This is our "Flight Reservation Static Webpage" project in HTML, CSS, and JS.
Firstly, I just wanted to thank our CSE326 Faculty Shabnam Ma'am for all of her help and guidance throughout this project. Her patience and guidance have greatly facilitated our development and learning.
We mean group of three :
Anmol Raj
Vikramaditya Kehar
Arpit Garg
Made this project with 11 Pages
Tour:the landing page having same name name css and in that page you will get all pages link
kindly open pge "tour" page to experience all item of our project - https://anmolrk.github.io/FlightReservation/Flight%20res/tour.html
Here we use jquery for validation for form in one page as we are three people made the program someone made with jquery and someone without jquery as I took the resopsibilty of all of the project as leader
that's why i added all pages with jquery and without it, that is why some form validate and some not.
thank you