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true |
Easy |
1217 |
Weekly Contest 216 Q1 |
Given two string arrays word1
and word2
, return true
if the two arrays represent the same string, and false
A string is represented by an array if the array elements concatenated in order forms the string.
Example 1:
Input: word1 = ["ab", "c"], word2 = ["a", "bc"] Output: true Explanation: word1 represents string "ab" + "c" -> "abc" word2 represents string "a" + "bc" -> "abc" The strings are the same, so return true.
Example 2:
Input: word1 = ["a", "cb"], word2 = ["ab", "c"] Output: false
Example 3:
Input: word1 = ["abc", "d", "defg"], word2 = ["abcddefg"] Output: true
1 <= word1.length, word2.length <= 103
1 <= word1[i].length, word2[i].length <= 103
1 <= sum(word1[i].length), sum(word2[i].length) <= 103
consist of lowercase letters.
Concatenate the strings in the two arrays into two strings, then compare whether the two strings are equal.
The time complexity is
class Solution:
def arrayStringsAreEqual(self, word1: List[str], word2: List[str]) -> bool:
return ''.join(word1) == ''.join(word2)
class Solution {
public boolean arrayStringsAreEqual(String[] word1, String[] word2) {
return String.join("", word1).equals(String.join("", word2));
class Solution {
bool arrayStringsAreEqual(vector<string>& word1, vector<string>& word2) {
return reduce(word1.cbegin(), word1.cend()) == reduce(word2.cbegin(), word2.cend());
func arrayStringsAreEqual(word1 []string, word2 []string) bool {
return strings.Join(word1, "") == strings.Join(word2, "")
function arrayStringsAreEqual(word1: string[], word2: string[]): boolean {
return word1.join('') === word2.join('');
impl Solution {
pub fn array_strings_are_equal(word1: Vec<String>, word2: Vec<String>) -> bool {
word1.join("") == word2.join("")
bool arrayStringsAreEqual(char** word1, int word1Size, char** word2, int word2Size) {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
while (i < word1Size && j < word2Size) {
if (word1[i][x++] != word2[j][y++]) {
return 0;
if (word1[i][x] == '\0') {
x = 0;
if (word2[j][y] == '\0') {
y = 0;
return i == word1Size && j == word2Size;
In Solution 1, we concatenated the strings in the two arrays into two new strings, which has additional space overhead. We can also directly traverse the two arrays and compare the characters one by one.
We use two pointers
Each time we compare false
. Otherwise, we increment
If both string arrays are traversed, we return true
, otherwise, we return false
The time complexity is
class Solution:
def arrayStringsAreEqual(self, word1: List[str], word2: List[str]) -> bool:
i = j = x = y = 0
while i < len(word1) and j < len(word2):
if word1[i][x] != word2[j][y]:
return False
x, y = x + 1, y + 1
if x == len(word1[i]):
x, i = 0, i + 1
if y == len(word2[j]):
y, j = 0, j + 1
return i == len(word1) and j == len(word2)
class Solution {
public boolean arrayStringsAreEqual(String[] word1, String[] word2) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
int x = 0, y = 0;
while (i < word1.length && j < word2.length) {
if (word1[i].charAt(x++) != word2[j].charAt(y++)) {
return false;
if (x == word1[i].length()) {
x = 0;
if (y == word2[j].length()) {
y = 0;
return i == word1.length && j == word2.length;
class Solution {
bool arrayStringsAreEqual(vector<string>& word1, vector<string>& word2) {
int i = 0, j = 0, x = 0, y = 0;
while (i < word1.size() && j < word2.size()) {
if (word1[i][x++] != word2[j][y++]) return false;
if (x == word1[i].size()) x = 0, i++;
if (y == word2[j].size()) y = 0, j++;
return i == word1.size() && j == word2.size();
func arrayStringsAreEqual(word1 []string, word2 []string) bool {
var i, j, x, y int
for i < len(word1) && j < len(word2) {
if word1[i][x] != word2[j][y] {
return false
x, y = x+1, y+1
if x == len(word1[i]) {
x, i = 0, i+1
if y == len(word2[j]) {
y, j = 0, j+1
return i == len(word1) && j == len(word2)
function arrayStringsAreEqual(word1: string[], word2: string[]): boolean {
let [i, j, x, y] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
while (i < word1.length && j < word2.length) {
if (word1[i][x++] !== word2[j][y++]) {
return false;
if (x === word1[i].length) {
x = 0;
if (y === word2[j].length) {
y = 0;
return i === word1.length && j === word2.length;
impl Solution {
pub fn array_strings_are_equal(word1: Vec<String>, word2: Vec<String>) -> bool {
let (n, m) = (word1.len(), word2.len());
let (mut i, mut j, mut x, mut y) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
while i < n && j < m {
if word1[i].as_bytes()[x] != word2[j].as_bytes()[y] {
return false;
x += 1;
y += 1;
if x == word1[i].len() {
x = 0;
i += 1;
if y == word2[j].len() {
y = 0;
j += 1;
i == n && j == m