In this section you will learn how to prepare input data for the landscape evolution model r.sim.terrain in GRASS GIS. You will process lidar point clouds, classify othoimagery, and then fuse these into a landcover map.
Start GRASS GIS in the nc_spm_evolution
and create a new mapset.
Set your region to our study area with 1 meter resolution
using the module
g.region region=region res=1
Download the lidar point clouds for this study landscape from the Open Science Framework repository. Extract the zip archive and then in the GRASS terminal reproject the lidar data from NAD83 NC Survey Feet (EPSG 6543) to NC State Plane Meters (EPSG 33580) using the liblas library.
las2las --a_srs=EPSG:6543 --t_srs=EPSG:3358 -i I-08.las -o ncspm_I-08.las
Set your region to our study area with 1 meter resolution using the module g.region.
g.region n=151030 s=150580 w=597195 e=597645 save=region res=1
Create a raster map of vegetation by importing the lidar dataset
using binning to convert points into a regular raster grid with the module
at 2 meter resolution.
Filter the point cloud for low, medium, and high vegetation points
in classes 3, 4, and 5 using the option class_filter=3,4,5
and for the first return using the option return_filter=first
Use the max
See the ASPRS LAS Specification
for the definitive list of classes. input=ncspm_I-08.las output=vegetation_2012 method=max resolution=2 class_filter=3,4,5 return_filter=first
r.colors map=vegetation_2012 color=viridis
Import the lidar datasets as vector points using the module
Limit the import to the current region with flag -r
Filter the point cloud for ground points in class 2
using the option class_filter=2
Interpolate the point cloud
as a bare earth digital elevation model (DEM)
using the regularized spline with tension (RST) method
implemented as the module -r -t input=I-08_spm.las output=points_2012 class_filter=2 input=points_2012 elevation=elevation_2012 tension=10 smooth=1
Install the add-on module and import the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotograph from 2014 for the study area. Then composite the red, green, and blue channels to generate a natural color map using r.composite.
g.extension operation=add product=naip output_name=imagery output_directory=/usgs
r.composite red=imagery.1 green=imagery.2 blue=imagery.3 output=imagery
Alternatively, download the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotograph from 2014 for the study area here and then import with r.import. Set the extent to the region. Then composite the red, green, and blue channels to generate a natural color map using r.composite.
r.import input=m_3507963_ne_17_1_20140517.tif output=imagery_2014 title=imagery_2014 resample=nearest resolution=value resolution_value=1 extent=region
r.composite red=imagery_2014.1 green=imagery_2014.2 blue=imagery_2014.3 output=imagery_2014
Start GRASS GIS in the nc_spm_evolution
and open the imagery
Set your region to our study area with 1 meter resolution
using the module
Create a imagery group using the red, green, and blue channels
of the 2014 NAIP orthophotograph with
Generate a spectral signatures for landcover based on clustering using
In the settings tab set the initial number of classes to 2,
i.e. bare ground vs vegetation.
Use the spectral signature to classify the landcover
based on maximum-likelihood discriminant analysis
with the module
g.region region=region res=1 group=imagery subgroup=imagery_2014 input=imagery_2014.1,imagery_2014.2,imagery_2014.3
i.cluster group=imagery subgroup=imagery_2014 signaturefile=signature_imagery_2014 classes=2
i.maxlik group=imagery subgroup=imagery_2014 signaturefile=signature_imagery_2014 output=classification_imagery_2014
Use the module r.recode
to recode the classified imagery using the rules file
stored in the nc_spm_evolution
This will reassign class 1 to the National Landcover Dataset's (NLCD)
class 71, i.e. Grassland/Herbaceuous.
And it will reassign class 2 to NCLD's class 31, i.e. Barren Land.
You should have created a map of vegetation
based on classified lidar data called vegetation_2012
in the Lidar tutorial.
Run g.mapset
and check the lidar
mapset to access that data.
If you did not create vegetation_2012
you can use the copy in the PERMANENT
Use map algebra with
to combine the lidar based trees and shrub
(reassigned as NLCD class 43, i.e. Mixed Forest)
with the imagery based grass and barren land.
Then assign the NLCD color table from the
rules file with
Finally assign text labels to the class numbers
based on the rules file landcover_categories.txt
r.recode input=classification_imagery_2014 output=recode_imagery_2014 rules=imagery_to_landcover.txt
r.mapcalc "landcover = if(isnull(vegetation_2012), recode_imagery_2014, 43)"
r.colors map=landcover rules=color_landcover.txt
r.category map=landcover separator=pipe rules=landcover_categories.txt
Use the module
to derive the k factor, c factor, mannings, and runoff
with the recode tables stored in the nc_spm_evolution
location. input=soils output=soil_types use=cat memory=3000
r.recode input=soil_types output=soils rules=soil_classification.txt
r.category map=soils separator=pipe rules=soil_categories.txt
r.colors map=soils color=sepia
r.recode input=soils output=k_factor rules=soil_to_kfactor.txt
r.colors map=k_factor color=sepia
g.remove -f type=raster name=soil_types
r.recode input=landcover output=c_factor rules=landcover_to_cfactor.txt
r.colors map=c_factor color=sepia
r.recode input=landcover output=mannings rules=landcover_to_mannings.txt
r.colors map=mannings color=sepia
r.recode input=landcover output=runoff rules=landcover_to_runoff.txt
r.colors map=runoff color=water
In this section you will learn about the RUSLE, USPED, and SIMWE erosion models in GRASS GIS.
Start GRASS GIS in the nc_spm_evolution
and create an erosion
Set your region to our study area with 1 meter resolution using the module g.region. Optionally set the watershed as a mask using the module r.mask.
g.region region=region res=1
r.mask vector=watershed
The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation for Complex Terrain (RUSLE3D)
is an empirical equation for computing erosion
in a detachment-capacity limited soil erosion regime
for watersheds with complex topography (Mitasova 1996).
It is based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE),
an empirical equation for estimating the average
sheet and rill soil erosion from rainfall and runoff
on agricultural fields and rangelands with simple topography.
It models erosion dominated regimes without deposition
in which sediment transport capacity
is uniformly greater than detachment capacity.
As an empirical equation the predicted soil loss
is spatially and temporally averaged.
In USLE soil loss per unit area is determined by
an erosivity factor R,
a soil erodibility factor K,
a slope length factor L,
a slope steepness factor S,
a cover management factor C,
and a prevention measures factor P.
These factors are empirical constants derived
from an extensive collection of measurements
on 22.1m standard plots with an average slope of 0.09 degrees.
RUSLE3D was designed to account for more complex, 3D topography
with converging and diverging flows.
In RUSLE3D the topographic potential for erosion at any given point
is represented by a 3D topographic factor LS3D,
which is a function of the upslope contributing area
(i.e. the flow accumulation)
and the angle of the slope.
Sediment flow is approximated with the following equation:
E = R * K * LS3D * C * P
E is the average annual soil loss
R is an erosivity factor
K is a soil erodibility factor
LS3D is a dimensionless topographic (length-slope) factor
C is a dimensionless land cover factor
P is a dimensionless prevention measures factor
LS3D Factor
The dimensionless 3D topographic factor LS3D
is a function of
the flow accumulation,
representing the upslope contributing area,
and the slope.
The empirical coefficients m and n
for the upslope contributing area
and the slope
can range from 0.2
to 0.6
and 1.0
to 1.3
with low values representing dominant sheet flow
and high values representing dominant rill flow.
For the study landscape set m=0.4
and n=1.3
The equation for computing the LS3D-factor is:
LS_3D(x,y) = (m+1.0) * (a(x,y) * a_0^-1)^m * (sin(beta) * beta_0^-1)^n
LS_3D is the dimensionless topographic (length-slope) factor
a is flow accumulation (m)
a_0 is the length of the standard USLE plot (22.1 m)
beta is the slope angle (degrees)
m is an empirical coefficient
n is an empirical coefficient
beta_0 is the slope of the standard USLE plot (5.14 degrees)
Compute the angle of the slope with the module
Then grow border to fix edge effects of moving window computations
with the module
and the raster calculator
Remove the temporary map generated by r.grow.distance with
Compute flow accumulation with
with the a
flag for positive flow accumulation.
Finally compute the dimensionless 3D topographic factor LS3D
with the raster calculator
as a function of slope and flow accumulation.
Then use the module
to assign a sequential, perceptually uniform color table such as viridis
with either histogram equalization or logarithmic scaling
with e
or g
r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation_2016 slope=slope_2016
r.grow.distance input=slope_2016 value=grow_slope
r.mapcalc "slope_2016 = grow_slope" --overwrite
g.remove -f type=raster name=grow_slope
r.watershed elevation=elevation_2016 accumulation=accumulation_2016 -a
r.mapcalc "ls_factor=(0.4+1.0)*((accumulation_2016/22.1)^0.4)*((sin(slope_2016)/5.14)^1.3)"
r.colors map=ls_factor color=viridis -e
Flow accumulation
LS3D factor
Sediment flow
The R-factor for our study landscape in Fort Bragg will be 310
(Fogleman 2009
and Renard et al. 1997).
Use the raster calculator
to create a raster named r_factor
with a constant floating point value of 310.0.
The K-factor is derived from the soil map
and the C-factor is derived from the landcover map.
Do not use a P-factor for the study landscape.
Compute flow using the equation E = R * K * LS3D * C
without the P-factor.
Then convert sediment flow from tons/ha to kg/ms using the equation
E = E * ton_to_kg / ha_to_m^2
Finally use the module
to set the viridis color table
with the e
flag for histogram equalization..
r.mapcalc "r_factor=310.0"
r.mapcalc "sediment_flow_2016=r_factor*k_factor*ls_factor*c_factor"
r.mapcalc "converted_flow=sediment_flow_2016*1000./10000."
g.rename raster=converted_flow,sediment_flow_2016
r.colors map=sediment_flow color=viridis -e
g.remove -f type=raster name=r_factor
Sediment flow
- Fogleman, Brent D. 2009. “Erosion Modeling: Use of Multiple-Return and Bare-Earth LIDAR Data to Identify Bare Areas Susceptible to Erosion MacRidge, Training Area J, Fort Bragg, NC.”
- Mitasova, Helena, Jaroslav Hofierka, Maros Zlocha, and Louis R. Iverson. 1996. “Modelling Topographic Potential for Erosion and Deposition Using GIS.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science 10 (5): 629–41.
- Renard, K. G., G. R. Foster, G. A. Weesies, D. K. McCool, and D. C. Yoder. 1997. “Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE).” Washington, DC.
Under development
The processed based Simulation of Water Erosion (SIMWE) model simulates overland hydrologic and sediment flows using a path sampling method.
- Mitasova, H, M. Barton, I. Ullah, J. Hofierka, and R.S. Harmon. 2013. “3.9 GIS-Based Soil Erosion Modeling.” In Treatise on Geomorphology, 228–58.
Compute the partial derivatives of the topography using the module r.slope.aspect.
r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation_2016 dx=dx dy=dy
Simulate shallow overland water flow with r.sim.water. for a 10 minute rain event with a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/hr. Walkers are the simulated particles of water in the computation. Increasing the number of walkers reduces errors, but increases computation time. Start with a relatively low number of walkers like 10,000 and increase the number to 1,000,000 for your final simulation.
r.sim.water elevation=elevation_2016 dx=dx dy=dy rain_value=50.0 depth=depth nwalkers=10000 niterations=10
To see only the concentrated water flow
hide the cells with water depth less than value like 0.03
by either
double clicking on the depth
map in the layer manager
and setting the list of values to display to 100-0.03
or running the command:
d.rast map=depth values=100-0.03
Experiment to find the right minimum value.
In the layer manager move the vector contour map above the depth map and move the raster elevation or the shaded relief map below the depth map to better visualize the relationship between topography and water.
Display the legend for the water depth map with either the
Add raster legend
the command d.legend.
Optionally use the range parameter set to range=100-0.03
to show only the concentrated flow values.
The first run of the simulation assumed constant landcover
with no infiltration and a constant surface roughness
with a default mannings n value of 0.1.
To study the landcover for our region
add the latest orthophotograph naip_2014
the landcover, mannings, and infiltration maps
to your map display.
Display their legends with either the
Add raster legend
the command d.legend.
Use the -n
flag to hide categories
that are not represented in the data.
See the Image classification section
to learn how to derive these maps from orthophotography.
Now simulate overland water flow with
spatially variable surface roughness and infiltration.
Set man=mannings
and infil=infiltration
Make sure to set the --overwrite
because you are rerunning the simulation.
r.sim.water elevation=elevation_2016 dx=dx dy=dy rain_value=50.0 man=mannings infil=infiltration depth=depth_2016 nwalkers=10000 niterations=10 --overwrite
Water depth
To simulate erosion-deposition you first need to compute the detachment coefficient, transport coefficient, and shear stress. Use map algebra with r.mapcalc to create new maps with constant values for these parameters.
r.mapcalc "detachment = 0.001"
r.mapcalc "transport = 0.001"
r.mapcalc "shear_stress = 0.0"
Simulate net erosion-deposition (kg/m^2^s) with r.sim.sediment.
r.sim.sediment elevation=elevation_2016 water_depth=depth_2016 dx=dx dy=dy detachment_coeff=detachment transport_coeff=transport shear_stress=shear_stress man=mannings erosion_deposition=erosion_deposition_2016 nwalkers=10000
Display the legend for the erosion-deposition map with either the
Add raster legend
the command d.legend.
Erosion deposition
In a detachment limited soil erosion regime water can transport an infinite amount of sediment. Therefore there is no deposition, only erosion. In this regime erosion is only limited by the water flow's capacity to detach sediment.
Overwrite the detachment and transport coefficients with r.mapcalc
r.mapcalc "detachment = 0.0001" --overwrite
r.mapcalc "transport = 0.01" --overwrite
Simulate sediment flow (kg/ms) in a detachment limited soil erosion regime with r.sim.sediment.
r.sim.sediment elevation=elevation_2016 water_depth=depth_2016 dx=dx dy=dy detachment_coeff=detachment transport_coeff=transport shear_stress=shear_stress man=mannings sediment_flux=sediment_flux_2016 nwalkers=10000
Sediment flux
To create a water flow animation first run the module
with the parameter output_step=1
and the flag -t
create a time series of water depth rasters.
With these settings this will output a water depth raster map
for each minute of the simulation labelled
through depth.10
r.sim.water elevation=elevation_2016 dx=dx dy=dy rain_value=50.0 man=mannings infil=infiltration depth=depth nwalkers=10000 niterations=10 output_step=1 -t
List this time series of rasters with the module
Use the wildcard notation *
to list all raster maps
with depth.
in their names.
Use the flag -m
to include the mapset names in the output.
Copy the list of maps from the output console.
g.list type=raster pattern=depth.* separator=comma -m
Launch the animation tool g.gui.animation and paste the list of depth maps into the raster parameter.
g.gui.animation raster=depth.01,depth.02,depth.03,depth.04,depth.05,depth.06,depth.07,depth.08,depth.09,depth.10
In this section you will learn about the r.sim.terrain landscape evolution model for GRASS GIS. It uses the RUSLE3D, USPED, and SIMWE erosion models to simulate short-term topographic change caused by shallow, overland water and sediment flows.
Start GRASS GIS in the nc_spm_evolution
and select the PERMANENT
Install the add-on module r.sim.terrain
with g.extension
using the url for this repository.
Launch from the Command Line Interface (CLI) with the ui
To install the stable release from the GRASS GIS add-ons repository use:
g.extension extension=r.sim.terrain
r.sim.terrain --ui
To install the development release from this GitHub repository use:
g.extension extension=r.sim.terrain
r.sim.terrain --ui
Create a new mapset called rusle
with the module
g.mapset -c mapset=rusle location=nc_spm_evolution
Set your region to the study area with 1 meter resolution
using the module
Optionally set the watershed as a mask using the module
Copy elevation_2016
from the PERMANENT
mapset to the current mapset
using the module
The input elevation map must be in the current mapset
so that it can be registered in the temporal datasbase.
g.region region=region res=1
r.mask vector=watershed
g.copy raster=elevation_2016@PERMANENT,elevation_2016
Run r.sim.terrain with the RUSLE model
for a 120 min event with a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/hr
at a 3 minute interval.
The interval should be set to the travel time it takes a
particle of water to cross the region.
To calculate the travel time see section Travel time.
The empirical coefficients m and n
for the upslope contributing area and the slope can range
from 0.2 to 0.6 and 1.0 to 1.3 respectively
with low values representing dominant sheet flow
and high values representing dominant rill flow.
Optionally use the -f
flag to fill depressions
in order to reduce the effect of positive feedback loops.
This simulation may take approximately 2 minutes to run.
r.sim.terrain -f elevation=elevation_2016 runs=event mode=rusle_mode rain_intensity=50.0 rain_duration=120 rain_interval=3 m=0.4 n=1.3
To simulate landscape evolution using RUSLE with
spatially variable landcover and soil erodibility factors
use c_factor
and k_factor
raster maps.
Rerun the model with the --overwrite
r.sim.terrain -f elevation=elevation_2016 runs=event mode=rusle_mode \
rain_intensity=50.0 rain_duration=120 rain_interval=3 m=0.4 n=1.3 \
c_factor=c_factor k_factor=k_factor fluxmax=0.25 grav_diffusion=0.05 --overwrite
Display the results with the raster map net_difference
and a raster legend.
d.rast map=net_difference
d.legend raster=net_difference range=-2,0
Create a new mapset called usped
with the module
g.mapset -c mapset=usped location=nc_spm_evolution
Set your region to the study area with 1 meter resolution
using the module
Optionally set the watershed as a mask using the module
Copy elevation_2016
from the PERMANENT
mapset to the current mapset
using the module
The input elevation map must be in the current mapset
so that it can be registered in the temporal datasbase.
g.region region=region res=1
r.mask vector=watershed
g.copy raster=elevation_2016@PERMANENT,elevation_2016
Run r.sim.terrain with the USPED model
for a 120 min event with a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/hr
at a 3 minute interval.
Set the empirical coefficients m and n
for the upslope contributing area and the slope to
1.5 and 1.2 respectively.
Optionally use the -f
flag to fill depressions
in order to reduce the effect of positive feedback loops.
This simulation may take approximately 3 minutes to run.
r.sim.terrain -f elevation=elevation_2016 runs=event mode=usped_mode rain_intensity=50.0 rain_duration=120 rain_interval=3 m=1.5 n=1.2
To simulate landscape evolution using RUSLE with
spatially variable landcover and soil erodibility factors
use c_factor
and k_factor
raster maps.
Rerun the model with the --overwrite
r.sim.terrain -f elevation=elevation_2016 runs=event mode=usped_mode rain_intensity=50.0 rain_duration=120 rain_interval=3 m=1.5 n=1.2 c_factor=c_factor k_factor=k_factor erdepmin=-0.25 erdepmax=0.25 density_value=1.6 grav_diffusion=0.05 --overwrite
Display the results with the raster map net_difference
and a raster legend.
d.rast map=net_difference
d.legend raster=net_difference range=-2,2
Create a new mapset called simwe
with the module
g.mapset -c mapset=simwe location=nc_spm_evolution
Set your region to the study area with 1 meter resolution
using the module
Copy elevation_2016
from the PERMANENT
mapset to the current mapset
using the module
The input elevation map must be in the current mapset
so that it can be registered in the temporal datasbase.
g.region region=region res=1
g.copy raster=elevation_2016@PERMANENT,elevation_2016
Run r.sim.terrain with the SIMWE model
for a 120 min event with a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/hr.
Optionally use the -f
flag to fill depressions
in order to reduce the effect of positive feedback loops.
This simulation may take hours to run.
r.sim.terrain -f elevation=elevation_2016 runs=event mode=simwe_mode rain_intensity=50.0 rain_interval=120 rain_duration=120 walkers=1000000 manning=mannings runoff=runoff grav_diffusion=0.05 erdepmin=-0.25 erdepmax=0.25
Set the watershed as a mask using the module
r.mask and then
display the results with the raster map net_difference
and a raster legend.
r.mask vector=watershed
d.rast map=net_difference
d.legend raster=net_difference range=-2,2
In GRASS GIS on Ubuntu turn on OpenMP support with:
./configure --with-openmp
Then you use the threads
flag when running r.sim.terrain in SIMWE mode
for parallel processing. In another terminal use htop
to see CPU usage.
r.sim.terrain -f elevation=elevation_2016 runs=event mode=simwe_mode rain_intensity=50.0 rain_interval=120 rain_duration=120 walkers=1000000 manning=mannings runoff=runoff grav_diffusion=0.05 erdepmin=-0.25 erdepmax=0.25 threads=8
For a dynamic landscape evolution simulation the rain_interval
should be set to the approximate travel time
for a particle of water to cross the study region. To calculate this
use r.sim.water
to compute the discharge rate.
Calculate the mean velocity with
r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation_2016 dx=dx dy=dy
r.sim.water elevation=elevation_2016 dx=dx dy=dy depth=depth discharge=discharge nwalkers=1000000 map=discharge
Then calculate the travel time as a function of mean velocity and distance.
travel time = mean velocity (m/s) * distance (m)
184.165 s = 0.36833 m/s * 500 m
Alternatively travel time could also be computed using the add-on or the add-on r.traveltime.