- Step 1: Start.
- Step 2: Initialize an index i to track the current character in the input string.
- Step 3: Call the function E() to begin parsing from the start symbol.
- Step 4: Inside E(), call T() to process the T non-terminal.
- Step 5: In T(), call F() to process the F non-terminal.
- Step 5.1: If the current character is '(', call E() recursively and expect a closing ')'.
- Step 5.2: Else, if the current character is an identifier (alphabetic), accept it and move to the next character.
- Step 5.3: If neither condition is met, reject the string.
- Step 6: After processing F(), call TP() to check for any further * operator followed by another F(). Repeat this step recursively if needed. If no * is found, accept the empty production (@).
- Step 7: After processing T(), call EP() to check for any further + operator followed by another T(). Repeat this step recursively if needed. If no + is found, accept the empty production (@).
- Step 8: After E() finishes, check if the entire input has been consumed (i.e., input[i] == '\0').
- Step 8.1: If yes, accept the string.
- Step 8.2: If not, reject the string.
- Step 9: Stop.