Develop a single page application featuring a map of my neighborhood
- A full-screen map displayed on the page using the Google Maps API
- Map displays all location markers by default when the page is loaded, and displays the filtered subset of location markers when a filter is applied
- Clicking a marker displays unique information about a location in infoWindow
- Markers should animate when clicked (bouncing)
- A hamburger icon is provided, clicking on which displays a side bar with list of location names
- Clicking a location on the list displays unique information about the location, and animates its associated map marker (bouncing)
- Includes a text input field that filters the map markers and list items to locations matching the text input or selection
- A close icon is provided on side bar, clicking on which hide the side bar
- All application components render on-screen in a responsive manner
- Knockout Framework is used to handle the list, filter, tracking click events on list items
- Foursquare API is used to provide additional information about the location when a map marker or list view entry is clicked
- Webpack (build tool) is used to bundle the javascript files for development as well as production code
- The production code is minified and uglified using webpack plugins
- Babel loader is used to transpile es-6 to es-5
- clone/download the repository
- install node
- run command "npm i" to install dependencies and devDependencies
- run command "npm start"
- type localhost:3000 in browser
- run command "npm run build"