- Shortcut to share the backup with that saves it then runs bear.py?
- Note concatenater: turn a list of links into a new note with those contents. Maybe each link is a heading in the new note.
- Reference utility
- Parse references sections to find refs that are present in many notes but have no lit note or have a lit note but aren't linked to it
- Fix DOI links
- Global options specified in Bear note; then we can exclude backlinks from link finder and collector, and not include options note in backlinks
- Handle \s in titles: Bear auto completes titles in links with an escaped backslash: 'AND/OR'
- Extract summaries marked in some way when collecting, or otherwise
- Look for "[[literature note 📔]] ->" and insert summary
- Also offer action to summarize all literature notes in a given note or tag
- Share note id to search; option to make links at top to jump to sections with highlighted results
- Some kind of state storage, eg for clearing search results on second sharing
- Increase or decrease heading levels; need interactive ui
- Find isolated DOIs on page and replace with references
- Move tags at the bottom to the top
- Collect multiple tags
- Option to remove all highlighting
- Search and replace, including quick common actions defined in options.ini. Possible to do interactive with highlighting? Not without special purpose UI.
- Floating keyboard helper: mark sections of bullets to indent or dedent
- TOC: add Top links to each section if length of doc exceeds some amount