Don't edit Watchy_GSR.cpp or Watchy_GSR.h, instead, edit GSR.ino as all of the overriding can be done within that file, this way that one file can be used as your project file, allowing you to override the necessary parts of the Watchy_GSR without having to re-edit updates. Just remember to backup your GSR.ino project file before updating (to ensure you don't lose it by accident).
Legend: Sections or Functions with:
! at the start are NOT OVERRIDABLE from WatchFace AddOns
# at the start are NOT usable from OVERRIDEs
$ at the start are NOT usable by AddOns
A structure allows you to reposition AND change font color along with font for each section:
Design Element | Default | Description |
Design.Menu.Top | 72 | Top of where the Menu starts vertically on the screen. |
Design.Menu.Header | 25 | Vertical baseline of Menu Header (section) from Design.Menu.Top. |
Design.Menu.Data | 66 | Vertical baseline of Menu Data (value to set/change) from Design.Menu.Top. |
Design.Menu.Gutter | 3 | Horizontal spacing from edge of display for Menu Header & Data items. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Menu.Font | &aAntiCorona12pt7b | Font used for Menu Header & Data display. |
Design.Menu.FontSmall | &aAntiCorona11pt7b | Font used for Menu Header & Data display when above is too large. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Menu.FontSmaller | &aAntiCorona10pt7b | Font used for Menu Header & Data display when above is too large. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.Gutter | 4 | Horizontal spacing from edge of display for Face elements (Time, AM/PM indicator, Year, etc). (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.Bitmap | {Unused} | A bitmap to place in the background of the Watch face during operation (overridable by OverrideBitmap below). |
Design.Face.SleepBitmap | {Unused} | A bitmap use during Screen Blanking (overridable by OverrideSleepBitmap below). |
Design.Face.Time | 56 | Vertical baseline of Time on screen. |
Design.Face.TimeHeight | 45 | Height of font used for PM indicator so it will sit at the top of TimeFont. |
Design.Face.TimeColor | GSR_AutoFore | Color the Time is drawn in. |
Design.Face.TimeFont | &aAntiCorona36pt7b | Font used for Time display. |
Design.Face.TimeLeft | {Unused} | Left point to start drawing Time display. |
Design.Face.TimeStyle | WatchyGSR::dCENTER | Alignment method for Time display. If set for WatchyGSR:dRIGHT, AM/PM indicator will be on the left. |
Design.Face.Day | 101 | Vertical baseline of Day of Week on screen. |
Design.Face.DayGutter | 4 | Horizontal spacing from edge of display for Day of Week element. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.DayColor | GSR_AutoFore | Color the Day of Week is drawn in. |
Design.Face.DayFont | &aAntiCorona16pt7b | Font used for Day of Week display. |
Design.Face.DayFontSmall | &aAntiCorona15pt7b | Font used for Day of Week display when above is too large. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.DayFontSmaller | &aAntiCorona14pt7b | Font used for Day of Week display when above is too large. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.DayLeft | {Unused} | Left point to start drawing Day of Week display. |
Design.Face.DayStyle | WatchyGSR::dCENTER | Alignment method for Day of Week display. |
Design.Face.Date | 143 | Vertical baseline of Date on screen. |
Design.Face.DateGutter | 4 | Horizontal spacing from edge of display for Date element. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.DateColor | GSR_AutoFore | Color the Date is drawn in. |
Design.Face.DateFont | &aAntiCorona15pt7b | Font used for Date display. |
Design.Face.DateFontSmall | &aAntiCorona14pt7b | Font used for Date display when above is too large. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.DateFontSmaller | &aAntiCorona13pt7b | Font used for Date display when above is too large. (1.4.3C+) |
Design.Face.DateLeft | {Unused} | Left point to start drawing Date display. |
Design.Face.DateStyle | WatchyGSR::dCENTER | Alignment method for Date display. |
Design.Face.Year | 186 | Vertical baseline of Year on screen. |
Design.Face.YearColor | GSR_AutoFore | Color the Year is drawn in. |
Design.Face.YearFont | &aAntiCorona16pt7b | Font used for Year display. |
Design.Face.YearLeft | {Unused} | Left point to start drawing Year display. |
Design.Face.YearStyle | WatchyGSR::dCENTER | Alignment method for Year display. |
Design.Status.Inverted | false | Invert the status color from the foreground to the background color. |
Design.Status.WIFIx | 5 | Left edge of WIFI status on screen. |
Design.Status.WIFIy | 193 | Vertical baseline of WIFI status on screen. |
Design.Status.BatteryInverted | false | Invert the battery indicator color from the foreground to the background color. |
Design.Status.BATTx | 155 | Left edge of Battery state on screen. |
Design.Status.BATTy | 178 | Vertical baseline of Battery state on screen. |
! Functions available for overriding (these can be USED by AddOns but cannot OVERRIDE base functions):
Function Name | Usage |
showWatchFace() | Override to change the entire WatchFace drawing. |
drawWatchFace() | Override to change the entire drawing of the WatchFace except screen refreshing. |
drawTime(uint8_t Flags = 0) | Override to change the format of how the Time is drawn. OPTIONAL Flags (ORed) = 32 means no AM/PM, 64 means add padding to <10 hour. |
drawDay() | Override to change the format of how the Day of Week is drawn. |
drawDate(bool Short = false) | Override to change the format of how the Date is drawn. OPTIONAL Short bool tells it to draw a Short date. |
drawYear() | Override to change the format of how the Year is drawn. |
drawChargeMe(bool Dark = false) | Override to change the format of how the Battery Status is drawn. OPTIONAL Dark bool tells the system the screen is black. |
drawStatus() | Override to change the format of how the current WiFi Status is drawn. Also shows timer/alarms when running. |
drawWeather() | Calls the InsertDrawWeather() function of either the OVERRIDE or the AddOn. |
Functions for inserting extra code in places.
Function Name | Usage |
! InsertPost() | This Function offers a post "boot" insert, so you can make changes after settings are loaded. |
InsertNTPServer() | Use this to return "your favorite NTP Server". See Version 1.4.3 Additions below. |
! InsertDefaults() | This Function is done at the end of setupDefaults(), so you can add your own defaults. |
OverrideBitmap() | Allows you to replace the drawing of this bitmap with either your own or nothing at all, send false on return to tell it not to draw the Design.Face.Bitmap. |
InsertOnMinute() | This Function is called once the Clock has been updated to the new minute but before the screen is drawn. |
InsertWiFi() | This Function is called repeatedly in a loop only IF WiFi has been enabled and connected, only use this if you asked for it. |
InsertWiFiEnding() | This Function is called when WiFi has been turned off. |
$ InsertAddWatchStyles() | Use this function to add Watch Styles starting from Index 0 [AllowDefaultWatchStyles(false) ] or from Index 2 if allowing default Watch Styles. |
InsertNeedAwake() | Used at the end of the Active Mode loop, gives the overriding the ability to keep the Watchy Active and run code in the loop. |
InsertInitWatchStyle(uint8_t StyleID) | The init function as seen at the end of Watchy_GSR.cpp. See Version 1.4.2 Additions below. |
InsertDrawWatchStyle(uint8_t StyleID) | The Draw function as seen at the bottom of Watchy_GSR.cpp. See Version 1.4.2 Additions below. |
InsertDrawWeather(uint8_t StyleID, bool Status) | This function is always used to draw weather elements for a WatchFace. Status bool is true if drawStatus() had nothing to draw and asks to have the InsertDrawWeather place the weather over top of the status area, if you're not using this for the status area, use a return to exit. |
InsertHandlePressed(uint8_t SwitchNumber, bool &Haptic, bool &Refresh) | Allows you to intercept SW2 (SW1 requires OverrideDefaultMenu(true) ) to SW4 when nothing else did anything with them, only when the menu isn't open. SwitchNumber is the SW # ORed with another (if pressed together), Haptic and Refresh are returns to tell the system you want the display refreshed and want Haptic feedback to happen. |
OverrideSleepBitmap() | Allows you to replace the drawing of this bitmap with either your own or nothing at all, send false on return to tell it not to draw the Design.Face.SleepBitmap. |
Functions available for communication:
Function Name | Usage |
CurrentStyleID() | Returns the current WatchFace StyleID (uint8_t) for use in functions that don't give it. |
handleButtonPress(uint8_t Pressed) | Accepts Switch # from 1 to 4, can "fake" a button press. |
getButtonPins() | Returns the current pressed button or buttons (see BUTTON MIXING below). |
CheckButtons() | Sets the Button pressed to 0 (none) 1=MENU, 2=BACK, 3=UP, 4=DOWN (or a combination) for the switch(s) pressed at the moment, observes button debounce and button mixing See BUTTON MIXING below. This function isn't necessary to be called unless overriding. |
OverrideDefaultMenu(bool Override) | Set whether or not the default menu is overridden for the CURRENT WatchFace (true/{false}). Use this in InsertInitWatchStyle(). This setting defaults to {false} when not called. |
WantWeather(bool Wanting) | Set to true (defaults to {false} when not called) to request wanting Weather Updates for the CURRENT WatchFace, use in InsertInitWatchStyle(). |
NoStatus(bool NoStats) | Set to true (defaults to {false} when not called) to stop the drawChargeMe and drawStatus functions from being called after InsertDrawWatchStyle(). |
ShowDefaultMenu() | Will show the Default Menu when called only if the menu is being overridden and not already open. |
float getBatteryVoltage() | Returns a cleaned battery voltage. |
IsDark() | Is the screen currently black (Screen Off has triggered from settings). |
IsBatteryHidden() | Returns true if the battery indicator isn't visible. |
IsMetric() | Returns true if the current weather scale is Metric. |
VibeTo(bool Mode) | Set VibeTo to true to enable vibration motor, false to stop it. |
MakeTime(int Hour, int Minutes, bool &Alarm) | Use a variable in Alarm parameter always. When Alarm is set to false you'll get normal Hour & Minutes format based on Options, Alarm will be true for PM. Setting Alarm to true for Alarm format. Returns a String. |
MakeHour(uint8_t Hour) | Return the hour formatted in a String using 12 or 24hr format. |
MakeMinutes(uint8_t Minutes) | Returns a string of the Minutes. |
ClockSeconds() | Updates the raw UTC and also converts it to the local time (WatchTime.Local) but doesn't interfere with minute updates. |
ForeColor() | Returns the current Fore (font) color for usage with current style. |
BackColor() | Returns the current Background color for usage with current style. |
SetFontColor(uint16_t Color) | Sets the FontColor to the value you want, OR, use GSR_AutoFore for automatic (same as ForeColor()). |
AskForWiFi() | Tells the Watchy_GSR that your code wants WiFi, when it connects, you will see InsertWiFi() called, make sure you keep track of this yourself. See NOTES ON WiFi below. |
currentWiFi() | Returns WL_CONNECTED when connected or WL_CONNECT_FAILED when not, InsertWiFi() is only called when WL_CONNECTED happens and no other process is using it. |
endWiFi() | Tell Watchy_GSR that you're finished with the WiFi, only do this IF you asked for it. |
AllowDefaultWatchStyles(bool Allow) | Will state if you want ({true}/false) the original Watch Styles (Index 0 (Classic GSR) to be used first). |
AddWatchStyle(String StyleName [, CLASS OBJECT]) | Will return the Index of the added Watch Style (255 = error), 30 character max limit on Watch Style name. CLASS OBJECT: This is [REQUIRED] inside RegisterWatchFaces() within an AddOn. Simply pass this as a CLASS OBJECT. Do NOT include a CLASS OBJECT when calling from GSR.ino. |
NoMenu() | This returns true if the Menu isn't open. |
getAngle(uint16_t Angle, uint8_t Width, uint8_t Height, uint8_t &X, uint8_t &Y) | Give it an Angle, Width and Height, X and Y will have those values, useful for Analog displays |
CurrentSteps() | Will return a uint32_t value of the current steps taken. Do not access the SBMA directly as the base code now keeps a recording of them prior to restarts and each minute, so reboots don't lose progress. |
YesterdaySteps() | Will return a uint32_t value of yesterday's steps taken. |
CurrentSteps(bool Yesterday = false) | Returns a formatted string of CurrentSteps optionally {true} with (Yesterday's) steps added. |
void SetWeatherScale(bool Metric) | Set temperature & wind scale being used, {Imperial} or Metric. Weather settings are not specific to any WatchFace. |
bool IsWeatherAvailable() | Returns true if there is available Weather Data. |
int GetWeatherTemperature() | Gets the current Temperature in the requested Scale. |
int GetWeatherTemperatureFeelsLike() | Gets the current "Feels Like" Temperature in the requested Scale. |
int GetWeatherID() | Gets the OpenWeatherMap Condition ID. |
String GetWeatherIcon() | Gets the OpenWeatherMap Condition Icon String ID. |
uint8_t GetWeatherHumidity() | Gets the OpenWeatherMap Humidity percentage. |
float GetWeatherWindSpeed() | Gets the current Wind Speed in the requested Scale. |
float GetWeatherWindDirection() | Gets the current Wind Gust direction (see OpenWeatherMap information for how to use this value). |
float GetWeatherWindGust() | Gets the current Wind Gust speed in the requested Scale. |
bool GetWebAvailable() | Returns true if the AskForWeb function is available for use. |
bool GetWebReady() | Returns true if data has come back. |
int GetWebResponse() | Returns the HTTP response code from the last AskForWeb response. |
String GetWebData() | Returns the HTTP response data from the last AskForWeb response. |
bool AskForWeb(String website, uint8_t Timeout) | Ask website for data, allowing Timeout in seconds. |
String CleanString(String) | Can be used to clean strings from JSON data. |
# Required functions specific to AddOns:
Function Name | Usage |
RegisterWatchFaces() | This is used by the AddOn to add it's Watchfaces to the list, currently only 32 Watch Styles are available. |
initAddOn(this) | This is the function within the Constructor of the AddOn class that registers the AddOn class to be called up to RegisterWatchFaces(). Except for the class name, do not edit the function in the AddOn. |
If you plan to use WiFi, remember, users will want to actually keep using the Watchy_GSR underneath while you're using WiFi, so while it is nice to pack everything in at once, the InsertWiFi()
function is repeatedly called until you tell it you're done by saying EndWiFi()
Breaking up your WiFi functions so that they're only done in parts is best. Anything you have to wait for, make an int that tells you where you are in your work and when InsertWiFi()
returns, continue where you left off. Recommend an int variable being set to 1 when you AskForWiFi()
, then when InsertWiFi()
is called, you do part of the work, ++ the int and exit the function, when InsertWiFi()
returns again, repeat until you're finished. When you finish, call EndWiFi()
. When you receive an InsertWiFiEnd()
, set your int to 0 after cleaning up anything you need to, this way, your code will always work properly. You can even test in InsertOnMinute()
if your int is 0 before commencing so you don't try twice. AskForWiFi()
and EndWiFi()
will only work once per WatchFace, if the WatchFace is changed mid-WiFi use, EndWiFi()
will be called between the switching to the new WatchFace.
TIME Structure | Contents |
WatchTime.Local.Second | Contains the current second(s) in Local time. |
WatchTime.Local.Minute | Contains the current minute(s) in Local time. |
WatchTime.Local.Hour | Contains the current Hour in Local time. |
WatchTime.Local.Wday | Contains the Day of Week (Days since Sunday) in Local time. |
WatchTime.Local.Day | Contains the Date (1 to 31) in Local time. |
WatchTime.Local.Month | Contains the Month (0 to 11) in Local time. |
WatchTime.Local.Year | Contains the Year (since 1900) in Local time. |
WatchTime.UTC.Second | Contains the current second(s) in Coordinated Universal time. |
WatchTime.UTC.Minute | Contains the current minute(s) in Coordinated Universal time. |
WatchTime.UTC.Hour | Contains the current Hour in Coordinated Universal time. |
WatchTime.UTC.Wday | Contains the Day of Week (Days since Sunday) in Coordinated Universal time. |
WatchTime.UTC.Day | Contains the Date (1 to 31) in Coordinated Universal time. |
WatchTime.UTC.Month | Contains the Month (0 to 11) in Coordinated Universal time. |
WatchTime.UTC.Year | Contains the Year (since 1970) in Coordinated Universal time. |
WatchTime.BedTime | This will be true if the time is within Screen Off's Sleeping range, even if it isn't in use. |
The addition of the following functions will allow overriding both the original Watch Styles or adding to them, the author's choice. This is all done without writing any changes to the Watchy_GSR base code, so as to avoid having to re-apply changes to that code after version changes.
Overriding InsertDefaults()
function, you can call this function:
// Will state if you want the original Watch Styles (Index 0 (Classic GSR) and 1 (Ballsy) to be used first).
Just after the default Watch Styles are added (if told to), another function will be called:
$ InsertAddWatchStyles()
// Use this function to add Watch Styles starting from Index 0 [AllowDefaultWatchStyles(false)
] or from Index 2 if allowing default Watch Styles.
uint8_t AddWatchStyle(string StyleName[,CLASS OBJECT])
// Will return the Index of the added Watch Style (255 = error), 30 character max limit on Watch Style name.
Override these two functions to add your Init and Draw for the Watch Styles:
void InsertInitWatchStyle(uint8_t StyleID)
// The init function as seen at the end of Watchy_GSR.cpp.
void InsertDrawWatchStyle(uint8_t StyleID)
// The Draw function as seen at the bottom of Watchy_GSR.cpp.
Overriding in this manner can be done using a switch and only checking for your Indexes, but you could also just as easily use an IF statement and record your Watch Styles in uint8_t variables for each during $ InsertAddWatchStyles()
. The best part about this is, all of this is done PRIOR to the settings reload from NVS (if not disabled), so your chosen Watch Style will remain after a reboot.
void InsertNTPServer()
{ return "Your favorite NTP Server"; } // Will let you pick your favorite NTP server.
Removed void InsertBitmap()
void OverrideBitmap()
{ return true/{false}; } // This function lets you stop the Design.Face.Bitmap from drawing if you return true
void OverrideSleepBitmap()
{ return true/{false}; } // This function lets you stop the Design.Face.SleepBitmap from drawing if you return true
Locale and Menu Override are the main offerings available, instructions will be forthcoming for the Locale setup. For Menu Overriding, users can tell Watchy GSR that they'll handle the Menu button, can also call ShowDefaultMenu()
to bring the Watchy GSR Default Menu up for usage when wanted, if the author makes a mistake or there is a bug, the standard Watchy GSR Default Menu can be called up by holding the Menu button down for 10 seconds.
getButtonPins() has 4 new values: MENU + UP = 5, BACK + UP = 6, DOWN + MENU = 7 and DOWN + BACK = 8 This is currently in BETA but the functionality is 100% stable, just the button press duration may be too short to catch both buttons properly.
bool InsertNeedAwake(bool GoingAsleep)
{ return true/{false}; } // This function runs 3 times per loop, lets you tell the Watchy to stay Awake (Active Mode), you can also run code in this as part of the main loop while in Active Mode. Return value tells the Watchy to stay in Active Mode (Awake = true
WatchFace AddOns can be created and included into GSR.ino starting at line 2 in the file (past the .h include at the top), each file can be added in succession to add more AddOn WatchFaces.
Button | Values |
SW1 | 1 |
SW2 | 2 |
SW3 | 3 |
SW4 | 4 |
SW1 + SW3 | 5 |
SW2 + SW3 | 6 |
SW1 + SW4 | 7 |
SW2 + SW4 | 8 |
reads the active pins, for button pressing sanity with debounce the CheckButtons()
is automatically called during the Active Mode loop, it maps the button(s) pressed back to the Button value.
How to Make Your Own Version
First, use the Library Manager and give it a release zip, this will install Watchy_GSR as a library, go into the Watchy_GSR library and move the GSR.ino out of it and place it into where your project is. Rename it to something like MyGSR.ino and edit it, you can do all of your overrides in that. That ino file now becomes your main compile file.
If you're updating Watchy_GSR, be sure to remove the GSR.ino from it after the Library Manager has imported everything.
How to make your own WatchFace AddOn
First thing you need to do is to download the EmptyAddOn.h from the Addons folder and follow the commented instructions within, once you've done so, you merely include your newly created AddOn.h into your GSR.ino (after the first include) and compile. If all goes well, your new WatchFace AddOn will be in the list of Styles in the Options menu. AddOns are not limited to 1 WatchFace Style per file, you can create multiple styles in 1 file, instructions on how to do this are in the EmptyAddOn.h file.