This is the documentation of the Terraform scripts that deploy the ELK stack in an existing AWS EKS cluster.
The following AWS resources are deployed, but not limited to:
- Kubernetes
- Namespace
- Service Account
- Secrets
- Helm Charts
- ElasticSearch
- Kibana
- Logstash
- Filebeat
- Node Group
- EBS Driver addon
- AWS IAM Roles
- ElasticSearch access to S3 role
- EKS Node Group role
- EBS CSI role
- Amazon S3 bucket
- AWS Account
- Terraform
- [Optional] Kubectl
Create a variables file, such as variables.tfvars
, and fill the following variables:
infra_env = "test"
aws_access_key_id = ""
aws_secret_access_key = ""
aws_region = "us-east-1"
k8s_namespace = "monitoring"
eks_cluster_name = ""
bucket_name = ""
elasticsearch_username = "elastic"
elasticsearch_password = ""
private_subnets_name = ""
eks_instance_types = [ "t3.medium" ]
The variables that are already filled are mere examples and may be changed accordingly if needed.
First, it is necessary to install the Terraform dependencies by running the following command:
terraform init
Then, plan and apply:
terraform plan -out=tfplan -var-file=variables.tfvars
terraform apply tfplan
The commands shown above can also be run to make changes to the architecture, as it will check what resources need to be created/modified/destroyed.
In order to destroy the whole infrastructure, first make sure to:
- Delete all the contents of the S3 bucket created by Terraform
Then run the following command:
terraform destroy -var-file=variables.tfvars