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true |
Medium |
A gene string can be represented by an 8-character long string, with choices from 'A'
, 'C'
, 'G'
, and 'T'
Suppose we need to investigate a mutation from a gene string startGene
to a gene string endGene
where one mutation is defined as one single character changed in the gene string.
- For example,
is one mutation.
There is also a gene bank bank
that records all the valid gene mutations. A gene must be in bank
to make it a valid gene string.
Given the two gene strings startGene
and endGene
and the gene bank bank
, return the minimum number of mutations needed to mutate from startGene
to endGene
. If there is no such a mutation, return -1
Note that the starting point is assumed to be valid, so it might not be included in the bank.
Example 1:
Input: startGene = "AACCGGTT", endGene = "AACCGGTA", bank = ["AACCGGTA"] Output: 1
Example 2:
Input: startGene = "AACCGGTT", endGene = "AAACGGTA", bank = ["AACCGGTA","AACCGCTA","AAACGGTA"] Output: 2
0 <= bank.length <= 10
startGene.length == endGene.length == bank[i].length == 8
, andbank[i]
consist of only the characters['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']
We define a queue q
to store the current gene sequence and the number of changes, and a set vis
to store the visited gene sequences. Initially, we add the starting gene sequence start
to the queue q
and the set vis
Then, we continuously take out a gene sequence from the queue q
. If this gene sequence equals the target gene sequence, we return the current number of changes. Otherwise, we iterate through the gene bank bank
, calculate the difference value between the current gene sequence and the gene sequence in the gene bank. If the difference value is q
and the set vis
If the queue q
is empty, it means that the gene change cannot be completed, so we return
The time complexity is
class Solution:
def minMutation(self, startGene: str, endGene: str, bank: List[str]) -> int:
q = deque([(startGene, 0)])
vis = {startGene}
while q:
gene, depth = q.popleft()
if gene == endGene:
return depth
for nxt in bank:
diff = sum(a != b for a, b in zip(gene, nxt))
if diff == 1 and nxt not in vis:
q.append((nxt, depth + 1))
return -1
class Solution {
public int minMutation(String startGene, String endGene, String[] bank) {
Deque<String> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
Set<String> vis = new HashSet<>();
int depth = 0;
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
for (int m = q.size(); m > 0; --m) {
String gene = q.poll();
if (gene.equals(endGene)) {
return depth;
for (String next : bank) {
int c = 2;
for (int k = 0; k < 8 && c > 0; ++k) {
if (gene.charAt(k) != next.charAt(k)) {
if (c > 0 && !vis.contains(next)) {
return -1;
class Solution {
int minMutation(string startGene, string endGene, vector<string>& bank) {
queue<pair<string, int>> q{{{startGene, 0}}};
unordered_set<string> vis = {startGene};
while (!q.empty()) {
auto [gene, depth] = q.front();
if (gene == endGene) {
return depth;
for (const string& next : bank) {
int c = 2;
for (int k = 0; k < 8 && c; ++k) {
c -= gene[k] != next[k];
if (c && !vis.contains(next)) {
q.push({next, depth + 1});
return -1;
func minMutation(startGene string, endGene string, bank []string) int {
type pair struct {
s string
depth int
q := []pair{pair{startGene, 0}}
vis := map[string]bool{startGene: true}
for len(q) > 0 {
p := q[0]
q = q[1:]
if p.s == endGene {
return p.depth
for _, next := range bank {
diff := 0
for i := 0; i < len(startGene); i++ {
if p.s[i] != next[i] {
if diff == 1 && !vis[next] {
vis[next] = true
q = append(q, pair{next, p.depth + 1})
return -1
function minMutation(startGene: string, endGene: string, bank: string[]): number {
const q: [string, number][] = [[startGene, 0]];
const vis = new Set<string>([startGene]);
for (const [gene, depth] of q) {
if (gene === endGene) {
return depth;
for (const next of bank) {
let c = 2;
for (let k = 0; k < 8 && c > 0; ++k) {
if (gene[k] !== next[k]) {
if (c && !vis.has(next)) {
q.push([next, depth + 1]);
return -1;
use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque};
impl Solution {
pub fn min_mutation(start_gene: String, end_gene: String, bank: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
let mut q = VecDeque::new();
q.push_back((start_gene.clone(), 0));
let mut vis = HashSet::new();
while let Some((gene, depth)) = q.pop_front() {
if gene == end_gene {
return depth;
for next in &bank {
let mut c = 2;
for k in 0..8 {
if gene.as_bytes()[k] != next.as_bytes()[k] {
c -= 1;
if c == 0 {
if c > 0 && !vis.contains(next) {
q.push_back((next.clone(), depth + 1));