! Argotic Syndication Framework "Aranea" Planning Center This is a starting point for planning and design information for the _Argotic Syndication Framework 2008.1.0.0_ release, including schedules, feature sets, and branch process information. Nothing here is finalized, let alone set in stone. Individuals working on the project or interested in the process are encouraged to subscribe to the following syndication feeds: * [All Project Updates](http://www.codeplex.com/Argotic/Project/ProjectRss.aspx) * [Issue Tracker](http://www.codeplex.com/Argotic/Project/ProjectRss.aspx?ProjectRSSFeed=codeplex%3a%2f%2fworkitem%2fArgotic) * [Source Code](http://www.codeplex.com/Argotic/Project/ProjectRss.aspx?ProjectRSSFeed=codeplex%3a%2f%2fsourcecontrol%2fArgotic) ## Project Overview The focus of this release is to deliver a richer set of features to ASP.NET developers. ## Project Schedule [Development Calendar](http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=i4a79cb3ufukt4oiiqbq7apjm8%40group.calendar.google.com) ## Project Status Most current activity on the _Argotic Syndication Framework 2008.1.0.0_ front is wrapped up in planning, scoping, and assigning tasks. Please see the features and known issues listed below for more information. *+Planned Features+* [workitem:7456] [workitem:7577] [workitem:8246] *+Known Issues To Be Addressed+* _Currently no reported issues._