This is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their Erlang representation.
First of all, add databind's dependency:
compile 'io.appulse.encon:encon:1.6.10'
compile 'io.appulse.encon:encon-databind:1.6.10'
Let's imagine, you have POJO like this:
// ErlangList will be used for
public class Pojo {
// it will be serialized as ErlangString
String name;
// it will be serialized as ErlangInteger
int age;
// it will be serialized as ErlangAtom
boolean male;
// this field will be ignored
int ignored;
// it will be serialized as ErlangList with ErlangString elements
List<String> languages;
// this field will be serialized as ErlangAtom, obviously
String position;
// it will be serialized as ErlangList with ErlangString elements
Set<String> set;
// this string will be serialized as ErlangList with ErlangInteger elements
String listString;
// it will be serialized as ErlangList with ErlangAtom elements
Boolean[] bools;
After that, you could serialize/deserialize it with the following code:
// serialization
ErlangTerm erlangTerm = TermMapper.serialize(pojo);
// deserialization
Pojo result = TermMapper.deserialize(erlangTerm, Pojo.class);