Installation is simple:
kubectl apply -f canal.yaml
This directory includes two manifests for deploying canal on Kubernetes - one that requires its own etcd and one that doesn't.
- Make sure your k8s cluster is configured to provide serviceaccount tokens to pods.
- Make sure your kubelets have been started with
and have--cni-conf-dir
properly set
: Contains a Kubernetes DaemonSet which install and runs canal on each Kubernetes master and node.
This also includes a ReplicaSet which deploys the Calico Kubernetes policy controller, and a ConfigMap for
configuring the install.
- Make sure you configure canal.yaml with the endpoints of your etcd cluster.
: Contains a Kubernetes DaemonSet to install canal on each Kubernetes master and node. This is an experimental mode which does not require access to an etcd cluster.
- Make sure your controller manager has been started with
Canal uses the Kubernetes API to enforce policy, and so needs to authenticate with the Kubernetes API. The provided ConfigMap configures the Calico CNI plugin automatically to use serviceaccount token authentication and the Kubernetes Service clusterIP.
When using an etcd datastore, the provided manifest allows you to specify the etcd endpoints for your etcd cluster, which must be configured independently.
By default, the manifest expects an etcd proxy to be running on each Kubernetes node at