@author: Adriaan
In order to compile cython files a setup.py file must be executed with the following command. ''' python setup.py build_ext --inplace '''
Most likely you will get a vcvarshall not found error when compiling on windows the first time. This is because cython needs MS visual studio. See also: https://github.com/cython/cython/wiki/CythonExtensionsOnWindows
The following gives a clear explanation on how to fix versions redirection of the visual studio for compiling c++ https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/jfp/entry/Installing_Cython_On_Anaconda_On_Windows?lang=en. It tells you
- Install MS visual studio with c++ compiler
- Edit distutils file hidden deep in the python folder
MS visual studio 2015 has a free academic version that can be downloaded here make sure you check c++ drivers when installing. If you forget you can start a c++ project and it will prompt you to install.