Here is a quick and dirty cheat sheet for some common stuff you want to do in sphinx and ReST. You can see the literal source for this file at :ref:`cheatsheet -literal`.
You use inline markup to make text italics, bold, or monotype
You can represent code blocks fairly easily:
import numpy as np x = np.random.rand(12)
Or literally include code:
.. literalinclude:: pyplots/
It is easy to make lists in rest
This is a subsection making bullet points
- point A
- point B
- point C
This is a subsection making numbered points
- point A
- point B
- point C
This shows you how to make a table -- if you only want to make a list see :ref:`making-a-list`.
Name | Age |
John D Hunter | 40 |
Cast of Thousands | 41 |
And Still More | 42 |
It is easy to make a link to yahoo or to some section inside this document (see :ref:`making-a-table`) or another document.
You can also reference classes, modules, functions, etc that are documented using the sphinx autodoc facilites. For example, see the module :mod:`matplotlib.backend_bases` documentation, or the class :class:`~matplotlib.backend_bases.LocationEvent`, or the method :meth:`~matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureCanvasBase.mpl_connect`.
.. literalinclude:: cheatsheet.rst