This is a project that was made during week 10 of the Technigo Front End Bootcamp. My survey is about vacation/summer since this project was made during spring time and summer was in the horizon. The task was to build a survey in React with useState. The survey should contain three different type of inputs and also show the user answers in a summary section.
I started by defining the different components that I needed, which was the inputs, a form, a header and a summary. I decided to do all the questions on one page since I wanted a specific type of layout. Then I consutructed all the components and their functionality before I moved on to the design. I also added HTML input validation attributes to the form and a function to access and check if the required attribute was true.
My plan was to make the components as reusable as possible, ie to send all information as props. Although I had to revert this in order to be able to access all the user input in the summary section. But if I had more time I think I would be able to do it as my intial plan. As the focus of the project was the functionality, I would have put more effort in the styling if I had more time, escpecially in customizing the inputs.
Check it out here: