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apiman-cli: A CLI for apiman Build Status

Manage your apiman instances from the command line.

Script actions, such as adding APIs and gateways, or display information about a running apiman environment.


Let's assume you have an apiman server running on http://localhost:8080

Step 1: Create a new API:

$ ./apiman manager api create \
        --name example \
        --endpoint \
        --initialVersion 1.0 \
        --public \
        --orgName test

Step 2: Publish it:

$ ./apiman manager api publish \
        --name example \
        --version 1.0 \
        --orgName test

You're done! Hit your new API at: http://localhost:8080/apiman-gateway/test/example/1.0

Management example

You can also manage your apiman server.

Add a gateway:

$ ./apiman manager gateway create \
        --name test-gw \
        --endpoint http://localhost:1234 \
        --username apimanager \
        --password "apiman123!" \
        --type REST

Add a plugin:

$ ./apiman manager plugin add \
        --groupId io.apiman.plugins \
        --artifactId apiman-plugins-test-policy \
        --version 1.4.3.Final

You can do much more - see the Usage section.

Declarative API management

Whilst running commands to control your apiman environment from the CLI can be helpful, sometimes you need to keep your configuration in a file that you can check into your source control system.

For this, apiman-cli has Declarative Mode.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Declare your API environment

Here's a simple YAML file (you can use JSON if you want):

# simple.yml
  name: "test"
  description: "Test organisation"
    - name: "example"
      description: "Example API"
      version: "1.0"
      published: true
        endpoint: ""
        endpointType: "rest"
        public: true
        gateway: "TheGateway"
        - name: "CachingPolicy"
            ttl: 60
        file: "/home/user/swagger/example.json"
        type: "application/json"

Step 2: Apply the environment declaration

$ ./apiman manager apply -f simple.yml
INFO Loaded declaration: examples/declarative/simple.yml
INFO Adding org: test
INFO Adding API: example
INFO Configuring API: example
INFO Setting definition for API: example
INFO Adding policy 'CachingPolicy' to API: example
INFO Publishing API: example
INFO Applied declaration

The following things just happened:

  1. an organisation named test was created,
  2. an API named example was added with the endpoint,
  3. a swagger definition was uploaded for the API in json format
  4. a caching policy was added to the API and configured with a TTL of 60 seconds and, finally,
  5. the API was published to the gateway.

Declarations also allow you to add gateways, install plugins and more. See the examples directory.

Using placeholder properties

You can also use placeholders in your declaration files. This helps you reuse declaration files across different environments. For example:

endpoint: "${myApiEndpoint}"

...then pass them in when you run the apply command:

./apiman manager apply -f simple.yml -P myApiEndpoint=

Additionally, you can specify a properties files, containing key-value pairs, such as:

./apiman manager apply -f simple.yml --propertiesFile /path/to/

Shared policies and properties

To avoid repeating the same policy definitions, you can define them once in the shared section of your declaration file, then refer to them by name later.

For example, see the shared-policies.yml file.

The same goes for properties - you can define them in the shared section and reuse them.

See the shared-properties.yml example file.

Common policies for all APIs in an organisation

You can ensure all APIs in an organisation have a particular set of policies using the org/common/policies block.

Policies from the common block will be appended/prepended to the list of policies on each API in the organisation. Use the first and last lists to choose where to add the common policies in the policy chain.

  name: "test"
  description: "Test organisation"
  # Configuration and policies in the common org section are applied to each API.
    # Common policies are injected at either the start or the end of the policy chain for each API.
        - "alwaysFirstPolicy"
        - "alwaysLastPolicy"
    - name: "example"
      description: "Example API"
      version: "1.0"
      published: true
        endpoint: ""
        endpointType: "rest"
        public: true
        gateway: "test-gw"
      # policies from the common block will be appended/prepended to this list
      policies: []

See [examples/declarative/common-api-config.yaml] for an example.

Common configuration for all APIs in an organisation

You can ensure all APIs in an organisation have particular configuration using the org/common/config block:

  name: "test"
  description: "Test organisation"
  # Configuration and policies in the common org section are applied to each API.
    # Common configuration is overridden by API specific values.
      endpointType: "rest"
      public: true
      gateway: "test-gw"
    - name: "example"
      description: "Example API"
      version: "1.0"
      published: true
        endpoint: ""
        # ... policies go here

See [examples/declarative/common-api-config.yaml] for an example.


  • An instance of apiman
  • JDK 8
  • OS X, Windows, Linux


The CLI lets you control both the apiman Manager and apiman Gateway components.

Typically, you will administer the Manager, then publish your changes to the Gateway (as per the UI flow).

Manager commands

apiman manager plugin [args...]
apiman manager org [args...]
apiman manager api [args...]
apiman manager gateway [args...]
apiman manager apply [args...]

--debug                    : Log at DEBUG level (default: false)
--help (-h)                : Display usage only (default: false)
--server (-s) VAL          : Management API server address (default:
--serverPassword (-sp) VAL : Management API server password (default:
--serverUsername (-su) VAL : Management API server username (default: apiman)

Manage Organisations

apiman manager org show [args...]
apiman manager org create [args...]

Show Org

apiman manager org show [args...]

--name (-n) VAL            : Name

Create Org

apiman manager org create [args...]

--description (-d) VAL     : Description
--name (-n) VAL            : Name

Manage Gateways

apiman manager gateway test [args...]
apiman manager gateway show [args...]
apiman manager gateway create [args...]
apiman manager gateway list [args...]

List Gateways

apiman manager gateway list [args...]

Create Gateway

apiman manager gateway create [args...]

--description (-d) VAL     : Description
--endpoint (-e) VAL        : Endpoint
--name (-n) VAL            : Name
--password (-p) VAL        : Password
--type (-t) [REST | SOAP]  : type (default: REST)
--username (-u) VAL        : Username

Show Gateway

apiman manager gateway show [args...]

--name (-n) VAL            : Name

Test Gateway

apiman manager gateway test [args...]

--description (-d) VAL     : Description
--endpoint (-e) VAL        : Endpoint
--name (-n) VAL            : Name
--password (-p) VAL        : Password
--type (-t) [REST | SOAP]  : type (default: REST)
--username (-u) VAL        : Username

Manage Plugins

apiman manager plugin show [args...]
apiman manager plugin add [args...]
apiman manager plugin list [args...]

Show Plugin

apiman manager plugin show [args...]

--debug                    : Log at DEBUG level (default: false)
--help (-h)                : Display usage only (default: false)
--id (-i) VAL              : Plugin ID

Add Plugin

apiman manager plugin add [args...]

--artifactId (-a) VAL      : Artifact ID
--classifier (-c) VAL      : Classifier
--groupId (-g) VAL         : Group ID
--version (-v) VAL         : Version

List Plugins

apiman manager plugin list [args...]

Manage APIs

apiman manager api create [args...]
apiman manager api list [args...]
apiman manager api publish [args...]

Create API

apiman manager api create [args...]

--endpoint (-e) VAL                 : Endpoint
--endpointType (-t) VAL             : Endpoint type (default: rest)
--gateway (-g) VAL                  : Gateway (default: TheGateway)
--initialVersion (-v) VAL           : Initial version
--name (-n) VAL                     : API name
--orgName (-o) VAL                  : Organisation name
--public (-p)                       : Public API
--serverVersion (-sv) [v11x | v12x] : Management API server version (default:

List APIs

apiman manager api list [args...]

--orgName (-o) VAL                  : Organisation name
--serverVersion (-sv) [v11x | v12x] : Management API server version (default:

Publish API

apiman manager api publish [args...]

--version (-v) VAL                  : API version
--name (-n) VAL                     : API name
--orgName (-o) VAL                  : Organisation name
--serverVersion (-sv) [v11x | v12x] : Management API server version (default:

Apply declaration

A 'declaration' is a configuration file specifying Gateways, APIs and policies. See the Declarative API management section for more information.

apiman manager apply [args...]

 --declarationFile (-f) PATH : Declaration file
 -P VAL                      : Set property (key=value)

Gateway commands

The following commands are available, when administering the Gateway directly:

apiman gateway generate: Generate configurations
apiman gateway apply: Apply Apiman Gateway declaration
apiman gateway org: List Organizations
apiman gateway api: Retire and list APIs
apiman gateway client: Retire and list Clients
apiman gateway status: View Gateway Status

--debug: Log at DEBUG level
--help, -h: Display usage only

Tips and tricks

When working with declaration files, in any of the following scenarios:

  • declarative gateway
  • declarative manager
  • generate headless gateway configuration

...the commands support repetition of the --declarationFile argument.

This means you can do things like:

./apiman manager apply --declarationFile=/path/to/file1.yml --declarationFile=/path/to/file2.yml

...and the declarations will be merged in the order the files are provided.

Recent changes and Roadmap

For recent changes see the Changelog.

See the Roadmap document for future plans.


If you just want to run apiman-cli, use the apiman or apiman.bat (Windows) scripts in the root directory.

If you want to compile the JAR yourself, use:

./gradlew clean shadowJar

Note: for distribution, apiman-cli is built as a 'fat JAR' (aka 'shadow JAR').

...and look under the build/libs directory.

Importing into your favourite IDE is easy, as long as it supports Gradle projects.


If you want to run unit tests, run:

./gradlew clean test

If you want to run integration tests, ensure you have an apiman instance running on http://localhost:8080, then run:

./gradlew clean test -PintegrationTest


Pull requests are welcome.


Pete Cornish (