diff --git a/content/_session/parts/formatting.md b/content/_session/parts/formatting.md
index 5f97818..8d47143 100644
--- a/content/_session/parts/formatting.md
+++ b/content/_session/parts/formatting.md
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Though `
` is the largest, it is recommended that you should start with `
These levels the fonts are **bolded**.
Because of their smaller sizes, the bold type will make them stand out.
+###### Special `h6`
+Last header is special, `` has a dark theme.
### Quotations
@@ -46,26 +49,66 @@ Quotations begin with a `>`. To separate the lines put a space between lines pre
### Bullet and Number Lists
-- First major
- - First minor
- - First macro
- - Second macro
- - Second minor
-- Second major
- > Outside quote
+###### Sample
+- Bullets begin either with a `-` or a `*`
+ - Child bullets are indented aligned to the character after the space
+ - Subsequent bullets are aligned the same way
+ - 4th level bullet
+ - You can mix numbered lists under a bullet
+ 1. This line has a prefix `1.`
+ - This is a `-`
+ 1. This is a `1.`
+ 2. This is a `2.`
+1. Numbered list
+ To separate from above list, place an empty line in between.
+2. With child lists
+ Align blocks texts by indentation to the first character after the space.
+ - This line starts with a `-`
+ 1. This line starts with a `1.`
+ Note that it changes to a lowered-case character
+ 1. Greek alpha under numbered
+ 2. Second alpha
+ 2. Second enumerated alpha
+ > Quotation
+ - Back to bullet
- 1. Numbered list under bullet
- 1. Alpha under numbered
- 2. Second alpha
- > Other quotes
+ ```
+ - code block
+ ```
- 2. Second number
- > Quotations inside a list
+###### This Course Overview
- - Back to bullet
+1. __Segment 1__: _Theme's Overview_
+ - Session 1: Syllabus & Course Overview
+ - Session 2: AskClass Course Theme Intro
+ - Assignment 1
+ - Due Oct 7
+ - Get AskClass Course Theme Running `part 1`
+2. __Segment 2__: _Diving Deeper_
+ - Session 3: Formatting Content (this page)
+ - Assigment 2
+ - Due Oct 16
+ - Hosting Your Page on GitHub `part 2`
+ - Quiz
+ - Due Oct 17
+ - Seek Knowledge & Gain Wisdom
+3. __Segment 3__: _Conversations_
+ 1. Making Conversations
+ 2. Continuing the Dialog
Section 2
## Special Formatting
@@ -76,6 +119,31 @@ Below are special formatting for AskClass Course Theme only.
Use `` to hide text.
+### Separator Lines
+We support `----` for separators but also have 2 additional special classes: `section` and `logo`.
+###### Section Separator
+Using the above code will create an ornate separator as you see between sections 1 & 2 above.
+###### Logo Separator
+Similar to above separator but places your logo in the center.
+You can customize this image by modifying `_sass/init.scss`:
+$icon-logo: url('/assets/logo-icon.svg');
### Poems
@@ -93,5 +161,7 @@ _Note:_ You need to make the screen narrower to see the hanging indentation.
That makes calamity of so long life;
[Markdown Math]: https://acn.askclass.com/2022/06/20/markdown-math-support
[GitHub Markdown]: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github