In order to submit new package you MUST follow the code style.
Let's look at "number sign info". Here's the correct example of it:
# Description: The GNU Compiler Collection
# URL:
# Maintainer: protonesso, nagakamira at gmail dot com
# Depends on: mpc binutils zstd
# Section: devel
The field Description
should have short description of package. It's a required field.
The field URL
should have package homepage. It's a required field.
The field Maintainer
should have package maintainer nickname and email address. It's a required field.
NOTE: Don't forget email address, don't put email address like this:
, nagakamira at gmail dot com
only. Don't put your name and last name, don't put stuff like 'aka', don't use any kind of brackets.
The field Depends on
should have package dependencies. It's an optional field.
NOTE: Put build depends in the front. Put build systems in the front, then compilers, interpreters and other build dependencies. Don't add dependencies like: gcc binutils pkgconf musl make
unless they required at runtime (except for musl and make). If your package depends on libtool's libltdl then add package called libltdl
The field "Dep [architecture]" should have platform specific dependencies. It's an optional field.
The field Conflicts with
should have package conflicts. It's an optional field.
The field Obsoletes
should have package obsoletes. It's an optional field.
In order to succesfully build a package you must have following variables:
NOTE: release=
should not be equal zero (0). version=
should not have dash sign (-
), replace it with +
Also you can specify: source, options, backup and noextract
Here's the correct example of them:
Also you should use this order: backup, options, sources and then noextract
You must have build function to compile the package. Use following examples if you're targeting specific build system:
m4 - autotools (eg. ./configure make make install)
cmake - snappy
meson - gnome-weather
NOTE: Always use samurai if using cmake.
Applying patches should look like this:
cd "$SRC"/$name-$version
patch -Np1 -i "$STUFF"/[package name, don't use variables]/file.patch
<- leave the space
[do autoreconf if required]
build commands...
Specifying PKG and SRC variables should look like this:
and not like this:
After performing installation steps LEAVE THE SPACE and add needed files and configuration files:
make DESTDIR="$PKG" install
<- leave the space
install -Dm644 "$STUFF"/[package name, don't use variables]/file "$PKG"/usr/bin/file
If you wish to modify file after configuration but before build leave the space and modify file:
./configure $BUILDFLAGS \
<- leave the space
sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' Makefile
make DESTDIR="$PKG" install
NEVER USE SPACES, ALWAYS USE TABS. If you're trying to add C or C++ code use Google's C++ style.
If the requirements are not met, then the pull request will be closed without explanation.
Ataraxia GNU/Linux development team.