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Deployment of aws-do-pm to EKS

1. Create an EKS Cluster using the aws-do-eks project

Below we detail the steps the user has to follow to create an Amazon EKS cluster. We recommend using an EC2 Instance or AWS Cloud9 to execute the scripts. The same terminal can also be used to interact with the cluster.

1.1. Clone aws-do-eks

git clone

Follow through the instructions in the of to setup your EKS cluster. We have listed some representative configuration values below:

1.2. Configure cluster

Edit the configuration file wd/conf/eks.conf.

  • Check the name, region and availability zones for the cluster
  • Set your VPC CIDR Block to the range of addresses that does not collide with other VPC CIDRs in your account for the selected region.
    export CLUSTER_VPC_CIDR=     
  • Set the instance type for system node group. Default: c5.2xlarge
  • Set the node group instance types and sizes for the worker nodes in the cluster. The specifications are done for the CPU, GPU and Inf1 Nodes.

For a mix of instances as node groups, you can specify a space separated list, following the example below:

CPU_NODEGROUP_INSTANCE_TYPES=(c5.4xlarge m5.8xlarge)

1.3. Build aws-do-eks container, run it, and open a command shell

To build, run, and open a shell into the aws-do-eks container, execute the following commands:


1.4. Run script

Create the EKS cluster by running the ./ script. This script automatically runs a CloudFormation process that will take around 20 - 30 minutes to finish provisioning all infrastructure including a VPC with the specified CIDR, subnets, NAT Gateway, and the EKS cluster.


1.5. Verify cluster status

Once the create script has finished, we can query the status of the EKS cluster through


A sample eks_status log is shown below for reference:

root@8b5645a5ff6b:/eks# ./ 
Status of cluster do-eks ...

eksctl get cluster --name do-eks
2022-02-03 02:20:51 [ℹ]  eksctl version 0.66.0
2022-02-03 02:20:51 [ℹ]  using region us-east-1
NAME    VERSION    STATUS    CREATED            VPC            SUBNETS                                    SECURITYGROUPS
do-eks    1.21    ACTIVE    2022-02-03T01:33:30Z    vpc-0fc65db3a231269b9    subnet-0057cfaab42ef69ba,subnet-015ea5f0056972292,subnet-07dbc80565309801a,subnet-0cd831a95bac36775,subnet-0d67a59c8ebe44b20,subnet-0eb5080babdf0f7c4,subnet-0f76fc8f0c6a0a1ba,subnet-0fbef9adc2b00ed85    sg-0b2aa6af97c65f84e

eksctl get nodegroups --cluster do-eks
2022-02-03 02:20:51 [ℹ]  eksctl version 0.66.0
2022-02-03 02:20:51 [ℹ]  using region us-east-1
do-eks    c5-4xlarge    ACTIVE    2022-02-03T01:56:33Z    0        10        1            c5.4xlarge    AL2_x86_64eks-c5-4xlarge-10bf5ea6-12dd-fa16-fb54-986416d111bc
do-eks    g4dn-4xlarge    ACTIVE    2022-02-03T01:59:56Z    0        10        1            g4dn.4xlarge    AL2_x86_64_GPU    eks-g4dn-4xlarge-86bf5ea7-9e09-2023-7896-e741a37c7112
do-eks    inf1-2xlarge    ACTIVE    2022-02-03T02:03:53Z    0        10        0            inf1.2xlarge    AL2_x86_64_GPU    eks-inf1-2xlarge-30bf5ea9-6d7a-b898-1764-1f46e0622717
do-eks    system        ACTIVE    2022-02-03T01:51:27Z    1        10        1            c5.2xlarge    AL2_x86_64eks-system-7abf5ea3-bcc7-c19b-63a7-2a0369cdc158

Note: If the ./ script has errors, it can be executed again. Doing that may help create resources that failed during the initial run.

1.6. Create a kube config file

The next critical step is to create a kube config file. This file will be copied to the ~/.kube folder so that any kubectl commands will be able to interact with the EKS cluster. From within the aws-do-eks shell, navigate to directory ops/setup/kubeconfig and execute the ./ script.

cd ops/setup/kubeconfig

The kube config credentials are created in the temporary folder (/tmp/kube/k8s-sa-admin-kube-system-conf)

Test the kubeconfig by using it to list all pods in the EKS cluster.

KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kube/k8s-sa-admin-kube-system-conf kubectl get pods -A

After verifying the kube config, explicitly move it into the ~/.kube folder.

root@8b5645a5ff6b:/eks# mv ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config_old
root@8b5645a5ff6b:/eks# cp /tmp/kube/k8s-sa-admin-kube-system-conf ~/.kube/config

2. Deploy system packages to cluster

The following system packages need to be deployed to the cluster as they will be needed by aws-do-pm

2.1. Load Balancer Controller

The Load Balancer controller deployment scripts are present within the aws-do-eks shell in folder deployment/aws-load-balancer-controller.

cd /deployment/aws-load-balancer-controller

2.2. EFS

2.2.1. Create EFS Volume

Create an EFS volume so that we can set up a shared file system, accessible by all pods.

Navigate to directory eks/deployment/efs-csi

cd eks/deployment/efs-csi

Get the name of the cluster:

aws eks list-clusters

Then edit file and verify that the CLUSTER_NAME is set to the same as the cluster you just created.


Next, execute the script:


This script will use the AWS CLI to provision an EFS volume accessible from your EKS cluster.

2.2.2. Deploy EFS CSI Plugin

To deploy the EFS CSI plugin, run the ./ script.


Verify the deployment by getting the list of running pods. Check if the efs_csi_controller pod exists and is in Running state. Check if an efs-csi-node pod exists for each node in the cluster. A successful deployment for a two-node cluster has a log like the one below:

root@8b5645a5ff6b:/eks/deployment/efs-csi# k get pods
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
aws-node-dtnl8                         1/1     Running   0          73m
aws-node-fdz2b                         1/1     Running   0          64m
cluster-autoscaler-6947b58b46-nbdmv    1/1     Running   0          14m
coredns-66cb55d4f4-2m44q               1/1     Running   0          83m
coredns-66cb55d4f4-hjt8f               1/1     Running   0          83m
efs-csi-controller-5964b9c55b-98fh4    3/3     Running   0          60s
efs-csi-controller-5964b9c55b-hw7n5    3/3     Running   0          60s
efs-csi-node-hnn57                     3/3     Running   0          60s
efs-csi-node-kjwdb                     3/3     Running   0          60s
efs-share-test                         1/1     Running   0          29s
kube-proxy-jbkdw                       1/1     Running   0          73m
kube-proxy-vhnw7                       1/1     Running   0          64m
nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset-c52dm   1/1     Running   0          63m
nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset-v2nfb   1/1     Running   0          63m

2.3. Deploy the nvidia-device-plugin (Optional)

If you have GPU nodes in the cluster, verify if the nvidia-device-plugin is installed by running the following command:

kubectl get daemonset -A

If the nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset is present, then no further action is necessary, otherwise deploy the nvidia-device-plugin by navigating to directory deployment/nvidia-device-plugin and executing the ./ script.

cd deployment/nvidia-device-plugin

3. Deploy aws-do-pm

3.1. Create and set default namespace

By default, the namespace in EKS is kube-system. Create namespace aws-do-pm and set it as default by using the kubens utility:

kubectl create ns aws-do-pm
kn aws-do-pm

3.2. Clone the aws-do-pm project

git clone

3.3. Configure

Setup the configuration parameters for aws-do-pm by executing ./pm config set, values shown below are for reference

ubuntu@ip-172-31-9-117:~/aws-do-pm$ ./pm config show

Current configuration:
    REGION: us-east-1
    REGISTRY: ******
    BUILD_TO: docker
    PM_TO: kubernetes
    PROCESSOR: cpu
    PM_S3_BUCKET: ***
    EFS_VOLUME_ID: ******* [Find the efs volume from console (or) deployment/efs-csi/efs-pvc.yaml]
    ALB_ALLOW_CIDRS: [Can be restricted to private IP's]
    ALB_ALLOW_CIDRS: [get your ip from `curl`]
    KCFG_ENC: [Leave at default, replaced by the value of encoded key]

3.4. Build

Build all containers by executing ./ all

./ all

3.5. Push

The following commands authenticate with Amazon ECR, create the necessary repositories, and push all container images:

./ all

It takes around 20 minutes to push all containers into ECR

3.6. Run

Execute the run script to deploy the aws-do-pm services to the cluster.


3.7. Verify

Verify successful deployment by executing the ./ script. You should be able to see three pods running: graphdb, platform, and ui.

Showing status on target orchestrator kubernetes ...
NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
graphdb-74b77d866-2djhj     1/1     Running   0          2m12s
platform-5c4f55f97f-hvb6p   1/1     Running   0          2m12s
ui-69b78dffdc-mln4d         1/1     Running   0          2m12s

4. Use aws-do-pm

4.1. Open a platform shell

Open a shell into the platform pod by running the ./ script.


4.2. Configure the platform

Execute ./pm config set to review and set the platform configuration

4.3. Browse

Verify that the load balancers have been provisioned and the controller service endpoints have an available address:

root@8b5645a5ff6b:kubectl get ingress
NAME       CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                  PORTS   AGE
graphdb    <none>   *     80      51m
platform   <none>   *   80      51m

4.4. Run EV demos

You have successfully deployed aws-do-pm to EKS. At this point you can use the pm CLI commands to try the capabilities of the platform or run the EV demo scripts.




5. Bonus Tips

Execute the following commands from your aws-do-eks shell.

5.1. View list of nodes and node types in the cluster

cd ops

5.2. View node utilization

watch "kubectl top node"

5.3. Login to a node

Get a list of nodes and select the name of the node you'd like to login to.

k get no

Then exec into the running node using kubeshell:

ks <node_name>

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