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Docker Stack for Production Releases

The docker stack to build and run the docker image with a production release for each API backend example in this Approov quickstart.

If you are looking how to run each API backend example in your laptop, while poking around with the code, then you should look at the README of each one.


The docker stack used in this deployment assumes that the Host server is running Traefik.

If this is not the case then please follow on this guides to setup Traefik:

How to Deploy to Production

Clone the repo:

git clone

Move to inside the docker stack production folder:

cd quickstart-elixir-phoenix-absinthe-graphql-token-check/docker/todo-prod

Create the .env file:

cp .env.example .env

IMPORTANT: Add the secrets as instructed in the .env file comments.

Run all services in the background:

sudo docker-compose up --detach

NOTE: The first time you run the command it will build the docker images.

At any time check the logs with:

sudo docker-compose logs --follow --tail 100

If you update the .env file then you need to bring down the docker stack and bring it up again, a restart will not reload the .env file.

sudo docker-compose down && sudo docker-compose up --detach

How to Inspect a Running Elixir Production Release

First, get inside the running container for a specific docker compose service:

sudo docker-compose exec approov-token zsh

Next, get an interactive iex shell for the running elixir node:

./bin/todo remote

And you should see something similar to:

Erlang/OTP 23 [erts-11.1.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Interactive Elixir (1.11.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)

Now, you can check all registered users:

iex> Todos.Repo.all! :users
    password_hash: "$2b$12$bXv1hkTvWohp12zX0j/JtuClnUtmpjvGH.hAauNg53oMVPtS1ySJC",
    uid: "60B4E74E753A875BE09ABD5D39729437AF453F6BA38306F645FCADC7CEACF895",
    username: "EC238B479F2CEF4E2F7770E8DD5F574A29EC1B54FAF61219E879F5849D766943"

Or, you can get all todos:

iex> Todos.Repo.all! :todos
    created_at: "2020-11-12 19:43:40.664589",
    id: 403,
    is_completed: false,
    is_public: false,
    title: "task 2",
    uid: "05B0ED0083F1B5B61071A2C68DC1520D8E1C4E5F22D549D371AA25CA151B1C60",
    user_uid: "60B4E74E753A875BE09ABD5D39729437AF453F6BA38306F645FCADC7CEACF895"

Or, just get the todos for a specific user:

iex> Todos.Context.all_todos %{current_user: %{uid: "60B4E74E753A875BE09ABD5D39729437AF453F6BA38306F645FCADC7CEACF895"}}
     created_at: "2020-11-12 19:43:40.664589",
     id: 403,
     is_completed: false,
     is_public: false,
     title: "task 2",
     uid: "05B0ED0083F1B5B61071A2C68DC1520D8E1C4E5F22D549D371AA25CA151B1C60",
     user_uid: "60B4E74E753A875BE09ABD5D39729437AF453F6BA38306F645FCADC7CEACF895"