- Include 'dynamicTable' dependency to your app:
var app = angular.module('app', [ 'dynamicTable' ]);
- Configure the service (optional):
[ 'dynamicTableProvider',
function (dynamicTableProvider) {
} ]
By default dynamicTable text strings are all English. You can translate them to another language by specifying translation filter.
If you use angular-translate replace 'foobar' with 'translate', and if you use angular-globalize-wrapper set it to 'glMessage'.
Add the strings to your translation system:
"DT_BANNER_LOADING": "Loading... Please wait",
"DT_BANNER_EMPTY": "Nothing found",
"DT_BANNER_ERROR": "Error loading table",
"DT_BUTTON_PAGE_SIZE": "Page size",
"DT_LABEL_CURRENT_PAGE": "Current page",
"DT_LABEL_ALL_PAGES": "All pages",
"DT_LABEL_PAGE_OF_1": "Page",
"DT_LABEL_PAGE_OF_2": "of #",
"DT_LABEL_FILTER_LIKE": "Strings like",
"DT_LABEL_FILTER_EQUAL": "Values equal to",
"DT_LABEL_FILTER_BETWEEN_START": "Values greater than or equal to",
"DT_LABEL_FILTER_BETWEEN_END": "Values less than or equal to",
"DT_LABEL_FILTER_NULL": "Include rows with empty value in this column",
"DT_LABEL_TRUE": "True",
"DT_LABEL_FALSE": "False",
- Instantiate table controller with the help of the dynamicTable service:
['$scope', 'dynamicTable',
function($scope, dynamicTable) {
$scope.tableCtrl = dynamicTable({
url: '/table.php',
row_id_column: 'id',
sort_column: 'id',
mapper: function (row) {
if (row['boolean'] != null) {
row['boolean'] = '<i class="glyphicon '
+ (row['boolean'] ? 'glyphicon-ok text-success' : 'glyphicon-remove text-danger')
+ '"></i>';
if (row['datetime'] != null) {
var m = momenti.unix(row['datetime']).local(); // convert from UTC UNIX timestamp
row['datetime'] = m.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); // to browser timezone string
return row;
dynamicTable service returns a function which expects jQuery plugin parameters object as its argument.
- Use dynamic-table directive in your template:
<div id="my-table" dynamic-table="tableCtrl"></div>
- Watch for plugin events if you need to:
$scope.$watch('tableCtrl.event', function () {
if (!$scope.tableCtrl.event)
var event = $scope.tableCtrl.event;
$scope.tableCtrl.event = null;
switch (event) {
case 'loading': console.log('Table is loading'); break;
case 'loaded': console.log('Table has been loaded'); break;
case 'selected': console.log('Row selected'); break;
case 'deselected': console.log('Row deselected'); break;
case 'http-error': console.log('HTTP Error: ' + $scope.tableCtrl.statusCode); break;
- You can get the plugin instance and use it directly:
var thePlugin = $scope.tableCtrl.pugin;
console.log(thePlugin.getSelected()); // Or any other plugin method