# Managing provider based syndicated content The example code below shows how to use the static _SyndicationManager_ class to persist, retrieve, update and remove a simple RSS feed whose content is managed by the configured default provider. The task of managing provider-back syndicated content can be performed in a variety of application contexts, including console applications, smart clients, and ASP.NET web applications. ```csharp Guid resourceId = new Guid("3D586B56-1057-4b43-AD2C-9E99C58918E6"); // Get managed resource ISyndicationResource managedResource = SyndicationManager.GetResource(resourceId); if (managedResource == null) { RssFeed rssFeed = new RssFeed(new Uri(String.Format(null, "http://localhost/syndication.axd?id={0}", resourceId.ToString())), "Example RSS Feed"); rssFeed.Channel.Description = "An example RSS feed."; rssFeed.Channel.PublicationDate = new DateTime(2008, 3, 26, 9, 29, 30); rssFeed.Channel.LastBuildDate = DateTime.Now; rssFeed.Channel.ManagingEditor = "John Doe (john.doe@example.com)"; rssFeed.Channel.TimeToLive = 60; RssItem item = new RssItem(); item.Author = "Sally Smith (sally.smith@example.com)"; item.Link = new Uri("http://localhost/2008/03/26/Simple+RSS+Item.aspx"); item.Title = "Simple RSS Item"; item.Description = "A basic RSS channel item"; rssFeed.Channel.AddItem(item); // Create managed resource SyndicationResourceCreateStatus status = SyndicationManager.CreateResource(resourceId, rssFeed); if (status != SyndicationResourceCreateStatus.Success) { // Handle creation failure } } else { RssFeed feed = null; if (managedResource.Format == SyndicationContentFormat.Rss) { feed = (RssFeed)managedResource; foreach (RssItem item in feed.Channel.Items) { // Process current channel item } // Update managed resource feed.Channel.Language = new CultureInfo("en-US"); feed.Channel.Categories.Add(new RssCategory("Channel Category")); feed.Channel[0].Categories.Add(new RssCategory("Item Category")); feed.Channel.LastBuildDate = DateTime.Now; SyndicationManager.UpdateResource(resourceId, feed); } // Get all managed resources based on content format Collection managedResources = SyndicationManager.GetResources(SyndicationContentFormat.Rss); foreach (ISyndicationResource resource in managedResources) { RssFeed currentFeed = resource as RssFeed; foreach (RssItem item in currentFeed.Channel.Items) { // Process current channel item of current feed } } // Remove managed resource SyndicationManager.DeleteResource(resourceId); } ```