- Long short-term memory
- Residual Networks
- ResNet
- Ensemble of shorter networks
- better choice of activation function
- ReLU
- Multi-level heirarchy
- Gradient Checking
- debugging technique
- numerically check the derivatives computed during training
- useful for validating code of nerual network training
L1, L2 Regularization
- preventing overfitting in ML
- A regularization term is added as weights are learned
- L1 term - sum of weights
$\alpha$ $\sum^{k}{i=1}$ $|w{i}|$
- L2 term - sum of square of weights
$\alpha$ $\sum^{k}{i=1}$ $w{i}^{2}$
- L1:
- performs feature selection - entire features go to 0
- computationally inefficient
- sparse output
- L2:
- all features remain considered, just weighted
- computationally efficient
- dense output
- Why L1?
- feature selection can reduce dimensionality
- but if all features are important, L2 is a better choice
Measuring Models:
- Recall:
- Recall =
$\Large\frac{TP}{TP + FN}$ - Aka senstivity, True Positive rate, completeness
- Percent of positives rightly predicted
- Good choice of metric when you care a lot about false negatives
- Recall =
- Precision:
- Precision =
$\Large\frac{TP}{TP + FP}$ - Aka correct positives
- percent of relevant results
- Good choice of metric when you care a lot about false positives
- Precision =
- Other metrics:
- Specificity =
$\Large\frac{TN}{TN + FP}$ - True negative rate
- F1 Score
$\Large\frac{2TP}{2TP + FP + FN}$ $\Large2.\frac{Precision.Recall}{Precision + Recall}$ - Harmonic mean of precision and senstivity
- when you care about precision AND recall
- Root mean squared error, exactly what it sounds like
- accuracy measurement
- only cares about right or wrong answers
- Specificity =
- ROC Curve
- Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
- Plot of true positive rate (recall) vs false positive rate at various threshold settings.
- points above the diagonal represent good classification ( better than random )
- ideal curve would be a point in the upper-left corner
- more it's bent toward the upper-left the better
- area under the ROC curve is AUC ( area under the curve)
- equal to probability that a classifier will rank a randomly chosen positive instance higher than a randomly chosen negative one
- ROC AUC of 0.5 is a useless classifier, 1.0 is perfect
- common metric for comparing classifiers
- P-R Curve
- Percision / Recall curve
- Good = higher area under curve
- Similar to ROC curve
- better suited for Infromation retrieval problems
- Confusion Matrix:
- Recall:
Actual YES | Actual No | |
Predicted YES | True Positives | False Positives |
Predicted No | False Negatives | True Negatives |
- Ensemble Learning
- Bagging:
- Generate N new training sets by random sampling with replacement
- Each resampled model can be trained in parallel
- Boosting:
- Observations are weighted
- some will take part in new training sets more often
- training is sequential; each classifier takes into account the pervious one's success.
- Bagging vs Boosting
- Bagging:
- Built to handle the entire ML workflow!
- Data Prep on SageMaker
- Data usually comes from S3
- ideal format varies with algorithm - often it's RecordIO / Protobuf
- Can also ingest from athena, EMR, Redshift, and Amazon Keyspaces DB
- Apache Spark integrates with SageMaker
- Data usually comes from S3
- SageMaker Processing
- Processing Jobs like copy data from S3
- Spin up processing container
- Output processed data to S3
- Training on SageMaker
- Create a training job
- URL of S3 bucket with training data
- ML compute resources
- URL of S3 bucket for output
- ECR path to training code
- Training Options
- built-in training algorithms
- Spark MLLib
- Custom Python, Tensorflow/MXNet Code
- PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, RLEstimator
- XGBoost, Hugging Face, Chainer
- own Docker image
- Create a training job
- Deploying Trained Models
- Save your trained model to S3
- can deploy two ways:
- presistent endpoint for making individual predictions on demand
- SageMaker Batch Transform to get predictions for an entire dataset
- Other options:
- Inference Pipelines for complex processing
- SageMaker Neo for deploying to edge devices
- Elastic Inference for accelerating deep learning models
- Automatic scaling (increase # of ednpoints as needed)
- Shadow Testing evaluates new models against currently deployed model to catch errors
Linear Learner
- Fit a line to your training data
- predictions based on that line
- can handle both regression (numeric) predictions and classification predictions
- for classification, a linear threshold function is used
- can do binary or multi-class
- Input:
- RecordIO-wrapped protobuf
- Float32 data only
- first column assumed to be the label
- FIle or pipe mode both supported
- RecordIO-wrapped protobuf
- How is it used?
- Preprocessing:
- Training data must be normalized
- Linear Lienar does this auotmatically
- Input data should be shuffled
- Training
- uses stochastic gradient descent
- choose an optimization algorithm
- mulitple models are optimized in parallel
- tune L1, L2 regularization
- Validation
- most optimal model is selected
- Preprocessing:
- Important Hyperparameters
- Balance_multiclass_weights
- gives each class equal importance in loss functions
- Learning_rate, mini_batch_size
- L1
- regularization
- Wd
- weight decay (L2 regularization)
- target_precision
- use with binary_classifier_model_selection_criteria set to recall_at_target_precision
- holds precision at this value while maximizing recall
- target_recall
- use with binary_classifier_model_selection_criteria set to recall_at_target_recall
- holds precision at this value while maximizing precision
- Balance_multiclass_weights
- Instance Types:
- Training
- Single or multi-machine CPU or GPU
- multi-GPU does not help
- Training
- eXtreme Gradient Boosting
- boosted group of decision trees
- new trees made to correct the errors of pervious tress
- uses gradient descent to minimize loss as new trees are added
- can be used for classification
- also for regression
- using regression trees
- Training Input:
- CSV or libsvm input
- recordIO-protobuf and Parquest
- How is it used?
- models are serialized/deserialized with Pickle
- can use a framework within notebooks
- Sagemaker.xgboost
- or as a bulit-in SageMaker algorithm
- Important Hyperparameters
- Subsample
- prevents overfitting
- step size shrinkage, prevents overfitting
- Gamma
- Minimum loss reduction to create a partition; -larger = more conservative
- Alpha
- L1 regularization term; larger = more conservative
- Lambda
- L2 regularization term; larger = more conservative
- eval_metric
- optimize on AUC, error, rmse
- scale_pos_weight
- adjust balance of positive and negative weights
- helpful for unbalanced classes
- might set to sum(negative cases)/sum(positive cases)
- max_depth
- max depth of the tree
- too high and you may overfit
- Subsample
- Instance Types:
- memory-bound
- M5 is a good choice
- XGBoost 1.2, single-instance GPU training is available
- P2, P3
- XGBoost 1.2-2
- P2, P3, G4dn, G5
- XGBoost 1.5+
- Distributed GPU training
- must use_dash_gpu_training to true
- set distribution to fully_replicated in TraningInput
- only works with csv or parquet input
- Distributed GPU training
- eXtreme Gradient Boosting
- input is a sequence of tokens, output is a sequence of tokens
- machine translation, text summarization, speech to text
- implemented with RNN's and CNN's with attention
- Training Input:
- RecordIO-protobuf
- tokens must be integers
- start with tokenized text files
- convert to protobuf using sample code
- must provide training data, validation data, and vocabulary files
- RecordIO-protobuf
- How is it used?
- Training for machine translation can take days, even on SageMaker
- Pre-trained models available
- public training datasets are availabe for specific translation tasks
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Batch_size
- Optimizer_type
- Learning_rate
- Num_layers_encoder
- Num_Layers_decoder
- Can optimize on:
- Accuracy
- Vs. provided validation dataset
- BLEU score
- compares against multiple reference translations
- Perplexity
- cross-entropy
- Accuracy
- Instance Types:
- can only use GPU instance types (P3)
- can only use a single machine for training
- but multi_GPU's on one machine
- forecasting one-dimensional time series data
- Uses RNN's
- allows you to train the same model over several related time series
- finds frequencies and seasonality
- Training Input:
- JSON lines format
- Gzip or Parquet
- Each record must contain:
- Start : starting time stamp
- Targert : time series values
- Each record can contain:
- Dynamic_feat: dynamic features
- Cat: categorical features
- JSON lines format
- How is it used?
- always include entire time series for training, testing and inference
- use entire dataset as training set, remove last time points for testing.
- Don't use very large vlaues for precition length (>400)
- train on many time series and not just one when possible
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Context_length
- number of time points the model sees before making a prediciton
- Epochs
- mini_batch_size
- Learning_rate
- Num_cells
- Context_length
- Instance Types
- can use CPU or GPU
- single or multi machine
- start with CPU (ml.c4.2xlarge, ml.c4.4xlarge)
- Move up to GPU if necessary
- only helps with larger models
- or with large mini_batch sizes (>512)
- CPU-only for inference
- may need larger instances for tuning
- Text classification
- Word2vec
- Training Input:
- for supervised mode:
- one sentence per line
- first "word" in sentence is the string "label" followed by the label
- also augmented manifest text format
- word2vec just wants a text file with one training sentence per line
- for supervised mode:
- How is it used?
- Word2vec has multiple modes
- Cbow (continuous bag of words)
- Skip-gram
- Batch skip-gram
- distributed computation over many CPU nodes
- Word2vec has multiple modes
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Word2vec:
- Model (batch_skipgrama, skipgram, cbow)
- Learning_rate
- Window_size
- Vector_dim
- Negative_samples
- Text Classification:
- Epochs
- Learning_rate
- Word_ngrams
- Vector_dim
- Word2vec:
- Instance Types:
- for cbow and skipgram, recommend a single ml.p3.2xlarge
- any single CPU or single GPU instance
- for batch_skipgram, can use single or multiple CPU instances
- for text classification, C5 is recommended if less than 2GB training data.
- for larger datasets use a single GPU instance (ml.p2.xlarge or ml.p3.2xlarge)
- for cbow and skipgram, recommend a single ml.p3.2xlarge
- like word2vec from BlazingText but for arbitrary objects
- creates low-dimensional dense embeddings of high-dimensional objects
- word2vec, generalized to handle things other than words.
- compute nearest neighbors of objects
- visualize clusters
- genre prediction
- recommendations
- Training input:
- data must be tokenized into integers
- training data consists of pairs of tokens and/or sequences of tokens
- How is it used?
- process data into JSON Lines and shuffle it
- train with two input channels, two encoders and a comparator
- Encoder choices:
- average-pooled embeddings
- CNN's
- Bidirectional LSTM
- Important Hyperparameters
- usual deep learning ones
- Enc1_network, enc2_network
- choose hcnn, bilstm, pooled_embedding
- Instance Types
- can only train on a single machine (CPU or GPU, multi-GPU)
- ml.m5.2xlarge
- ml.p2.xlarge
- If needed, go up to ml.m5.4xlarge or ml.m5.12xlarge
- GPU options: P2, P3, G4dn, G5
- Inference: use ml.p3.2xlarge
- use INFERENCE_PREFERRED_MODE environment variable to optimize for encoder embeddings
- can only train on a single machine (CPU or GPU, multi-GPU)
Object Detection:
- detects and classifies objects with a single deep neural network
- How it is used?
- two variants: MXNet and Tensorflow
- Takes an image as input, outputs all instances of objects in the image with categories and confidence scores
- MXNet:
- Uses a CNN with the Single Shot multibox detector (SSD) algorithm
- base CNN can be VGG-16 or ResNet-50
- Transfer learning mode / incremental training
- uses a pre-trained model for the base network weights instead of random initial weights
- uses flip, rescale, and jitter internally to avoid overfitting
- Uses a CNN with the Single Shot multibox detector (SSD) algorithm
- Tensorflow
- uses REsNet, EfficientNet, ModelNet models from TensorFlow model garden
- Training Input:
- MXNet: RecordIO or image format
- with image format, supploy a JSON file with annotation data for each image
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Mini_batch_size
- Learning_rate
- Optimizer
- Sgd, adam, rmsprop, adadelta
- Instance types
- use GPU instances for training (mulit_gpu, multi-machine)
- ml.p2.xlarge, ml.p2.16xlarge, ml.p3.2xlarge, ml.p3.16xlarge, G4dn, G5
- use CPU or GPU for inference
- M5, P2, P3, G4dn
- use GPU instances for training (mulit_gpu, multi-machine)
Image Classification:
- assign one or more labels to an image
- How is it used:
- MXNet and Tensorflow
- MXNet:
- Full training mode
- Transfer learning mode
- initialized with pre-trained weights
- top fully-connected layer is initialized with random weights
- network is fine-tuned iwth new training data
- Default image size is 3-channel 224x224 (ImageNet's dataset)
- Tensorflow:
- uses various Tensorflow Hub models (MobileNet, Inception, ResNet,
- top classification layer is available for fine tuning or further training
- uses various Tensorflow Hub models (MobileNet, Inception, ResNet,
- Important Hyperparameters:
- usual ones for deep learning
- batch size ,learning rate, optimizer
- optimizer-specific parameters
- weight decay, beta 1, beta 2, eps, gamma
- slightly different between MXNet and Tensorflow versions
- usual ones for deep learning
- Instance Types
- GPU instances for training (ml.p2, p3, g4dn, g5) multi-GPUI and multi-machine
- CPU or GPU for inference (m5, p2, p3, g4dn, g5)
Semantic Segmentation:
- pixel-level object classification
- produces a segmentation mask
- Training Input:
- JPG images and PNG annotations
- for both training and validation
- How is it used?
- built on MXNet Gluon and Gluon CV
- choice of 3 algorithms:
- Fully-Convolutional Network (FCN)
- Pyramid Scene Parsing (PSP)
- DeepLabV3
- Choice of backbones:
- ResNet50
- ResNet101
- both trained on ImageNet
- Incremental training, or training from scratch
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Epochs, learning rate, batch size, optimizer
- algorithm
- backbone
- Instance Types:
- GPU instances for training (ml.p2, p3, g4dn, g5) Multi-GPU and multi-machine
- CPU or GPU for inference (m5, p2, p3, g4dn, g5)
Random Cut Forest:
- anomaly detection, unsupervised
- detect unexpected spikes in time series data
- breaks in periodicity
- unclassifiable data points
- assigns an anomaly score to each data point
- Training Input:
- RecordIO-protobuf or CSV
- can use File or Pipe mode on either
- optiional test channel for computing accuracy, precision etc.
- How is it used?
- creates a forest of trees where each tree is a partition of the training data; looks at expected change in complexity of the tree as a result of adding a point into it
- data is sampled randomly, then trained
- RCF shows up in Kinesis Analytics as well; it works on streaming data
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Num_trees
- Increasing reduces noise
- Num_samples_per_tree
- should be chosen such that 1/num_samples_per_tree approximates the ratio of anomalous to normal data
- Instance Types:
- Does not use GPUs
- Muse M4, C4, or C5 for training
- ml.c5.xl for inference
- Num_trees
Neural Topic Model
- Organize documents into topics
- classify or summarize documents based on topics
- unsupervised
- algorithm is "Neural Variational Inference"
- Training Input:
- four data chennels:
- train is required
- validation, test and auxiliary optimal
- recordIO-protobuf or CSV
- words must be tokenized into integers
- File or pipe mode
- four data chennels:
- How is it used?
- you define how many topics you want
- these topics are a latent representation based on top ranking words
- One of two topic modeling algorithms in SageMaker
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Lowering mini_batch_size and learning_rate can reduce validation loss
- at expense of training time
- Num_topics
- Lowering mini_batch_size and learning_rate can reduce validation loss
- Instance Types
- GPU or CPU
- GPU recommended for training
- CPU for inference
- CPU is cheaper
- GPU or CPU
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)
- another topic modeling algorithm
- Unsupervised
- can be used for things other than words:
- cluster customers based on purchases
- harmonic analysis in music
- Training Input:
- Train channel, optional test channel
- recordIO-protobuf or CSV
- each document has counts for every word in vocabulary
- pipe mode only supported with recordIO
- How is it used?
- Unsupervised
- optional test channel can be used for scoring results
- Functionally similar to NTM, but CPU-based
- more efficient, maybe cheaper
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Num_topics
- Alpha0
- initial guess for concentration parameter
- smaller values generate sparse topic mixtures
- larger values (>1.0) produce uniform mixtures
- Instance Types
- Single-instance CPU training
- K-Nearest_Neighbors
- simple classification or regression algorithm
- classification ( find the k closest points to a sample point and return the most frequent label)
- regression (find the k closest points to a sample point and return the average value)
- Training Input:
- train channel contains data
- test channel emits accuracy or MSE
- recordIO-protobuf or CSV training
- FIle or pipe mode on either
- How is it used?
- Data is first sampled
- SageMaker includes a dimensionality reduction stage
- avoid sparse data
- at cost of noise/accuracy
- Important Hyperparameters
- K!
- Sample_size
- Instance Types
- training on CPU or GPU
- Ml.m5.2xlarge
- MI.p2.xlarge
- Inference
- CPU for lower latency
- GPU for higher throughput on large batches
- training on CPU or GPU
- unsupervised clustering
- divide data into K groups, where members of a group are as similar as possible to each other
- you define what similar means
- measured by euclidean distance
- Web-scale K-Means clustering
- Training Input:
- Train chennel, optional test
- Train ShardedByS3Key, test FullyReplicate
- recordIO-protobuf or CSV
- File or Pipe on either
- Train chennel, optional test
- Important Hyperparameters
- K!
- Mini_batch_size
- Extra_center_factor
- Init_method
- Instance types
- CPU or GPU, CPU recommended
- Only one GPU per instance used on GPU
- use ml.g4dn.xlarge if you're using GPU
- p2, p3, g4dn, and g4 supported
- Principal Component Analysis
- Dimensionality Reduction:
- project higher-dimensional data into lower-dimensional while minimizing loss of information
- reduced dimensions are called components
- first component has largest possible variablility
- second component has the next
- Unsupervised
- Training Input:
- recordIO-protobuf or CSV
- file or Pipe on either
- How is it used?
- covariance matrix is created, then SVD
- two modes:
- regular
- for sparse data and moderate number of observations and features
- Randomized
- for large number of observations and features
- uses approximation algorithm
- regular
- Important Hyperparameters
- Algorithm_mode
- Subtract_mean
- unbias data
- Instance Types
- GPU or CPU
Factorization Machines
- Dealing with sparse data
- Supervised
- classification or regression
- Training Input:
- recordIO-protobuf with Float32
- no CSV
- How is it used?
- finds factors we can use to predict a classificaiton
- usually used in context of recommender systems
- Important Hyperparameters:
- Initialization methods for bias, factors and linear terms
- uniform, normal or constant
- can tune properties of each method
- Initialization methods for bias, factors and linear terms
- Instance Types:
- CPU or GPU
- GPU for dense data
- CPU recommended
- CPU or GPU
IP Insights
- Unsupervised learning of IP address usage patterns
- Identifies suspicious behavior from IP addresses
- identify logins from anomalous IP's
- Identify accounts creating resources from anomalous IP's
- Training Input:
- user names, account ID's can be fed in directly
- training channel, optional validation (computes AUC score)
- CSV only
- Entity, IP
- How is it used?
- Uses a nerual network to learn latent vector representations of entities and IP addresses
- Entities are hashed and embedded
- need sufficiently large hash size
- Automatically generates negative samples during training by randomly pairing entities and IP's
- Important Hyperparaneters:
- Num_entity_vectors
- Hash size
- set to twice the number of unique entity identifiers
- Vector_dim
- size of embedding vectors
- scales model size
- too large results in overfitting
- Epochs, learning rate, batch size etc
- Num_entity_vectors
- Instance Types
- CPU or GPU
- GPU recommended
- ml.p3.2xlarge or higher
- can use multiple GPU's
- size of CPU instance depends on vector_dim and num_entity_vectors
- CPU or GPU
- agent that explores some space, as it goes, it learns the value of different state changes in different conditions
- Some Key Terms:
- Environment: layout of the board/maze
- State: where the player/pieces are
- Action: move in a given direction
- Reward: value associated with the action from that state
- Observation: surroundings in a maze, state of chess board
- Hyperparameter Tuning
- Parameters of your chooseing maybe be abstracted
- Hyperparameter tuning in SageMaker can then optimize them.
specific implementation of reinforcement learning
you have:
- a set of environmental states s
- a set of possibile actions in those states a
- value of each state/action Q
start off with Q values of 0
explore the space
- reward: increase it's Q
- punishment: reduce it's Q
look ahead more than one step by using a discount factor when computing Q
$Q(s,a) += discount * (reward(s, a) + max(Q(s')) - Q(s,a))$
Exploration problem:
- Simple approach: always choose the action for a given state with the highest Q. If there's a tie, choose at random
- Better way: introduce an epsilon term
- if a random number is less than epsilon, don't follow the highest Q, but choose at random.
- exploration never totally stops
Markov Decision Process:
- provide a mathematical framework for modeling decision making in situations where outcomes are partly random and partly under the control of a decision maker.
States are described as s and s'
State transition functions are described as
$P_{\alpha}(s, s')$ -
Q values are described as a reward function
$R_{\alpha}(s, s')$ -
MDP is a discrete time stochastic control process
- uses a DL framework with Tensorflow and MXNet
- supports Intel Coach and Ray Rllib toolkits
- custom, open-source or commerical environments:
- MATLAB, Simulink
- PyBullet, AWS RoboMaker, Amazon Sumerian
- Distributed Training with SageMaker RL
- can distribute training and/por environment rollout
- Multi-core and multi-instance
- Instance Types:
- No specific guidance given in developer guide
- It's deep learning - so GPU's are helpful
- supports multiple instances and cores
Define the hyperparameters you care about and the ranges you want to try, and the metrics you are optimizing for
SageMaker spins up a “HyperParameter Tuning Job” that trains as many combinations as you’ll allow
- Training instances are spun up as needed, potentially a lot of them
The set of hyperparameters producing the best results can then be deployed as a model
It learns as it goes, so it doesn’t have to try every possible combination
Best practices:
- Don’t optimize too many hyperparameters at once
- Limit your ranges to as small a range as possible
- Use logarithmic scales when appropriate
- Don’t run too many training jobs concurrently
- This limits how well the process can learn as it goes
- Make sure training jobs running on multiple instances report the correct objective metric in the end
- pre-process data as normal with spark
- Generate DataFrames
- use sagemaker-spark library
- SageMakerEstimator
- KMeans, PCA, XGBoost
- SageMakerModel
- Notebooks can use the SparkMagic (PySpark) kernel
- Connect notebook to a remote EMR cluster running Spark
- Call fit on your SageMakerEstimator to get a SageMakerModel
- Call transform on the SageMakerModel to make inferences
- Works with Spark Pipelines as well
- Allows you to combine pre-processing big data in Spark with training and inference in SageMaker
- EMR and SageMaker are very tightly integrated.
SageMaker Studio
- Visual IDE for ML
SageMaker Notebooks
- Create and share Jupyter notebooks with SageMaker Studio
SageMaker Experiments
- organize, capture, compare and search your ML jobs
SageMaker Debugger
- Saves internal model state at periodic intervals
- Debugger dashboards
- autogenerated training reports
- built-in rules:
- monitor system bottlenecks
- profile model framework operations
- debug model parameters
- Debugger API's available in GitHub
- SageMaker Debugger Insights Dashboard
- Debugger ProfilerRule
- profilerReport
- Hardware System metrics
- Framework Metrics
- Built-in actions to receive notifications or stop training
- StopTraining(), Email(), or SMS()
- in response to debugger rules
- profiling system resource usage and training
SageMaker Autopilot
- Automates:
- Algorithm selection
- data preprocessing
- Model tuning
- all infrastructure
- It does all trial & error for you
- AutoML
- Automates:
SageMaker Autopolit workflow:
- Load data from S3 for training
- Select your target column for prediction
- Automatic model creation
- Model notebook is available for visibility & control
- Model leaderboard
- Ranked list of recommended models
- You can pick one
- Deploy & monitor the model, refine via notebook if needed
Autopilot Training Modes
- HPO (Hyperparamter optimization):
- selects algorithms most relevatn to your dataset
- selects best range of hyperparameters to tune your models
- bayesian optimization used if dataset < 100MB
- multi-fodelity optimization if > 100MB
- early stopping if a trial is performing poorly
- Ensembling
- Trains several base model using AutoGluon library
- Runs 10 trials with different model and parameter settings
- Models are combined with a staking ensemble method
- Auto
- HPO if > 100 MB
- Ensembling if < 100 MB
- Autppilot needs to be able to read the size of your dataset, or wilol default to HPO
- s3 bucket hidden insider a VPC
- S3DataType is ManifestFile
- S3Uri contains more than 1000 items
- Autopilot Explainability
- integrates with SageMaker Clarify
- Transparency on how models arrive at predictions
- Feature attribution
- uses SHAP baselines/ shapley values
- research from cooperative game theory
- assigns each feature an importance value for a given prediction
- HPO (Hyperparamter optimization):
SageMaker Model Monitor
- Get alerts on quality deviations on your deployed models ( via CloudWatch)
- Visualize data drift
- Detect anomalies & outliers
- Detect new features
SageMaker Model Monitor + Clarify
- Integrates with SageMaker Clarify
- SageMaker Clarify detects potential bias
- with ModelMonitor, you can monitor for bias and be alerted to new potential bias via CloudWatch
- SageMaker Clarify also helps explain model behavior
- Integrates with SageMaker Clarify
Pre-training Bias Metrics in Clarify
- Class Imbalance (CI)
- One facet (demographic group) has fewer training values than another
- Difference in Proportions of Labels (DPL)
- Imbalance of positive outcomes between facet values
- Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KL), Jensen-Shannon
- How much outcome distributions of facets diverge
- Lp-norm (LP)
- P-norm difference between distributions of outcomes from facets
- Total Variation Distance (TVD)
- L1-norm difference between distributions of outcomes from facets
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS)
- Maximum divergence between outcomes in distributions from facets
- Conditional Demographic Disparity (CDD)
- Disparity of outcomes between facets as a whole, and by subgroups
- Class Imbalance (CI)
SageMaker Model Monitor
- Data is stored in S3 and secured
- Monitoring jobs are scheduled via a Monitoring Schedule
- Metrics are emitted to CloudWatch
- Integrates with Tensorboard, QuickSIght, Tableau
- Monitoring Types:
- Drift in data quality
- Relative to a baseline you create
- Quality is just statistical properties of the features
- Drift in model quality (accuracy)
- Works the same way with a model quality baseline
- can integrate with ground truth labels
- Bias drift
- Feature attribution drift
- Based on Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) score
- compares feature ranking vs live data
- Drift in data quality
Deployment Safeguards
- Deployment Guardrails
- For asynchronous or real-time inference endpoints
- controls shifting traffic to new models
- Auto-rollbacks
- Shadow Tests
- compare performance of shadow variant to production
- monitor in SageMaker console and decide when to promote it
- Deployment Guardrails
More Features:
- SageMaker JumpStart
- One-click models and algorithms from model zoos
- over 150 open source models in NLP, object detections, image classification etc
- SageMaker Data Wrangler
- Import / transform / analyze / export data within SageMaker Studio
- SageMaker Feature Store
- Find, discover, share features in Studio
- Online or offline modes
- Features organized into feature groups
- SageMaker JumpStart
SageMaker Edge Manager
- software agent for edge devices
- Model optimized with SageMaker Neo
- collects and samples data for monitoring, labeling, retraining
- Asynchronous Inference endpoints
SageMaker Feature Store
- A feature is just a property used to train a ML model
- ML models require fast, secure access to feature data for training
SageMaker Feature Store Security
- Encrypted at rest and in transit
- works with KMS customer master keys
- fine-grained access control with IAM
- may also be secured with AWS PrivateLink
SageMaker ML Lineage Tracking
- Creates & stores your ML workflow
- keep a running history of your models
- Tracking for auditing and compliance
- automatically or manually-creating tracking entities
- integrates with AWS Resource Ccess Manager for cross-account lineage
- Lineage Tracking Entities:
- Trial component
- Trial
- Experiment
- Context
- Action
- Artifact
- Association:
- ContributedTo
- AssociatedWIth
- DerivedFrom
- Produced
- SameAs
- Querying Lineage Entities:
- LineageQuery API from Python
- Produce a visualization
SageMaker Data Wrangler
- Visual Interface to prepare data for ML
- import data
- visaulize data
- Transform data
SageMaker Canvas
- no-code ML for Business Analysts
- upload CSV data
- Can also join datasets
- classification or regression
- automatic data cleaning
- missing values
- outliers
- duplicates
- share models & datasets with SageMaker Studio
- Can run within a VPC
- pricing is $1.90/hr plus a charge based on number of training cells in a model
SageMaker Training Compiler
- Integrated into AWS Deep Learning Containers (DLCs)
- compile & optimize training jobs on GPU instances
- Can accelerate training up to 50%
- converts models into hardware-optimized instructions
- Incompatible with SageMaker distributed training libraries
- Best practices:
- PyTorch models must use PyTorch/XLA's model save function
- Enable debug flag in compiler_config paramter to enable debugging
Amazon Comprehend:
- NLP & Text analytics
- Extract key phrases, entities, sentiment
- Input social media, emails, web pages
- Events detection
- PII Identification & Redaction
- Targeted Sentiment
- Can train on your own data
Amazon Translate
- Uses deep learning for translation
- supports custom terminology
- in CSV or TMX format
- appropriate for proper names, brand names, etc.
Amazon Transcribe
- Speech to text
- Speaker Identification
- Chennel Identification
- Automatic Language Identification
- Call Analytics
- Medical
- Subtitling
Amazon Polly
- Neural Text-To-Speach, many voices & languages
- Lexicons
- Customize pronunciation of specific words & phrases
- Speech Synthesis Markup Language
- Speech Marks
- can encode when sentence / word starts and ends in the audio stream
- useful for lip-synching animation
- Images come from S3
- Video must come from Kinesis Video Streams
- H.264 encoded
- 5-30 FPS
- Favor resolution over framerate
- New in 2020:
- Custom Labels
- Use your own labels for unique items
Amazon Forecast
- fully-managed service to deliver highly accurate forecasts with ML
- "AutoML" chooses best model for your time series data
- works with any time series
- Inventory planning, financial planning, resource planning
- More forecast algorithms:
- Convolutional Neural Network - Quantile Regression
- Best for large datasets with hundreds of time series
- accepts related historical time series data & metadata
- DeepAR+
- recurrent Neural Network
- best for large datasets
- accepts related forward looking time series & metadata
- Prophet
- additive model with non-linear trends and seasonality
- Non-parametric Time Series
- good for sparse data
- autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
- commonly used for simple datasets (<100 time series)
- exponential smoothing
- commonly used for simple datasets (<100 time series)
Amazon Lex
- Billed as the inner workings of Alexa
- NLP Chatbot engine
- Can deploy to AWS Mobile SDK, FAcebook Messager, Slack and Twilio
- Automated Chatbot Desginer:
- you provide existing conversation trasncripts
- Lex applies NLP & DL, removing overlaps & ambiguity
- Integrates with Amazon Connect Transcripts
Amazon Personalize
- fully-managed recommender engine
- API Access
- Console and CLI too
- Real-time or batch recommendations
- contextual recommendations
- intelligent user segmentation
- Promotions, Business rules and filters,
- Trending now, persoanlized rankings
- Terminology:
- Datasets: users, items, interactions
- Solutions: Trains the model, Hyperparameter optimization
- Campaigns: deploys capacity for generating real-time recommendations
- Hyperparameters:
- User-Personalization, Personalized-Ranking
- hidden_dimension (HPO)
- bptt (back-propagation through time - RNN)
- recency_mask (weights recent events)
- min/max_user_history_length_percentile (filter out robots)
- exploration_weight 0-1, controls relevance
- exploration_item_age_cut_off – how far back in time you go
- Similar-items
- item_id_hidden_dim (HPO)
- item_metadata_hidden_dim (HPO with min & max range specified)
- User-Personalization, Personalized-Ranking
- Security:
- Data not shared across accounts
- Data may be encrupted with KMS
- Data may be encrypted at rest in your resgion (SSE-S3)
- Data in transit betwwen your account and amazon's internal systems encrypted with TLS 1.2
- Access control via IAM
- Data in S3 must have appropriate bucket policy for amazon personalize to process it
- Monitoring and Logging via CloudWatch and CloudTrail
- Pricing
- Data Ingestion: per-GB
- Trainng: per training-hour
- Inference: per TPS-hour
- Batch recommendations: per user or per item
- Amazon Textract
- OCR with forms, fields, tables support
- AWS DeepRacer
- DeepLens
- Deep learning-enabled video camera
- integrated with Rekognition, SageMaker, Polly, Tensorflow, MXNet, Caffe
- Industrial Applications:
- Amazon Lookout
- Equipment, metrics, vision
- Detects abnormalilites from sensor data automatically to detect equipment issues
- Moniors metrics from S3, RDS, REdShift, 3rd Party SaaS apps
- Vision uses computer vision to detect defects in silicon wafers, circuit boards etc
- Amazon Monitron
- end to end sytem for monitoring industrial equipment & predictive maintenance
- Amazon Lookout
- TorchServe
- model serving framework for PyTorch
- AWS Neuron
- SDK for ML inference specifically on AWS Inferentia chips
- SC@ inf1 instance type
- AWS panorama
- Computer vision at the edge
- brings computer vision to your existing IP cameras
- AWS DeepComposer
- AI-powered keyboard
- composes a melody into an entire song
- Amazon Fraud Detctor
- upload your own historical fraud data
- exposes an API for ypur online application
- assess risk from:
- new accounts
- guest checkout
- online payments
- Amazon CodeGuru
- automated code reviews
- finds lines of code that hurt performance
- resource leaks, race conditions
- fix security vulnerabilities
- offers specific recommendations
- powered by ML
- Supports Java, Python
- Contact Lens for Amazon Connect
- for cusomter support call centers
- ingest audio data from recorded calls
- allows search on calls/chats
- sentiment analysis
- measure talk speed and interruptions
- Amazon Kendra
- enterprise search with natural language
- combines data from file systems, SHarePoint, intranet, sharing services ( JDBC, S3) into one searchable repo
- relevance tuning
- Amazon Augmented AI (A2I)
- Human review of AI predictions
- builds workflows for reviewing low-confidence predictions
- Access the mechanical turk workforce or vendors
- Integrated into Amazon Textract and Rekognitoon
- Integrates with SageMaker
- Amazon Textract
Foundation Models
- giant, pre-traineed transformer models we are fine tuning for specific tasks or applying to new applications
- AWS foundation models
- Jurassic-2 (AI21labs)
- multilingual LLMs for text generation
- spanish, french, german, portuguese, Dutch
- Claude (Anthropic)
- LLM's for conversations
- question answering
- workflow automation
- Stable Diffusion (stability.ai)
- image, art, logo, design generation
- Amazon Titan
- text summarization
- text generation
- Q&A
- Embeddings
- personalization
- search
- Jurassic-2 (AI21labs)
Amazon SageMaker Jumpstart
- sagemaker studio has a jumpstart feature
- lets you quickly open up a notebook with a given model loaded up and ready to go
- sagemaker studio has a jumpstart feature
Amazon Bedrock
- an API for foundation models
- serverless
- Fine-Tuning API
- Integrates with SageMaker
Amazon CodeWhisperer
- AI coding companion
- java, javascript, python
- real-time code suggestions
- security scans
- reference tracker
- bias avoidance
- AWS service integration
- can suggest code for interfacing with AWS API's
- EC2
- Lambda
- S3
- can suggest code for interfacing with AWS API's
- Security
- all content transmitted with TLS
- encrypted in transit
- encrypted at rest
- Pricing
- Individual Tier
- free to use
- upto 50 security scans/month
- Professional Tier
- $19 / user/month
- upto 500/user/month security scans
- authenticated with IAM identity center
- Individual Tier
- AI coding companion