This repo contains the basic configurations for ADC module of the LPC2378 based development kit (MCB2300) and displaying the A2D converted value through on-board LCD
Following are the configurations to be followed for setting the ADC module of the LPC 2378 (available in the "Program.c" file of the repository):
Enable ADC using PCONP.PCAD register (bit 12)
Enabling ADC in AD0CR.PDN register (bit 21)
Enabling clock for ADC: PCLK_SEL0 bits [25:24]
Select AD0.0 in PINSEL1 register (bit 14)
Select channel 0 in AD0CR register bits [7:0]
Select ClockDiv for ADC in AD0CR register bits [15:8]
Start ADC conversion in AD0CR register bits [25:24]
Wait for conversion result to be available - bit 31 of AD0GDR
Process the available results - available in AD0GDR bits [15:6]