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+ {
+ title: "Projects",
+ children: [
+ {
+ title: "ArNS Viewer",
+ path: "/guides/projects/arns-viewer"
+ },
+ ]
+ },
// {
// title: "Contribute to Docs",
// path: "/contribute",
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+# ArNS Viewer
+## Overview
+This guide will walk you through creating a project that uses the ar.io SDK to interact with ArNS names in a web environment. It provides all the steps and context needed to help you get up and running smoothly, allowing you to effectively use these technologies.
+We will be using [ARNext](https://github.com/weavedb/arnext), a new framework based on Next.js, to simplify deployment to the Arweave permaweb. ARNext provides flexibility for deploying seamlessly to Arweave using an ArNS name, an Arweave transaction ID, or traditional services like Vercel—all without requiring major code modifications. This means you can deploy the same project across different environments with minimal effort.
+The guide will focus on the following core functionalities of the ar.io SDK:
+1. **Retrieving a List of All Active ArNS Names**: Learn how to use the SDK to get and display a list of active ArNS names.
+2. **Querying Detailed Records for a Specific ArNS Name**: Learn how to access detailed records for a specific ArNS name using its ANT (Arweave Name Token).
+3. **Updating and Creating Records on an ArNS Name**: Learn how to modify and add records to an ArNS name, showcasing the capabilities of ANT for dynamic web content.
+By the end of this guide, you will have a complete, functional project that not only demonstrates how to use the ar.io SDK but also shows the ease and flexibility of deploying applications to the Arweave permaweb. Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting out, this guide will help you understand the key aspects of building and deploying on Arweave.
+## Getting Started
+### Prerequisites
+- Node v20.17 or greater
+- git
+### Install ARNext
+ARNext is a brand new framework that is still in development. It doesnt **_yet_** support installation using npx or yarn like many other established frameworks do. Instead, you will need to clone the github repository directly. Users who are familiar with git and github can fork the repository into their own account before cloning, but that is not required.
+To clone the repository, in a terminal navigate to where you want to put the files, and then run:
+git clone https://github.com/weavedb/arnext
+This will copy all of the core files for the framework into a new folder on your computer. You can then move your terminal into that new folder with:
+cd arnext
+or open the folder in an IDE like VSCode, and open a new terminal inside that IDE in order to complete the next steps.
+### Install Dependencies
+Because ARNext is so new, and still under development, it currently only contains a lock file for npm, not yarn. It is recommended you install all of the project's dependencies using npm.
+npm install
+### Sanity Check
+It is good practice when starting a new project to view it in localhost without any changes, to make sure everything is installed and working correctly. To do this, run:
+npm run dev
+or, if you prefer yarn:
+yarn dev
+Running scripts using yarn will not cause any conflicts with dependencies installled with npm.
+By default, the project will be served on port 3000, so you can access it by navigating to `localhost:3000` in any browser. You should see something that looks like this:
+//TODO: get pictures when its not broken
+With this complete, you are ready to move on to customizing for your own project.
+## Install ar.io SDK
+Next, install the ar.io SDK using npm to avoid conflicts with the existing npm packages.
+npm install @ar.io/sdk
+### Polyfills
+Polyfills are used to provide missing functionality in certain environments. For example, browsers do not have direct access to a computer's file system, but many JavaScript libraries are designed to work in both browser and Node.js environments. These libraries might include references to `fs`, the module used by Node.js to interact with the file system. Since fs is not available in browsers, we need a polyfill to handle these references and ensure the application runs properly in a browser environment.
Polyfills are actually evil voodoo curse magic. No one understands what they are or how they work, but front end devs sell their souls to Bill Gates in exchange for their stuff working properly in browsers. The below polyfill instructions were stolen, at great personal cost, from one of these front end devs in order to save your soul. This is one of many convenient services offered by ar.io
+#### Installation
+The below command will install several packages as development dependencies, which should be sufficient to handle most polyfill needs for projects that interact with Arweave.
+npm install webpack browserify-fs process buffer --save-dev
+#### Next Config
+With the polyfill packages installed, we need to tell our app how to use them. In NextJS, which ARNext is built on, this is done in the `next.config.mjs` file in the root of the project. The default config file will look like this:
+/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
+const isArweave = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DEPLOY_TARGET === "arweave";
+let env = {};
+for (const k in process.env) {
+ if (/^NEXT_PUBLIC_/.test(k)) env[k] = process.env[k];
+const nextConfig = {
+ reactStrictMode: true,
+ ...(isArweave ? { output: "export", publicRuntimeConfig: env } : {}),
+ images: { unoptimized: isArweave },
+export default nextConfig;
+This configuration allows the app to determine if it is being served via an Arweave transaction Id, or through a more traditional method. From here, we need to add in the additional configurations for resolving our polyfills. The updated `next.config.mjs` will look like this:
+// next.config.mjs
+import webpack from "webpack";
+const isArweave = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DEPLOY_TARGET === "arweave";
+let env = {};
+for (const k in process.env) {
+ if (/^NEXT_PUBLIC_/.test(k)) env[k] = process.env[k];
+const nextConfig = {
+ reactStrictMode: true,
+ ...(isArweave ? { output: "export", publicRuntimeConfig: env } : {}),
+ images: { unoptimized: isArweave },
+ webpack: (config) => {
+ config.resolve.fallback = {
+ ...config.resolve.fallback,
+ fs: false,
+ process: "process/browser",
+ buffer: "buffer/",
+ };
+ config.plugins.push(
+ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
+ process: "process/browser",
+ Buffer: ["buffer", "Buffer"],
+ })
+ );
+ return config;
+ },
+export default nextConfig;
+With that, you are ready to start customizing your app.
+## Strip Default Content
+The first step in building your custom app is to remove the default content and create a clean slate. Follow these steps:
+1. **Update the Home Page**
+ - Navigate to `pages > index.js`, which serves as the main home page.
+ - Delete everything in this file and replace it with the following placeholder:
+ ```typescript
+ export default function Home() {}
+ ```
+2. **Remove Unused Pages**
+ - The folder `pages > posts > [id].js` will not be used in this project. Delete the entire `posts` folder to keep the project organized and free of unnecessary files.
+3. **Update Routes**
+ - The `components > ArweaveRoutes.js` file includes a reference to the page we just deleted. Update this file to remove the reference and ensure it reflects the current project structure. The updated `ArweaveRoutes.js` should look like this:
+ ```typescript
+ import { Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";
+ import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom";
+ import Home from "../pages/index";
+ import NotFound from "../pages/404";
+ const ArweaveRoutes = () => (
+ } />
+ } />
+ );
+ export default ArweaveRoutes;
+ ```
+4. **Update Header**
+ - The `components > Header.js` file will be used, so we should strip it down as well.
+ - Similarly to `index.js` file, we can delete everything and replace it with the following placeholder:
+ ```typescript
+ const Header = () => {};
+ export default Header;
+ ```
+Your project is now a blank slate, ready for your own custom design and functionality. This clean setup will make it easier to build and maintain your application as you move forward.
+## Add Utilities
+There are a few functions that we might end up wanting to use in multiple different pages in our finished product. So we can put these in a separate file and export them, so that other pages can import them to use. Start by creating a `utils` folder in the root of the project, then create 2 files inside of it:
+1. `auth.js`: This will contain the functions required for connecting an Arweave wallet using ArConnect
+ ```typescript
+ /**
+ * Connect to the Arweave wallet using ArConnect and request permissions.
+ * @returns {Promise} The active wallet address.
+ */
+ export const connectWallet = async () => {
+ await window.arweaveWallet.connect([
+ ]);
+ const address = await window.arweaveWallet.getActiveAddress();
+ return address;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Truncate a wallet address for display purposes.
+ * @param {string} address - The wallet address to truncate.
+ * @returns {string} The truncated address.
+ */
+ export const truncateAddress = (address) => {
+ return `${address.slice(0, 3)}...${address.slice(-3)}`;
+ };
+ ```
+2. `arweave.js`: This is where we will put most of our ar.io SDK functions for interacting with Arweave
+ ```typescript
+ import { IO, ANT, ArconnectSigner } from "@ar.io/sdk/web";
+ /**
+ * Initialize ArIO and fetch all ArNS records.
+ * @returns {Promise